
July 1, 2024


Lu persuasion dynamics

Luquan County held a special training on ideal and belief education and law popularization education for private enterprises in the county

July 1, 2024

Recently, the County Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Youth Chamber of Commerce jointly held a special training course on ideal and belief education and law popularization education for private enterprises in the county. Huang Dahai, vice chairman of the county CPPCC and chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, attended the opening ceremony and made a mobilization speech.

The training emphasized that all trainees should strengthen their ideals and beliefs and lead the development of the enterprise; It is necessary to enhance the awareness of the rule of law and standardize the behavior of enterprises; It is necessary to correct the style of study and seek practical results; It is necessary to give full play to the role of private entrepreneurs, comprehensively improve their ability to perform their duties, and actively contribute to the economic and social development of the county.

Contributed by the County Federation of Industry and Commerce

July 1, 2024

On June 29, the Luquan notary escorted the 2024 annual release activities of the rare and endemic fish breeding and release station of the Wudongde Hydropower Station of the Baihetan Hydropower Station of the Jinsha River.

In response to the application of China Three Gorges Corporation, the Luquan Notary Office provided on-site supervision services for the release of rare and endemic fish fry. At 9 a.m. on June 29, under the on-site supervision of the notary of the Luquan Notary Office, 920,000 rare and endemic fish fry of 6 types, including schizophrenia and longfin barramundi, were all flowed into the Jinsha River, and the event ended successfully.

Courtesy of the County Department of Justice

July 1, 2024

Recently, the County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and Kunming Hongbo Property Management Co., Ltd. went to Zixi Xinggu Community to carry out a passenger elevator safety emergency rescue drill.

The drill invited more than 30 elevator users and maintenance units to come to observe, and the drill simulated that the 2# elevator in Building S1 of Zixi Xinggu Community suddenly broke down at 15:25, and the trapped personnel called for help by pressing the elevator car intercom and the community monitoring room. The drill took about 15 minutes, and the elevator fault was eliminated in time and the trapped people were successfully rescued.

Contributed by the County Administration for Market Regulation

July 1, 2024

Recently, the 14th weekly research and judgment and the 6th monthly consultation meeting of the substantive operation of the "2+3+N" mechanism of Chongde Street were held in the small conference room of the street.

The meeting required that the investigation should be strengthened and the clues of the dispute should be accurately grasped; It is necessary to strengthen cooperation and resolve contradictions and disputes in a timely manner; It is necessary to raise awareness and strictly implement the "seven closed loops". All villages (communities) and functional departments should earnestly make the numbers clear and the situation clear, strive to resolve contradictions and disputes at the grassroots level and in the bud, and ensure that everything handed over and handled has an echo and every case.

Contributed by Chongde Street

Source: Lu Quanrong Media

Editor: Li Yang

Preliminary review: Qian Jin

Re-examiner: Wang Yanfei

Final review: Zhou Ming