
What is it like for a woman to become "addicted to sex"? The doctor said bluntly: It may be different from what you think

author:The true scriptures of health

Now is an era of sexual openness, more and more people have normal sexual needs, and I believe that the vast majority of people know that sex is the lubricant of the couple's relationship and couple's life. But in real life, there are still many people who don't know how to enjoy a healthy sex life.

Over the past 10 years, we've found a lot about sexual health issues. For example: frigidity between husband and wife, disharmony in married life, female sex addiction, etc. In the process, we also learned that many women have a strong dependence and dependence on sex.

They often exhibit a variety of symptoms: inability to enjoy sex normally, psychological distress, inability to concentrate, and easy tantrums. These symptoms can be related to mental disorders, but they can also be related to addiction.

What is it like for a woman to become "addicted to sex"? The doctor said bluntly: It may be different from what you think

After women become addicted to sex, they will be very eager to have sex, but if it is not treated in time, it will bring a lot of harm to female friends:

1. Feeling psychologically painful

Many women feel that although they know it's bad, they just can't control themselves, especially when it comes to sex, and they become nervous. Especially when she sees others enjoying sex, she feels uncomfortable. Maybe she will feel empty and helpless, or she may feel depressed and afraid.

In fact, both men and women should face up to their sexual needs. If you are worried about your partner, then you should see a doctor as it can be a disease.

What is it like for a woman to become "addicted to sex"? The doctor said bluntly: It may be different from what you think

2. Inability to concentrate

In the past, many people believed that sex addiction was a mental illness. But in fact, this is an objectively existing phenomenon. Often, people with sex addiction experience problems such as difficulty concentrating and distraction. Clinically, these problems can be referred to as "obsessive-compulsive thoughts", which are when patients spend a lot of time on things that are not related to real life, thus affecting their normal life and work.

For example, some women are not confident in their sexual prowess, and they are not confident in their sex life. This will result in their inability to concentrate. Over time, they will become more and more dependent.

What is it like for a woman to become "addicted to sex"? The doctor said bluntly: It may be different from what you think

3. Easy to lose your temper

Although moderate sex is a great stress reliever, if you suffer from sex addiction, you will not be able to release stress for a long time, which can make it difficult for women to control their emotions, which can lead to anxiety and anger.

Once you suffer from sex addiction, find ways to control your desires and not allow yourself to be overindulged. We need to communicate with our partner about our sexual needs and work through them together.

What is it like for a woman to become "addicted to sex"? The doctor said bluntly: It may be different from what you think

4. Over-dependence

If a woman shows a strong sexual desire, she will develop excessive dependence on her sex life, which is also one of the symptoms of female sex addiction. Because they have a strong interest in sex, they often talk to their husbands about sex. When they have a high libido, a high mood, and a happy mood, they will tell their husbands that they are fine. But if you're starting to lose interest in sex, don't want to talk to your husband anymore, or even feel like it's a shame to talk to him, then you need to pay attention.

5. It is easy to be tempted

In real life, many women have varying degrees of sex addiction, and this is because their inner world is very empty and difficult to be satisfied. In this case, some unhealthy sexual lifestyle can make them fall into it. Because they always feel that they cannot be satisfied, they will obtain sexual satisfaction from other sources. This approach can also lead to a decrease in the quantity and quality of some female sexual partners.

In addition, some people also have sex in other ways. For example, if you meet someone at work who is constantly in physical contact with you, this can also make you sexually dependent.

What is it like for a woman to become "addicted to sex"? The doctor said bluntly: It may be different from what you think

Therefore, it is very normal for women to become addicted to sex, but you must pay attention to protect yourself. Know how to control your desires and don't let yourself become addicted to sex.