
Fudan students attacked the teacher at the graduation ceremony and were expelled from the school, and Peking University canceled his admission!

author:Miss Lin looks at technology

Some time ago, there was an incredible scene at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University Law School, I saw many teachers standing on the podium in a neat row to give degrees to the students in the audience, and a male student did not come to the teacher to accept the relevant ceremony like other students after coming to the stage, but walked straight to the teacher standing in the second position on the right, and swung a punch at the other party. After being beaten, the politeness of the teacher involved was knocked down, and many teachers next to him were stunned and panicked when they saw this, not knowing what happened! Then, the students involved quickly ran off the stage and left quickly!

Fudan students attacked the teacher at the graduation ceremony and were expelled from the school, and Peking University canceled his admission!

Many people do not understand why the student would make such a strange move on such a solemn occasion above the degree award, whether it was because of a personal grudge between the teacher and the student, and they wanted to take this opportunity to retaliate, or because of other reasons! Just when everyone was disagreeing, the staff of Fudan University responded that "the current situation is still under investigation and understanding", and it has not yet received conclusive results.

Fudan students attacked the teacher at the graduation ceremony and were expelled from the school, and Peking University canceled his admission!

After this incident, some careful netizens found that the student who beat him had been admitted to Peking University, and the student had previously applied for a master's degree in the Peking University Medical Department through the "application assessment system". After this incident, many people said that it was incredible, as a graduate of Fudan University, and at the same time about to be admitted to Peking University as a graduate student, it can be seen that his academic performance is not weak, but judging from the student's practice, the behavior of slapping the teacher in front of so many teachers and students not only does not have the basic respect for teachers, but also gives people the feeling of acting impulsively! Subsequently, Peking University responded to the matter, saying that the student was still in the ideological and moral assessment period and was not admitted! At the same time, Peking University also said that candidates who fail the ideological and moral assessment and have illegal and improper words and deeds will not be admitted.

Fudan students attacked the teacher at the graduation ceremony and were expelled from the school, and Peking University canceled his admission!

As the incident continues to be hotly discussed, Fudan University also gave an explanation of the incident, saying in the statement that the student did not hesitate to attack innocent teachers at the solemn graduation ceremony due to personal reasons, which deviated from the tradition of respecting teachers and valuing education, impacted the bottom line of social morality, damaged the reputation of the school, hurt the feelings of teachers, students and alumni, and caused a bad social impact. The student has been expelled from school, and the school and college have immediately expressed their condolences to the attacked teacher and cooperated with the police in conducting an in-depth and careful investigation.

Fudan students attacked the teacher at the graduation ceremony and were expelled from the school, and Peking University canceled his admission!

The incident finally came to a final conclusion, and the students involved also paid the price because of their impulsive behavior, not only was their graduate admission cancelled, but they were also expelled from the original school, which can be said to be more than worth the loss! If the student had been able to think carefully before making the move, and had been able to communicate or give feedback through reason in a timely manner after a conflict with the teacher, I believe that such a thing would not have happened!

Fudan students attacked the teacher at the graduation ceremony and were expelled from the school, and Peking University canceled his admission!

In short, respecting teachers is the foundation of students, as a student, you must keep it in mind, and don't ruin your future because of impulsiveness!