
Yinshan Town, Dongping County, held a second-quarter ring competition for the secretary of the village party branch

author:Luwang Tai'an

Luwang, July 2 - In order to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, and encourage the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen their beliefs and start a business, on June 28, Yinshan Town, Dongping County, Tai'an City, held a martial arts competition to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the secretary of the village party branch in the second quarter. More than 90 people participated in the event, including leading cadres at or above the deputy township level, secretaries of district secretaries and village party branches, economic development offices, civil affairs offices, emergency response offices, rural revitalization service centers, agricultural technology stations, immigration offices, water conservancy stations, agricultural economic stations, comprehensive management offices, aquatic product stations, animal husbandry and veterinary stations, some old party members, county people's congress deputies, and party representatives.

The activity was carried out in two stages, and the group first came to the Kunshan Party Spirit Education Base, through reviewing the oath of joining the party and on-site party spirit education, etc., so that everyone could not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, and constantly strengthen the party spirit training, and always maintain the political nature of the communists.

Yinshan Town, Dongping County, held a second-quarter ring competition for the secretary of the village party branch
Yinshan Town, Dongping County, held a second-quarter ring competition for the secretary of the village party branch
Yinshan Town, Dongping County, held a second-quarter ring competition for the secretary of the village party branch

Subsequently, they came to the resettlement area of the relocation project west of Jinshanba in Xiwang Village, the greenhouse in Xilashan Village, the pearl mussel breeding base in Kunshan Village, the pig farm in Goushan Village, the pear planting base in Caiwo Village, and the photovoltaic power generation project site in Hezhuang Village for study. The secretaries of the village party branches introduced in detail the progress of the project, the development of the village collective industry and the next work plan. Through the exchange, it not only stimulated the enthusiasm and competitiveness of the secretaries, but also promoted the learning and communication between each other.

Yinshan Town, Dongping County, held a second-quarter ring competition for the secretary of the village party branch

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Yinshan Town celebrated "July 1st" and the first half of the village party branch secretary debriefing and evaluation meeting. The meeting was presided over by Chen Yong, deputy secretary of the party committee. The meeting was divided into six agendas.

First of all, the 2024 "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding ceremony was held. Li Jie, Secretary of the Party Committee, Sun Changcun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of the Town, and other town leaders wore the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" for the old party members.

Yinshan Town, Dongping County, held a second-quarter ring competition for the secretary of the village party branch

Subsequently, the party branch secretaries of Qianyinshan, Shanzhao, Nantangzi, Houlou, Yangzhuang and Ximaowang Villages reported the work carried out in the first half of the year and the next step.

After the report, the leading cadres at or above the deputy township level, the secretaries of each district, and the heads of departments scored the secretaries of the 12 village party branches one by one in combination with the "seeing" and "exposing" situation, as the basis for evaluating the first and the best.

Comrade Wang Shide, member of the Party committee and organization committee, reported on the comprehensive performance appraisal of the secretary of the village party branch in the first half of the year and arranged the relevant work of grassroots party building in the second half of the year; Comrade Li Zhaoyu, member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, reported on the discipline inspection work in the first half of the year and deployed the work in the second half of the year; Comrade Li Jie, Secretary of the Party Committee, made an important speech.

Yinshan Town, Dongping County, held a second-quarter ring competition for the secretary of the village party branch

The meeting stressed: First, it is necessary to objectively sum up the achievements. There are opportunities and challenges in the current work, and we must actively and steadily advance, with a sense of mission, a sense of urgency to seize the day, and a sense of responsibility to be the vanguard, dare to be the pioneer, and strive to improve the quality, efficiency and level of work. Second, we must do a solid job of key work. The party members and cadres of the town should closely follow the goals and tasks, establish a sense of the overall situation, think deeply about the work, further change the ideological concepts, innovate the work ideas, focus on enriching the people and strengthening the village, and resolutely do a good job in key tasks such as ecological fisheries. Third, we must consolidate work responsibilities. The party members and cadres of the whole town should strive to improve their work skills, change their work style, take the initiative, conscientiously compare various goals and tasks, earnestly shoulder their responsibilities, and earnestly grasp the implementation of various tasks. (Reporter of this website)

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