
How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

author:Tomato loves entertainment
How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

In this issue:

How terrible can human jealousy be?

After reading the sharing of netizens, my three views have been refreshed!

Text: Tomato loves entertainment

Edit|Tomato Love Entertainment

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage


It is said that people's hearts are unpredictable, and jealousy can make people unrecognizable.

But most netizens often regard "envy, jealousy and hate" as a common ridicule on their lips.

But they're just high-mouthed, and they don't really have any harmful intentions.

However, some people's behavior is much more terrifying!


It wasn't until I saw the experiences of these people below that I realized that jealousy can really make people "enchanted"!

I really believe you when you say this, how many girls have suffered because of this.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Grandma really wants you to do well, and the others, too realistic.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Your colleague is really "wronged", although he doesn't necessarily care about this aspect, but this is too miserable! [covers face]

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Don't even say it, these situations really happen all the time around us.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Your girlfriend's logic is also drunk, how can you have a feeling of watching your jokes?

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

To be honest, life is still for yourself, and you still have to keep a low profile.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Sometimes, the relationship between relatives is really speechless! [Blackface]

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Not necessarily, right? Not everyone aspires to a life.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Hehe~ I didn't expect it, if you keep living in the eyes of others, it will be too tiring.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

No way? This act can already constitute the crime of injury, right? But total apathy is certainly not a good thing.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage
How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

How is this embarrassing curse? Isn't it a sister?

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Listening to you say this, it seems to make sense, and it's really strange to be speechless.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

I didn't expect this, how could my biological father think like this? [decay]

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

It can be seen that your best friend's intentions are a little bad.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Wow! The secondary school in the 80s has a really high gold content!

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

The little sister agrees with this, and it is estimated that everyone will not like the existence of this type of person too much.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Let's think about the benefits, will she just want to care about the baby's grades?

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

OMG! It's so embarrassing, what a good little girl, what's in his way!

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Not to mention the college entrance examination, I feel that the big exam in my life will filter out such a group of people.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

With such a reaction, is it still small? What a redefinition of the meaning of the word "hair small"!

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

As for it? On this day of great joy, this whole thing is really harmful to others and not to oneself. [tears run]

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

No way? That's too ruthless, isn't it? The unborn child is so innocent!

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

No, you wait, where does the chicken hurt, how do you know? [covers face]

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

It is reasonable, the level of character is judged at this moment.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Boy! It seems that there are many Aquarius like this~ I hope you can continue to be happy.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

It stands to reason that this wouldn't be the kind of reaction that really cares about you?

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

This is what a normal person should think, even if there is a little jealousy, it can't hurt others.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

Don't say you don't understand, Xiaomei was even more puzzled when she read the comment area, sure enough, human beings are diverse.

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

This aunt really knows how to use the most ruthless way to destroy a little girl's reputation!

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

After reading it, I really think that the truth you told your daughter is very important!

How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage
How terrible can a person's jealousy be? Netizen: My girlfriend took a sip of my milk tea, and I had a miscarriage

After reading the answers of these netizens, Xiaomei really felt that what netizens said was right, and people were unpredictable.

You still have to keep a low profile and show off less, maybe you can reduce a lot of trouble for yourself.

What do you have to say about that? You can discuss it with Xiaomei in the comment area~

The topic of this issue will be shared here first, welcome, like and collect this eggplant, and pay attention not to get lost~

Disclaimer: The content of this article is excerpted from the comments of netizens, and there may be some fictional and exaggerated parts, if there are similarities, it is purely a coincidence, and I hope that readers will read it rationally. Pure sharing articles, no vulgarity, war and other bad orientation; In addition, this article has opened the rights protection function of the whole network, which is the original first work, only updated in the headlines, and if there is plagiarism, it must be investigated!

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