
On the wedding night, the bride made an upper couplet, and the groom connected two lower couplets, and the second one made the woman blush

author:Collect and tell stories

According to legend, in ancient times, there was a woman named Li Xinran in the south of the Yangtze River, who was the only daughter of Li Yuanwai on the rich side. Such a woman, of course, has become a goddess in the hearts of many people, and when she reaches the age of marriage, there is an endless stream of people who come to propose marriage.

On the wedding night, the bride made an upper couplet, and the groom connected two lower couplets, and the second one made the woman blush

Father Li Yuanwai was overjoyed, and he was also dazzled. But this Miss Li has no one she likes, and she always wants to marry a talented husband who she likes.

So he chose to recruit relatives in the couplet, Li Yuanwai disagreed at first, and then thought about it, everything is inferior, only if the reading is high, the family can read, and the reading is good, the future is also unlimited, and the title of the gold list in the future is also a matter of glorious lintel.

On the wedding night, the bride made an upper couplet, and the groom connected two lower couplets, and the second one made the woman blush

As soon as the family is totaled, it will soon be ready to recruit relatives for the couplet, but whether it is right or not, Miss Li has the final say, and now she has the final right to interpretation.

On the day of the recruitment, the scene was crowded, and many people wanted to hug the beauty and marry this talented and beautiful young lady.

Miss Li's clothes were fluttering and colorful, and everyone in the audience was fascinated. Miss Li's lips opened lightly, and she first came out with a link: the spring breeze caresses the south of the willow river

As soon as her couplet came out, many men racked their brains, and their heads raced.

On the wedding night, the bride made an upper couplet, and the groom connected two lower couplets, and the second one made the woman blush

Someone is right: Winter snow presses Meiling Beibai

Someone is right: the twilight clouds cover the moon and the sea is secluded

Although they can all be right, Miss Li seems to feel that there is nothing to motivate her, and she has not made a clear statement.

At this time, there was a man, dressed in a long shirt and a Xiao hanging from his waist, looking handsome, elegant and generous, and slowly said a couplet "Autumn Moon Zhao Jusai Beixiang"

Miss Li didn't say anything, but she still had some good feelings for this man, and there was no winner in the first round.

On the wedding night, the bride made an upper couplet, and the groom connected two lower couplets, and the second one made the woman blush

Miss Li came out with another couplet: the lotus fragrance in the painting is faint

Several people came out, but the man's lower couplet Miss Li was more satisfied, and his lower couplet was: The moonlight rhyme in the poem is long

Miss Li already had some appreciation for this man in her heart, so she came out with another couplet: playing the piano Yayun bosom friend drunk

The man was still smiling, calm, and blurted out without thinking: Writing Huazhang is an idiot

Li Xinran was very satisfied, this is the person he was looking for, he walked up to his father, whispered to his father, and informed the result.

On the wedding night, the bride made an upper couplet, and the groom connected two lower couplets, and the second one made the woman blush

Not surprisingly, this man stood out and became Li Yuanwai's fast son-in-law.

On the day of the candle night in the cave room, the groom gently lifted Li Xinran's hijab, the red candle swayed, and the bride smiled.

The two drank a glass of wine together, and the bride said shyly: "Husband, you and I are connected to each other, why don't we have a couplet?" ”

"Please also ask the lady to teach."

"Smile blowing the lamp and being proud"

When the bridegroom heard this, he took his wife's hand and said, "Affectionately hold hands and rejoice."

Li Xinran was overjoyed to hear her husband's affectionate confession, and buried her head in the other party's arms.

On the wedding night, the bride made an upper couplet, and the groom connected two lower couplets, and the second one made the woman blush

The groom smiled and continued: "Lady, it seems more appropriate to have a lower link here for the husband! ”

The bride looked up at her husband and said curiously, "Come and listen." ”

The bridegroom said, "Shame and joy with you"

Hearing this, Li Xinran blushed happily, and said shyly: "I hate it." ”

The red candles in the room are flickering, and the light gauze curtain is full of spring......

[You in front of the screen, what other good couplets are there, welcome to share in the comment area]