
Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Uncle Chai will take you to a movie

2024-07-02 10:19

Wang Baoqiang, who has not acted for 12 years, plays the simple and honest "Teacher Cui" in the new drama "Chess Warrior", and returns again.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Looking back on those years, "Wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong's divorce incident" is well-known and is a topic of conversation after dinner.

In the end, the couple, who had shown their affection many times, broke up unhappily. One of their children, son "Little Baby" followed Wang Baoqiang; The daughter "Little Apple" followed Ma Rong.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

After the divorce, Wang Baoqiang is in a state of "disappearing", but as everyone knows, he is obsessed with the production of "In the Octagon Cage" .......

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

In 1982, Wang Baoqiang was born in a poor family in Xingtai City, Hebei Province. As a child, he became obsessed with Jet Li's movies and had a dream of becoming a martial arts actor. At the age of 8, he successfully persuaded his family to follow his master to the Shaolin Temple.

At the Shaolin Temple, he was shaved and his meals were all vegetarian, mainly practicing some martial arts routines and swords, guns, swords, and sticks. Such days are particularly hard, but for the sake of the dream in his heart, he chooses to endure it. If you endure it, it will be six years.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

14-year-old Wang Baoqiang believes that if he knows martial arts, he can become a martial arts actor. So, naively, he came to Beijing with 600 yuan in his arms.

Without resources, he can only be a martial arts stand-in for his brothers. The people around him kept laughing at him, he was not tall, his martial arts were not very subtle, and he had no culture.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Because of the extremely unstable work, Wang Baoqiang is always full and hungry. In order to have enough to eat, he had to go to the construction site to push carts and move bricks. All kinds of realities are showing that a person like him with a bitter gourd face can only be a stand-in, and he will not have a bright future.

However, things are unpredictable.

In 2001, Wang Baoqiang, who was at a low point, was favored by Li Yang and starred in Yuan Fengming in "Blind Well". This is a stupid and hard-working rural teenager. Because of this, the director needs a "weak" actor to play a silly and wilting role. Wang Baoqiang, who is very consistent with the role, also ushered in a turning point in his career.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Not long after, Wang Baoqiang starred in "No Thieves in the World". Wang Baoqiang, who has similarities with Silly Gen, played this silly character in love, very moving, and received a lot of praise.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Since then, Wang Baoqiang is no longer nameless. And what really made him one of the household names was "Soldier Assault".

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

The role that really made Wang Baoqiang famous was Xu Sanduo in the large-scale military drama "Soldier Assault".

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Wang Baoqiang believes that Xu Sanduo is the closest character to him. As an ordinary soldier, Xu Sanduo has the spirit of "insisting on Qingshan and not relaxing", and finally counterattacked from a cowardly "bad soldier" to a "good soldier", which made the audience cry for a while. is also because of this role, Wang Baoqiang is deeply loved by TV audiences.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

From the single young man "Tree" in "Hello! Mr. Tree", to the world-famous Taoist He An in "Taoist Priest Descending the Mountain", and then to Feng Yuxiu, who is congenitally disabled but obsessed with martial arts in "One Man's Martial Arts". From these roles, Wang Baoqiang let the audience see more and more superb acting skills, and it is also amazing that he was born in the "grassroots", but he has made such a big breakthrough in acting.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Later, he also got rid of the limitation of playing a serious soldier with the ...... of "People Are Embarrassed in Thailand" and "Detective Chinatown" and joined the ranks of comedians.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Wang Baoqiang, who has become popular, has entered the marriage stage of his life.

On May 17, 2013, on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival, Wang Baoqiang knelt down on one knee in front of everyone and proposed to Ma Rong. Because, May 17th, is the day they met.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Ma Rong, graduated from Northwest University, has a sweet appearance. Wang Baoqiang, who was born in a peasant family, is dark and short. Ma Rong is four years younger than Wang Baoqiang, and the combination of the two has once attracted all kinds of disturbing controversies.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Just when the outside world once questioned that Ma Rong was trying to make money. Wang Baoqiang responded: "It's ridiculous, there are many people chasing her, and there are many richer than me." I didn't really have much accomplishment at the time, but I think I could give her a sense of security. After marriage, the two gave birth to a son and a daughter, and they often showed their affection in a high-profile manner.

In the early morning of August 14, 2016, Wang Baoqiang posted a Weibo.

The content is that my wife Ma Rong and her agent Song Zhe had an improper sexual relationship ....... Subsequently, the news of "Ma Rong's derailment" spread quickly on the Internet.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

8 years ago, the "Ma Rong derailment incident" spread all over the streets. In addition to the drama of the woman's extramarital affair, there is also the ...... of the division of property between the two, which are all topics that people talk about.

Wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong's grievances and grievances went through many lawsuits, and finally, the court ruled that the two raised each other, a son and a daughter. Wang Baoqiang received custody of Wang Zihao, and Ma Rong received custody of Wang Zishan.

When the divorce incident was boiling, it coincided with the release of "Havoc in Tianzhu" directed by Wang Baoqiang and was rated as a bad movie. This is the first time Wang Baoqiang has directed a movie, so some people say that there is still a threshold for directors.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

In the face of bad comments from the outside world, Wang Baoqiang responded on Weibo, but who can be a director by birth? At that time, Wang Baoqiang's relationship and career both fell to the bottom.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Wang Baoqiang's development trajectory is like a roller coaster, from flat land to peak, and then sharp turn, but rising again.

In 2023, Wang Baoqiang will turn over again with the movie "In the Octagon Cage". This is Wang Baoqiang's second directorial work, which took several years to carefully produce, with a Douban score of 7.5 points.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

In the same year, Wang Baoqiang once again appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. His opening song "Flowers Bloom and Plant Flowers", the micro-movie "Me and My Spring Festival Gala", and the sketch "Coming Soon" made the audience applaud. It has been 16 years since he last sang "The Song of Migrant Workers" in the costume of a migrant worker on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

It should be that Wang Baoqiang has been busy making "In the Octagon Cage" over the years, and has no time to find the other half, and has been single. But we believe that with such a legendary and inspirational person, the future love life is beautiful.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Now, after the release of the trailer of Wang Baoqiang's new work "Chess Warrior", he forwarded and responded: "Get ready, let's do another big one!" ”

When he said this, Wang Baoqiang's heart should be full of momentum and self-confidence to create brilliance.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

Wang Baoqiang's story is a unique and inspirational grassroots counterattack process. In fact, Wang Baoqiang is lucky, because he is ugly, so he has the opportunity to play the hard-working Yuan Fengming. But he was unlucky, when he embraced success, he encountered his wife's cheating, and his career fell to the bottom again.

But he has the spirit of not admitting defeat, and after six years of silent hibernation, he returned to the peak again with a new work. Learning Wang Baoqiang's spirit of daring to think and fight, and being indomitable is the greatest significance of our star chasing.

Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

The author of this article | Yuanyuan

Editor-in-Charge | Blue orange

Curated | Blue orange

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  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!
  • Wang Baoqiang has been divorced for 7 years and finally turned over!

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