
The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

author:Interesting history

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the country was divided into thirteen prefectures, and the number of counties and countries under the jurisdiction of each state varied. Each state has a governor or pastor who is responsible for inspecting the county to which it belongs, supervising county officials and local forces, picketing illegal acts, and having the power to impeach corrupt officials. In the fifth year of Emperor Lingdi Zhongping of the Eastern Han Dynasty, important ministers of the imperial court began to be entrusted with the post of state pastor, and after that, the state was gradually transformed into an administrative region, and the state pastor became a fixed local military and political governor.

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

[1. Lieutenant Department of the Commander-in-Chief (司隶)]

It has jurisdiction over seven counties, a total of one hundred and six counties, and its administrative office is located in Luoyang County (now northeast of Luoyang, Henan). Its jurisdiction roughly covers the southern part of present-day Hebei, the northern part of Henan, the southern part of Shanxi and the Weihe Plain in Shaanxi. The main county towns include Henan, Hanoi, Ha Dong, and Hongnong.

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

【2. Yuzhou】

It has jurisdiction over six countries, ninety-seven counties, and is governed in Qian County (now Bozhou, Anhui). Its jurisdiction corresponds to the eastern part of Henan and the northern part of Anhui Province north of the Huai River and east of Funiu Mountain. The main county towns are Yingchuan, Runan, Liangguo, Peiguo, and Chenguo.

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

【3. Jizhou】

It has jurisdiction over nine countries and 100 counties, and the administrative office was initially set up in Ye County (now southwest of Linzhang, Hebei), and then Cao Wei moved to Xindu County (now Ji County, Hebei). The jurisdiction covers the central and southern parts of present-day Hebei, the western part of Shandong, and the northern part of Henan. The main county towns include Wei County, Julu, Changshan, Zhongshan, Anping, Hejian, Qinghe, Zhaoguo, and Bohai.

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

【4. Yanzhou】

It has jurisdiction over eight countries and eighty counties, and its seat is in Changyi County (now northwest of Jinxiang, Shandong). Its jurisdiction corresponds to the southwest of present-day Shandong and the eastern part of Henan. The main county towns are Chenliu, Dongjun, Dongping, Rencheng, Taishan, Jibei, Shanyang, and Jiyin.

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

【5. Xuzhou】

It has jurisdiction over five countries and 62 counties, and the administrative office was initially set up in Tan County (now Tancheng County, Shandong), and moved to Xiapi (now the east of Pi County, Jiangsu) at the end of the Han Dynasty, and Cao Wei moved to Pengcheng (now Xuzhou, Jiangsu). Its jurisdiction corresponds to the north of the Yangtze River and the southern part of Shandong in present-day Jiangsu. The main county towns are Donghai, Langxie, Pengcheng, Guangling, and Xiapi.

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

[6. Qingzhou]

It has jurisdiction over 11 countries and 65 counties, and its seat of governance is in Linzi County (now Linzi North, Zibo City, Shandong). Its jurisdiction covered the northern area east of present-day Linzi in Shandong. The main county towns are Jinan, Pingyuan, Le'an, Beihai, Donglai, and Qi.

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

[7. Jingzhou]

It has jurisdiction over seven countries, 117 counties, and was initially established in Hanshou County (now north of Hanshou County, Hunan), and moved to Xiangyang County (now Xiangfan City, Hubei) at the end of the Han Dynasty. Its territory was extensive, including most of present-day Hubei and Hunan, as well as a small part of Henan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces. The main county towns are Nanyang, Nanjun, Jiangxia, Lingling, Guiyang, Wuling, and Changsha.

【8. Yangzhou】

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

It has jurisdiction over six countries, ninety-two counties, and was initially set up in Liyang (now Anhui and County), and moved to Shouchun (now Anhui Shou County) at the end of the Han Dynasty. Its jurisdiction spans the south of the Huai River in present-day Anhui, the south of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Fujian provinces, as well as the eastern part of Hubei and the southeastern part of Henan. The main county towns are Jiujiang, Danyang, Lujiang, Huiji, Wujun and Yuzhang.

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

【9. Yizhou】

It has jurisdiction over 12 countries and 118 counties, and the administrative office was initially set up in Luo County (now Guanghan, Sichuan), and moved to Chengdu (now Chengdu, Sichuan) at the end of the Han Dynasty. Its territory was vast, including most of present-day Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou, as well as a small part of Shaanxi, Gansu, and Hubei. The main counties are Hanzhong, Ba County, Guanghan, Shu County, Qianwei, Qiqi, Yueshan, Yizhou, Yongchang, Guanghan Subject, Shu County, and Qianwei.

【10. Liangzhou】

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

It has jurisdiction over 12 countries and 98 counties, and the administrative office was initially set up in Longxian County (now Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous County, Gansu), and then Cao Wei moved to Guzang County (now Wuwei County, Gansu). Its jurisdiction covers present-day Gansu, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Qinghai Huangshui Basin and western Shaanxi. The main county towns are Longxi, Hanyang, Wudu, Jincheng, Anding, Beidi, Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiuquan, Dunhuang, Zhangye, and Juyan.

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

【11. And the state】

It has jurisdiction over nine countries and ninety-eight counties, and its seat of governance is in Jinyang (now southwest of Taiyuan, Shanxi). Its jurisdiction spanned parts of present-day Shanxi, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hebei and Shaanxi. The main counties are Shangdang, Taiyuan, Shangjun, Xihe, Wuyuan, Yunzhong, Dingxiang, Yanmen, and Shuofang.

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

【12. Youzhou】

It has jurisdiction over 11 countries and 90 counties, and its seat is in Jixian County (now southwest of Daxing County, Beijing). Its territory included present-day Beijing, northern Hebei, southern Liaoning, and northwestern Korea. The main county towns are Zhuojun, Guangyang, Daijun, Shanggu, Yuyang, Youbeiping, Liaoxi, Liaodong, Xuansu, Lelang, and Liaodong.

The 13 states set up in the Eastern Han Dynasty all have those thirteen states!

【13. Jiaozhou】

It governed seven kingdoms, and at the beginning of the administration, Longbian (north of present-day Hanoi, Vietnam), and then Sun Wu of the Three Kingdoms moved to Panyu (now Guangzhou, Guangdong). Its territory covered most of the present-day Guangdong and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regions, as well as parts of Vietnam. The main county towns are Nanhai, Cangwu, Yulin, Hepu, Jiaozhi, Jiuzhen, and Rinan.

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