
July 2 Share: It's decided! I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I'm going to increase my position in these directions today!

author:Big-headed investment funds
July 2 Share: It's decided! I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I'm going to increase my position in these directions today!
Like it before you see it, the fund makes a lot of money! I hope that after reading it, you will stretch out your little hand to make a fortune and give it a thumbs up, thank you very much! Regardless of profit or loss, the big head is always there. Everyone is also welcome to pay attention, learn and progress together!

Let's talk about the market situation in a nutshell! Today, A-shares continue to adjust, and the market makes money in general. At the same time, the recent rise of A-shares in the "bank + high dividend concept stocks" is a market with a rising index but not a fund.

Although many institutions are optimistic about the rise in July, A-shares are mainly a structural market, that is to say, even if they rise now, it cannot be a general rise, but only some sectors are rising, so we still need to choose a good track at present. The majority thinks that A-shares will be adjusted, and the dividend (high dividend) and financial (banking) tracks can continue to be optimistic.

July 2 Share: It's decided! I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I'm going to increase my position in these directions today!


As a consumption leader, liquor is now in a deep adjustment, indicating that the recovery of the consumption industry is not as expected. At the same time, liquor can't rise, and it is difficult for A-shares to perform, so look forward to a rebound in liquor.


The recent continuous adjustment of semiconductors is mainly related to the recent two shareholding reduction plans of the first phase of the large fund. From the perspective of the shareholding reduction plan, the targets of the reduction are Anlu Technology and Guoxin Technology, which is negative for semiconductors.

Hang Seng Technology:

Hang Seng Technology is currently at a low level of adjustment, mainly due to the impact of the depreciation of the RMB exchange rate. Therefore, the subsequent rise of the Hang Seng Technology Index needs to wait for the appreciation of the RMB.


U.S. stocks continue to be optimistic, but it's really strong. The U.S. stock market is bullish, and it's not a big problem.

July 2 Share: It's decided! I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I'm going to increase my position in these directions today!

Today's personal operation sharing:

1. Add 3000 "$ Huatai Pineapple Southeast Asia Technology ETF Initiation Connection (QDII) C$ (020516)", and the majority of the head invested in Southeast Asia Technology today. Southeast Asian technology mainly refers to representative technology companies in India, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and other countries. Recently, A-shares have continued to adjust, but Southeast Asian technology has continued to rise, and there is a trend of further new highs. In fact, Southeast Asia's science and technology is equivalent to China's science and technology 20 years ago, and the development space is very large, and the majority is very optimistic.

2. Add 3000 "$ Harvest CNI Green Power ETF Connect C$ (017057)", and the majority will invest in the green power industry today. Recently, the continuous high temperature in the northern region and the alternation of high temperature and heavy rain in East China have improved the demand for refrigeration electricity in East China in summer, so the power industry has entered the summer peak season market, and it can continue to be bullish in the future.

3. Add 3000 "$ CCB CSI 300 Dividend ETF Connect C$ (012713)", and the big head will invest in the dividend index today. The dividend index is actually a high-dividend concept stock, and it is also the main line of the market this year. At present, the A-share adjustment has not ended, and the big money will be in the dividend index, and the probability that the dividend index will rise in the future.

July 2 Share: It's decided! I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I'm going to increase my position in these directions today!

Investment strategy: A total of 09,000 positions were added and 0,000 positions were reduced today. Previously, the position was reduced by 00,000, and it has not arrived today. At present, the market is at a low level, and the majority is firmly confident and strongly optimistic, with a long-term target of $3700 points for the Shanghai Composite Index and $3000 points for the ChiNext Index.

Oh, thank you for your support from your previous friends, and if you want to see it, you can call "888" in the comment area to let the big head know that you have been here. At the same time, friends who haven't paid attention yet, remember to pay attention to a wave, come on!
July 2 Share: It's decided! I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I'm going to increase my position in these directions today!