
In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

author:A lesson in history

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In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

The first batch of 260,000 volunteers quietly crossed the border to North Korea to participate in the war, why didn't the U.S. military find out? Expert on the history of the American war: This is simply a miracle!

In 1950, the Korean War broke out. In order to rescue socialist allies and defend his own national defense and security interests in Northeast China, Chairman Mao resolutely made instructions to send troops to North Korea to resist the US military.

On October 8, 1950, Chairman Mao officially issued a combat order. The 260,000 border troops waiting in the northeastern border area of the mainland immediately marched toward the Sino-DPRK border in full gear.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

With such a large force, it is extremely difficult to rush to Korea while the enemy has air superiority.

However, what is puzzling is that the 260,000 volunteers of our army who entered the DPRK in the first batch survived the US military reconnaissance and quietly appeared in the DPRK. American experts shouted: It is simply impossible! It's nothing short of a miracle!

Why did our army choose to quietly cross the border? How did the volunteers evade the detection of the US military?

Click to pay attention and walk into the story of the Volunteer Army's entry into the war in North Korea.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

Entered the Korean War

The Korean Peninsula has a very special geographical location and has occupied an important place in the history of East Asia since ancient times. Although its overall area is not large, it is very important for China, Japan, Russia and other countries because of its special location.

After the end of World War II, the Korean Peninsula was freed from the Japanese army. In order to achieve their hegemony in the Pacific region, the United States and the Soviet Union actively fostered their local forces in North Korea and tried to use East Asia as the front line of confrontation between the two countries.

In 1950, with the acquiescence of the Soviet Union, North Korea rashly started a battle for the reunification of the peninsula. Although the South Korean forces were supported by the United States, their combat effectiveness was very limited, and they soon suffered a complete retreat.

Just when North Korea was just one step away from reunifying the peninsula, the United States shamelessly united the troops of more than 10 countries and brazenly joined the battle.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

Under the strong firepower of the U.S. military, the North Korean forces were defeated one after another, and were not only driven back to China, but also lost important cities one after another.

In the course of attacking the North Korean troops, the Americans once invaded the northeastern border of the mainland in an attempt to spread the flames of war to the mainland and deal a major blow to the newly established New China.

Faced with such a situation, the mainland side can be said to have a great headache.

First of all, as a member of the socialist camp, the mainland empathizes with North Korea's plight and does not want to see it being bullied by the United Nations forces.

Second, the northeastern border of the mainland is closely connected with North Korea. If North Korea is completely defeated by the United Nations forces, the Korean Peninsula will fall into the hands of South Korea and the United States, which will put tremendous pressure on the defense and security of the mainland.

In particular, when the United States has deliberately caused trouble to the east, it is naturally difficult for the mainland to stay out of the situation.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

But at that time, the mainland had only been established for nearly a year. Before that, we were a country that was humiliated by the great powers and lived in poverty.

Whether it is from the economic point of view or from the military level, the mainland does not seem to be able to make the possibility of making a decision to enter the war.

In the early assumptions of the United States and the Soviet Union, it was never considered that China would actually enter the war.

After all, in life, no one can believe that a thin person who was bullied and beaten at will before was able to attack the abuser immediately after standing up again.

The United States, for its part, has always focused its defense on the Soviet Union, fearing that it will take the lead for North Korea. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, had evil intentions and hoped to use the defeat of North Korea as a reason for itself to send troops south.

However, no one on either side expected that the mainland would finally choose to send troops to aid North Korea!

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

On the mainland, the vast majority of military generals are actually opposed to sending troops. After all, from a practical point of view, the possibility that the mainland will be able to defeat the United Nations forces, especially the US military, is too small.

However, Chairman Mao understood what it meant to "fight with one punch, lest a hundred punches come", and if he did not fight, China would never have peace in the future, and there would never be a day when the Chinese nation would emerge.

At Chairman Mao's insistence, the Central Committee finally adopted the relevant plan to send troops to Korea to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

Long before the decision of the Central Committee, in fact, our army began to prepare for mobilization. In July 1950, the mainland reorganized the main force of the 13th Corps of the East Field Corps into the Northeast Frontier Army, ready to deal with foreign invaders at any time.

In the process of reorganizing the troops, our army also began to carry out reconnaissance operations in advance, going to the Sino-DPRK border to secretly investigate the relevant situation.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

Wu Ruilin, commander of the 42nd Army of our army, even led his subordinates to disguise themselves as train drivers and quietly infiltrated North Korea. In the course of investigation, Wu Ruilin was surprised to find that the water surface of the Yalu River in the Ji'an port area was wide and calm, and the water depth was shallow, which could not drown people.

Wu Ruilin searched for local bluestones and quietly built an underwater bridge of 375 meters that could be used by vehicles.

This provided an important means for our army to go to Korea on a large scale later.

On October 8, 1950, Chairman Mao officially issued an order to resist and aid Korea. The Northeast Frontier Army was officially reorganized into a volunteer army and marched towards Korea.

However, after the central government gave clear instructions and orders, a strange phenomenon appeared.

It turned out that in the course of their daily patrols, the US military only found that there were troops from the Chinese side massing at the border, but they did not find that the troops were crossing the border at all.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

But not long after, the mainland's first batch of 260,000 volunteers suddenly appeared in North Korea, taking the US military by surprise.

What's going on here?

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!


The first batch of 260,000 volunteers quietly crossed the border to North Korea to participate in the war, why didn't the U.S. military find out? Expert on the history of the American war: This is simply a miracle!

In early October 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteers received orders from the central authorities and left for the Korean battlefield. However, soon after, the US military discovered a strange phenomenon.

Under the surveillance of US reconnaissance planes and radars, the Chinese army is clearly advancing towards the border area. But they did not find that Chinese troops had entered North Korea in large numbers.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

However, the number of Chinese troops in the border areas is always decreasing, and they have inexplicably disappeared from the surveillance of the US military. It was not until six days later that a volunteer army of about 50,000 people was detected by the American side.

But at this time it was too late, the first batch of our troops had completely entered Korea, and soon after, they directly engaged the South Korean army on the Korean border and repelled the invading South Korean troops.

The US military finally couldn't help the doubts in its heart and raised a big question - how did the Chinese People's Volunteers evade detection and secretly enter North Korea?

To explain exactly how the volunteers quietly entered North Korea, it is necessary to explain in advance why the volunteers chose such an elusive way of transit.

Although the central government issued instructions to resist US aggression and aid Korea, Chairman Mao and other central leaders were even more confident in entering the Korean War. But in fact, no one is blindly confident that our army has surpassed the US army at that time.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

The leaders of our army are aware that there is a huge difference between the volunteer army and the US army in terms of weapons and equipment.

Such differences make it impossible for our army to engage in a frontal battle with the US military in the course of operations.

On the contrary, our army needs to give full play to the greatest advantages of the people's army and use its flexibility to carry out roundabout operations and interspersed with outflanking methods. Use tactical superiority to offset the disadvantage in the level of weapons.

And if you want to complete the roundabout interspersed operation, the most important thing is to conceal your whereabouts and take surprise attacks. Only in this way can we give full play to the strengths of our army and let the unsuspecting US troops fall into the trap of the volunteers.

And the surprise attack operation, the effect at the beginning of the battle is naturally the best. Therefore, at the very beginning of an operation into North Korea, it must be kept secret and "secretly" enter North Korea to provide support.

It's easier said than done. It is very difficult for the 260,000 volunteers to penetrate into North Korea like ghosts without realizing it.

At that time, although the US military did not have advanced night vision equipment, it had a very rich number of radar and reconnaissance planes. At night, the U.S. military will also throw a large number of flares into the sky, illuminating the battlefield as bright as day.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

Our army also exhausted all means in order to secretly cross the border. First of all, in terms of attire, volunteer troops are not allowed to wear any ornaments that indicate their nationality and troops. Even the five-pointed star emblem, which was most commonly used by the mainland army, was ordered to be taken down by the organization.

This will not only make it easy for people to be tongue-struck and labeled as armed intervention in other countries, but it will also be able to conceal the identity of the volunteer army to a certain extent, so that the United Nations forces can mistake it for a North Korean force.

In addition, during the march, the volunteers were expressly forbidden to keep quiet and not to speak loudly at will. The route of the march was communicated by the North Korean police in the language of the flag.

In order to avoid the ubiquitous US fighters during the day, the volunteer troops uniformly adopted the night marching method, starting at 6:30 p.m. every day and hiding again before 5 a.m.

In order to pass through the US reconnaissance area as quickly as possible, the first batch of 260,000 troops to fight in the DPRK have always remained lightly armed and have not been equipped with heavy weapons. The relevant supplies were also transported by mules and horses, and there was no appearance of troops marching at all.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

During the period of recuperation, the troops were also not allowed to live and cook, and the prepared dry food was uniformly used. In order not to leave clues, the army will also send special personnel to deal with the traces of the march of the large army.

With the blessing of these various means, the 260,000 People's Volunteers smoothly entered the territory of the DPRK like a "ghost" and launched a surprise attack on the United Nations forces.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

Victory in the first battle

The first batch of 260,000 volunteers quietly crossed the border to North Korea to participate in the war, why didn't the U.S. military find out? Expert on the history of the American war: This is simply a miracle!

Because of the success of the concealed marching tactics in the early stage, the volunteers did not cause a major reaction from the United Nations forces after the whole army entered Korea.

Especially for MacArthur, the Chinese had just sent a small force into North Korea and had already discovered their tracks in a matter of days, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

In its early understanding, the volunteers did not have the courage to actually enter Korea. Even if they did enter Korea, they would only be able to fight against the backward troops of the Kuomintang army, where would they be the opponent of the arrogant American army.

Therefore, under such thoughts, the United Nations forces are even more radical and abnormal. At one point, the United Nations forces even raised the slogan "Occupy Korea before Thanksgiving and return home for Christmas."

However, what awaits the UN forces is not a warm and sweet Christmas, but the cold muzzle of the volunteers.

On October 25, 1950, the subordinate units of the 40th Army of the People's Volunteers marched to the areas of Liangshuidong and Fengxiadong. Here, the Volunteers accidentally discovered the strength of a battalion of South Korean infantry that was coming from the Onjeong area and attacking the Bukjin area.

Because of the proper concealment, the South Korean troops did not detect our troops. The volunteer army of the ministry immediately launched an attack. Hit the South Korean army by surprise.

The enemy was suddenly attacked, and in an instant they fell into confusion and fled in all directions. Our army pursued the victory and annihilated it completely. The victory in the first battle obviously made a good start for the volunteers.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

At the same time, the United Nations Army, because it was not aware that the 260,000 main forces of our army had entered Korea, still adopted a rash advance strategy, and the large force advanced to Unsan, Heecheon and other areas.

After careful analysis, Shiji prepared to use the South Korean troops in the Heecheon area as bait to launch the first campaign by "encircling the point and sending reinforcements".

However, it is disappointing that both South Korea and the U.S. military are indifferent to the small forces that are attacking lightly and being besieged by our army. In the Unsan area, there happened to be troops from one of South Korea's main divisions.

The generals of our army's ace 39th Army, who were responsible for monitoring the Yunshan area, keenly discovered that although the enemy was holding on to Yunshan, there was obviously a disadvantage in both fortifications and combat effectiveness, and he was a target that could be attacked.

Shiji was even more worried that the plan would not work, and after learning of the situation, he immediately decided to encircle on three sides and focus on Yunshan. So a siege battle against Yunshan began.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

Although the top brass of the US military at that time still did not believe that the volunteers had entered the DPRK in large numbers, the South Korean troops stationed in Unsan were frightened and hurriedly proposed to retreat. In order to consolidate the defensive line, the U.S. military had no choice but to use the main force of the 1st Cavalry Division, the ace of the United States, to the Yunshan position.

As a result, an unexpected main battle between China and the United States began.

On the evening of November 1, 1950, the Battle of Yunshan began. Under the "call" of the Volunteer Army's charge, the three main divisions of the 39th Army launched an attack from the south, north and east.

Although the enemy's artillery fire was very strong, our troops had already changed their charging tactics in response to this situation. After the first round of shelling, the main forces of our army basically completed the charge and arrived in front of the American formation.

As the sky gradually darkened, the volunteers, who were good at night battles, began to play to their advantage. In the face of the volunteers attacking like ghosts from all directions, the troops of the 1st U.S. Cavalry Division soon collapsed.

In 1950, 260,000 volunteers entered North Korea in concealment, and the U.S. military did not find it at all, which is a miracle!

After nearly two days of fighting, most of the 8th Regiment of the 1st US Cavalry Division was annihilated, and the main force of nearly 1 regiment of the 1st South Korean Division was annihilated.

After the victory in the Battle of Yunshan, our army took advantage of the victory to pursue and use a roundabout plan to surprise the main force of the US Eighth Army located on the front line. Embattled, the UN forces launched a general retreat.

With all their might, the Volunteers drove the enemy back from the Yalu River to the south of the Cheongchon River, smashed the enemy's plan to completely occupy Korea, and opened the curtain of the Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

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