
Du Wanzhong, president of Guohai Securities, has an annual salary of 1.893 million yuan, which is lower than that of Vice President Lang Meng, who worked in a glass factory in his early years


Operator Finance Network Intern Han Qing / Text

It has been more than 4 months since Du Wanzhong, president of Guohai Securities, turned positive, and the operator focused on Du Wanzhong this time and tried to reveal its past experience.

Du Wanzhong, president of Guohai Securities, has an annual salary of 1.893 million yuan, which is lower than that of Vice President Lang Meng, who worked in a glass factory in his early years

According to the public profile, Du Wanzhong was born in November 1967, is 57 years old this year, and is an MBA.

It is reported that he once worked in Wuhan Glass Factory as an ordinary employee, and later went to Wuhan Xinlian Wujiashan City Credit Cooperative as a loan officer; After that, he joined Wuhan Trust and Investment Company as a trader in the securities department, then he worked as a senior manager and business director of the bond department in the Wuhan securities trading business department of Junan Securities, and then he moved to Shenzhen Xingzhongtu Investment Co., Ltd. as a deputy general manager; After that, he moved to Minsheng Securities as the deputy general manager of the institutional business department.

After joining Guohai Securities, Du Wanzhong successively served as the deputy general manager of the fixed income securities department and the Shenzhen branch, the chief investment manager and deputy general manager of the securities proprietary branch, and the general manager of the financial market department.

In April 2019, he assumed the position of Director of the Financial Market Committee of Guohai Securities; Vice President in 2021; In December 2023, the board of directors of Guohai Securities appointed him to perform the duties of president on his behalf, and he became a regular in February this year.

According to Oriental Fortune Network and annual reports of previous years, Du Wanzhong, who was the vice president at the time, will have an annual salary of 2.119 million yuan in 2022 and an annual salary of 1.893 million yuan in 2023, a decrease of 226,000 yuan compared with the previous year. The newly appointed vice president Lang Meng's salary is 2.103 million, which is higher than him.

Du Wanzhong, president of Guohai Securities, has an annual salary of 1.893 million yuan, which is lower than that of Vice President Lang Meng, who worked in a glass factory in his early years

The 2023 Guohai Securities annual report disclosed that the company achieved a total operating income of 4.188 billion yuan during the reporting period, a year-on-year increase of 15.81%, a net profit attributable to the parent company of 326 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.118 billion yuan, and a non-net profit of 375 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.64%, with good performance.

It is worth mentioning that in April this year, the Jiangsu Securities Regulatory Bureau issued a warning letter: Guohai Securities in the process of performing continuous supervision duties in the non-public issuance of shares by Jintongling Technology Group Co., Ltd. in 2017, there were the following violations: failure to perform relevant obligations diligently, false records in the report issued during the continuous supervision period and non-compliance with the issuance procedures. Guohai Securities and related practitioners Lin Ju and Tang Bin were warned.

Du Wanzhong, president of Guohai Securities, has an annual salary of 1.893 million yuan, which is lower than that of Vice President Lang Meng, who worked in a glass factory in his early years

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