
Glory of Kings: The Five Transformation Heroes in the S35 Season, Have You Got It?

author:Sword Wind King Small Class
Glory of Kings: The Five Transformation Heroes in the S35 Season, Have You Got It?

Hello everyone, I'm Jian Feng. After many seasons of Honor of Kings, Season 35 brings us a new battle mode: Tanye. There are several heroes who were originally junglers, but they have successfully transformed into tanks and achieved remarkable results on the battlefield.

First, let's look at Mengqi. The hero's variable physical nature allows him to give the team a financial advantage early on. And his image as a wild core in the S35 season gradually faded out, but in the form of a meat outfit, as a tank to resist the enemy's damage, shouldering the heavy responsibility for his teammates.

Glory of Kings: The Five Transformation Heroes in the S35 Season, Have You Got It?

Next we are going to talk about Miyamoto Musashi. He originally debuted as an assassin, but in the S35 season, we see him more and more in the canyon as a bloody survival. He still maintains a certain amount of output, while greatly improving his survivability, becoming a stubborn line of defense in the team.

Glory of Kings: The Five Transformation Heroes in the S35 Season, Have You Got It?

Next, let's talk about Dian Wei. Although he was originally an offensive hero, in S35 he became a real tank by equipping it more defensively. He took a lot of damage in team battles, and at the same time, through the output of his skills, he put a lot of pressure on the enemy.

Glory of Kings: The Five Transformation Heroes in the S35 Season, Have You Got It?

Then there's Cao Cao, who used to be a warrior hero who relied on attack and burst ability, and after switching to a tank, he still maintains a certain output ability, but more importantly, his ability to bear damage, he can inflict pressure on enemies in team fights while providing protection to teammates. And the full-meat Cao Cao is also very popular in the passerby game, due to his high frankness and ultimate recovery ability, he can help the team block most of the damage.

Glory of Kings: The Five Transformation Heroes in the S35 Season, Have You Got It?

Finally, let's take a look at Pei Baohu. His uniqueness lies in the fact that he is also a Wild Core Hero, who can contribute a lot to the team by transforming his form into a tank hero and playing a role of control and damage bearing in team battles.

Glory of Kings: The Five Transformation Heroes in the S35 Season, Have You Got It?

These are the five transformational heroes in the S35 season, and as a veteran player, I am happy for their successful transformation, because it not only brings us a new gaming experience, but also provides us with more possibilities to play. I'm Jian Feng, and I'm looking forward to meeting you again in the canyon in the new season, listening to the changes in the canyon together, and feeling the charm of the heroes together.