
The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded
In the past two days, there has been a set of popular tags on Twitter, which is quite close to the daily life of our office workers - "Affairsミスcontestants", that is, to share various mistakes that occur at work.

Some people shared their unexpected situations such as stamping mistakes, shredder tragedy, or typing mistakes in documents. Although they are all small things, they are also "social animals", and I believe that it is easy to resonate.

▼ Stamped, but completely forgot that there is such a thing as a transparent file folder...

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

Image from: @shintaclaus5277

▼ I photocopied 100 sheets in a row, and I found out after all of them were printed - a big problem?

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded
The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

Image from: @chaiondrums

▼ I was going to print the theme of this speech, but I forgot to enlarge the font...

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

Image from: @sosweetmint

▼ The miscellaneous expenses to be paid on the inquisition form were turned into execution fees

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

Image credit: @Yukiguni_K_

▼ Directly threw the 10,000 yuan bill into the shredder, and finally desperately restored it (I have to say, the manual level is Max)

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

Image from: @E_Casiano14

▼ I understand, I have died ... ... ...

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

Image from: @stscd

▼ When I shredded paper, I accidentally clipped the tie in.,Fortunately, the section chief cut the tie with scissors quickly.,Otherwise... .... (Please do not imitate dangerous movements!) )

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

Image from: @lost_liszt

▼I forgot to remove the cap when stamping, but it turned out to be like this after the stamp was stamped (laughs)

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

Image from: @aya_degukota

▼ It is also a shredder shredded banknote tragedy, but this is difficult to save, it is recommended to ask the upstairs for tips.

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

Image from: @Antares_rocket

▼ It was supposed to be written as a transaction センター, but the brain was one step faster than the hand, and it turned out to be like this...

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

Image from: @ffmelcole

▼ Although it is not a workplace mistake, I once had a reason to leave early because my glasses were broken... (Social animals with high myopia feel the same way)

The Japanese Society's Animal Farm is outrageously rewarded

Image from: @tpghh624

In short, even seemingly small mistakes can affect our work and mood to some extent. Perhaps because of this, we should be more serious and cautious about our work, but at the same time, we must learn to be tolerant of our small mistakes.

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