
Honor of Kings: A few disappointing collector's skins, it's really not worth it!

author:Sword Wind King Small Class

Hello everyone, I'm Jian Feng. I've changed a lot of Honor of Kings skins, some of which I feel like are very valuable, and some of which I don't. Today, I'm going to tell you which three Glory Collection skins are, in my opinion, really not worth the amount of Glory Crystals we have to pay in exchange.

Honor of Kings: A few disappointing collector's skins, it's really not worth it!

First of all, I want to talk about the holographic shatter of the Monkey King. Even though it was one of the original Honor Archive skins, to be honest, I feel like the design really hasn't kept up with the times. The overall color was too dull, it looked like it had been splashed with ink, and the special effects were nothing new, and I couldn't find anything different from normal skin, which made me feel disappointed.

Honor of Kings: A few disappointing collector's skins, it's really not worth it!

The next thing to talk about is Diao Chan's Phantom Song. I know that many players decide to buy this skin because it looks so beautiful, but when I actually used it, I felt like it didn't live up to my expectations. The only feature of this skin is that a lace appears on the edge of the screen when you use a passive skill. Other than that, it's no different from a regular legendary skin, which makes me feel like it's not worth it.

Honor of Kings: A few disappointing collector's skins, it's really not worth it!

Finally, I would like to talk about the starry sky dream of Luban 7. This is the one Honor Collection skin that I regret redeeming the most. While the effects are good, I think it's a far cry from the title "Collection of Glory". Especially the special effect of returning to the city, I think it feels very perfunctory, and it is not even as good as Luban's other skins.

Honor of Kings: A few disappointing collector's skins, it's really not worth it!

Overall, I think these three skins are the least worth trading for out of all the Glory Collection skins. Of course, this is just my personal opinion of Sword Wind, if you have a special preference for these skins, then of course you can go for them. But my suggestion is that the more expensive the prize, the more rationally we should consider whether it is really worth it before deciding to exchange it. I hope you find my sharing helpful and hope that you will find more fun in the game.