
The biggest enemy of the United States has emerged, not China, Russia and North Korea, the United States called China, and Clinton reappeared

author:Xu Liang

Trump pointed out that the biggest enemy of the United States today is not on the outside but on the inside, and that China, Russia and North Korea are not the real threat. At the critical moment, the United States made three demands on China's phone call, and can Clinton's re-emergence save Biden's election disadvantage?

The first televised debate of the US presidential race held a few days ago has aroused widespread attention from all quarters. Not only because the outcome of this debate will be an important factor in the US presidential election, but more importantly, the course of this debate has led to a new storm within the Democratic Party. As the outside world can see, at the debate scene, the incumbent President Biden behaved very badly in the face of former President Trump, in addition to logical confusion, there are also slurred words and dull eyes, which makes many Democratic supporters very depressed after seeing this scene, and some people even cry directly, as if the Democratic Party has lost the presidential election. It is worth mentioning that after this debate, Trump's approval rating reached a staggering 65%, which is an increase of 10 percentage points from the previous 55%, which is enough to show the impact of this televised debate.

The biggest enemy of the United States has emerged, not China, Russia and North Korea, the United States called China, and Clinton reappeared

As the so-called "strike while the iron is hot", at a supporters' conference held a few days ago, Trump directly pointed the finger at Biden and the Democratic Party, saying that the biggest enemies of the United States at present are not China, Russia and North Korea, and if he can return to the White House, then the United States will get along very well with the above three countries. The real worst enemy of the United States is not on the outside, but on the inside. Although there is no specific information that is clearly named, the outside world knows that Trump is talking about Biden and the Democratic Party. In the eyes of Trump and his supporters, Biden has not let the United States out of the predicament in the past four years in office, but on the contrary, has caused the United States to sink deeper and deeper, which fully reflects the incompetence of the Biden administration. Moreover, Biden's age of more than 82 years old has also become the most criticized place by the outside world, and many American people do not believe that with his current physical state, Biden can fulfill his presidential duties. Some analysts pointed out that although the real purpose of Trump's statement was to add more election advantages to himself, there was really no problem with his remarks, and the current predicament of the United States had a lot to do with the domestic political elite.

The biggest enemy of the United States has emerged, not China, Russia and North Korea, the United States called China, and Clinton reappeared

At present, some of the diplomatic strategies and guidelines formulated by the US Government are not aimed at safeguarding the overall interests of the United States, but to ensure that the interests of some US politicians and parties are not affected. To put it bluntly, they don't care what kind of losses the United States endures, all they care about is how much benefit they can gain. Against this backdrop, the United States was caught in a dual economic and diplomatic dilemma, and eventually the crisis continued to worsen and began to turn against the United States itself. For Trump's "splashing dirty" behavior, Biden and the Democratic Party really do not have much way to counteract, because after Biden took office, the comprehensive national strength of the United States has deteriorated, which is an established fact and cannot be denied, so Biden is now focusing on China, hoping to achieve a desperate counterattack by playing the "China card". Recently, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Campbell took the initiative to call China and held an online meeting with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu, this time Campbell mainly put forward a number of demands to China on the Taiwan issue, the South China Sea issue and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, including not allowing unilateral changes to the status quo and not allowing military assistance to Russia.

The biggest enemy of the United States has emerged, not China, Russia and North Korea, the United States called China, and Clinton reappeared

In fact, the main purpose of Campbell's call this time is to increase the Biden administration's support and recognition among right-wing forces and conservative groups by showing a tough stance on China, after all, Biden is really running out of cards now. It is worth mentioning that in order to help Biden complete his re-election, two former US presidents, Obama and Clinton, have successively shouted in solidarity with Biden, calling on the public to continue to support Biden and make the right choice between "a person who tells the truth and distinguishes between right and wrong" and "a person who constantly lies for his own interests". But judging from the current situation, whether it is to take the initiative to play the "China card" or to obtain the support of many Democratic Party bigwigs, it is difficult for Biden to form an absolute advantage over Trump, age was once his proudest advantage, but now it has become his biggest disadvantage, if the Democratic Party can not make adjustments and changes in time, then Biden's re-election plan will become more and more slim.

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