
In fierce street fighting, the ace army of the Russian army launched a general offensive, and the Ukrainian army fell into a heavy fire circle with heavy casualties.

author:Prosperous for three thousand miles

Yesterday, commandos of the Russian Army Group North launched a thrilling street battle in the urban area of Volchansk, near Kharkiv. The Russian military later released footage of the fierce street fighting, showing how the commandos used heavy fire support in the street fighting. Meanwhile, on the Volcha River near Volchansk, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukrainian troops are busy building pontoon bridges. However, at this critical moment, the model of a tank bridge erector is unknown. But it was hit with precision by a Russian Lancet suicide drone.

In fierce street fighting, the ace army of the Russian army launched a general offensive, and the Ukrainian army fell into a heavy fire circle with heavy casualties.

In the Lipley direction, Russian warplanes mercilessly dropped heavy aerial bombs, which heavily bombarded the positions of the Ukrainian army. At present, in the Kharkiv direction, the armies of both sides have basically entered the stage of positional warfare, and the Ukrainian army has been continuously reinforced in the Lipley direction and has successfully carried out some local counterattacks. From a strategic point of view, advancing straight forward along the line from Zelene to Nekikuchne seems to be a viable tactical option, which would not only open the way to the right flank of the Ukrainian army in Lips, but also possibly pose a threat to the left flank of Dernova.

In fierce street fighting, the ace army of the Russian army launched a general offensive, and the Ukrainian army fell into a heavy fire circle with heavy casualties.

In the small border city of Vovchansk, Kharkiv Oblast, hundreds of Russian soldiers were besieged by Ukrainian troops in the process of capturing a replenishment factory. According to the report, dozens of Russian soldiers have surrendered to the Ukrainian army. Roman Poholiy, founder of Ukraine's famous battlefield monitoring network, said that it is difficult to figure out how many Russian troops are surrounded in the paint factory. The number reported by the outside world has changed from dozens at the beginning to four or five hundred now, and in fact, even the Ukrainian army at the forefront does not know how many enemies there are inside. However, the Russian letter denied that there were Russian troops encircled, saying that the Ukrainian army had only temporarily cut off the Russian army's logistical supply to Vovchansk. A Russian blogger wrote that the fighting in Kharkiv is comparable to the battles of Bakhmut and Avdeevka. He also insinuated that the attack on the Kharkiv region was a genius plan of the Russian General Staff.

In fierce street fighting, the ace army of the Russian army launched a general offensive, and the Ukrainian army fell into a heavy fire circle with heavy casualties.

It is reported that the Russian army has launched a large-scale offensive against Ukraine's Kharkiv Oblast on May 10. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the move was to establish a buffer zone on the Russian-Ukrainian border to prevent the Ukrainian army from shelling Russia's Bilgorod Oblast and other places. Kyiv reported that Ukrainian Air Force fighters have recently begun to frequently drop Western-provided precision-guided bombs on the Russian army in Vovchansk, which was quite rare in the past, because the Russian army usually has front-line air supremacy, and Ukrainian Air Force fighters will avoid participating in front-line operations. Now the situation has changed. It is worth noting that Gorubtsov, chief of staff of the Ukrainian Air Force Aviation, announced in an interview with the media on June 8 that Ukraine is developing a domestic guidance lever for aerial bombs, and tests are expected to begin in a few weeks. According to him, at present, the Ukrainian army uses about 100~300 guided bombs per month, while the Russian army uses 3,000 missiles per month.

In fierce street fighting, the ace army of the Russian army launched a general offensive, and the Ukrainian army fell into a heavy fire circle with heavy casualties.

At present, Russia has changed the name of the special military operation to the war against Ukraine, and the political demands have changed, and the military operation will inevitably change. In the past, everyone thought that the Russian-Ukrainian war was a war, but Russia did not recognize it as a war in terms of political demands, so it played a crotch, but now that the political demands have changed, the way of fighting the war has completely changed. Ukraine was originally part of the former Soviet Union, and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict was essentially an internal contradiction of the former Soviet Union. When Ukraine became the vanguard of the peaceful evolution of the West, it was already tilted towards defeat. The Ukrainian people do not know why they are fighting, but the Russians are very clear that Ukraine has become a mercenary for the West, and their goal is to bring down Russia. An army of faith, defeat is temporary, and victory is the final result. This war is no longer a matter of equipment, it is caused by the corruption and incompetence of the Ukrainian government, which could have enjoyed peace, but the broad masses of the people are no longer willing to work for this rotten government, it depends on where the future of Ukraine will go?