
Bao'an has built 100 "Security Warm Heart Pavilions" to provide 24-hour security protection and services

author:Bao'an Daily

In Bao'an in July, the sun is shining. At noon, Mr. Zhang, the takeaway brother, delivered the fast food to Biwan Park in Xixiang, and walked straight to the security booth next to him, where a few lines of slogans were hung on the pavilion "24-hour warm-hearted security booth, outdoor personnel rest their feet......"

"I run on the road every day, and the water I bring with me is not enough to drink, so it is very convenient to come in and pick up some water." Mr. Zhang sighed from the bottom of his heart.

This is one of the 100 "Security Warm Heart Pavilions" built by Shenzhen Baoan District Security Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "District Security Company"). On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the district security company upgraded the security booths at the front-line guard points to create a batch of 24-hour "warm heart pavilions", so that the citizens and outdoor workers can "warm their hearts" here, lead the value-added services with party building, and demonstrate the responsibility and responsibility of the grassroots party organizations of state-owned enterprises with great love.

Bao'an has built 100 "Security Warm Heart Pavilions" to provide 24-hour security protection and services

One of the 100 security booths.

Bright identity There is a 24-hour online peace of mind guard

"I have delivered food to several places, and there are this kind of security booths with blue tones that are not closed, and you can go inside to charge and fill hot water next time you go to the night shift." Kobayashi, who has worked as a takeaway worker in Shenzhen for 3 years, said.

This is an important measure for the district security company to focus on the work requirements of "passing on the torch and leapfrogging together, and making new contributions at the beginning", and to innovate party building to lead security services. The 100 security guards have a unified design, a unified color, a unified slogan, and a "Baobao" mascot, which means that they are self-pressurized and openly and confidently show the identity and responsibility of "Baoan Security", which is a self-requirement, and it is not forgetting the responsibility of "guarding" safety.

The 100 24-hour security kiosks in the whole area are all "lit up", they are distributed in hospitals, schools, factories, parks and other areas, each "standard" leisure stool, charging equipment, umbrella raincoat and other items, to provide citizens with free drinking water, convenient medicine boxes and other warm services, with warm and caring services will be the traditional security "24-hour shift" into "24-hour online peace of mind". Each security guard warm-hearted kiosk is led by a party member or pavilion chief, and practices the party's original mission and fundamental purpose with the commitment of "lighting up the hearts of the people, serving first, and party members and pioneers in action".

Bao'an has built 100 "Security Warm Heart Pavilions" to provide 24-hour security protection and services

In the security booth, security personnel disinfect children's wounds.

Keep your chest tall There are people here to protect you

Du Ziyu is the captain of the park team, and on the morning of June 30, when the reporter arrived at the security guard warm heart pavilion in Biwan Park, he was picking up water for the takeaway brother. "After the opening of the security warm heart pavilion, many outdoor workers and citizens come here every day to 'check in'." He said with a smile that the crowd's thanks made everyone more and more energetic.

"In many people's stereotypes, the job of a security guard is nothing more than standing guard, on duty, and patrolling. To truly 'ensure safety', we must not just sit in the security booth, but also 'base ourselves on the post to make contributions, pass on love, and do a good job in service'. According to him, the company regularly organizes security guards to carry out skills training such as fire extinguisher use, basic first aid, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, so as to effectively improve the emergency response ability of security personnel and better perform their duties.

In May this year, Du Ziyu used an AED to assist in rescuing a tourist who suddenly collapsed while patrolling Bao'an Park, winning widespread praise. It is understood that there are more than 20,000 front-line security guards in the district security company, among whom a number of righteous and courageous deeds have emerged to deal with emergencies and sacrifice themselves to save people, and it has become the goal of this state-owned enterprise security company to become professional, standardized and professional.

Show style There is a security team that can be pulled, topped up, and reliable

Gather sand into a tower and ignite the red engine of urban security. The district security company has set up 4 special security teams, including party member commandos, women's security teams, drone special services, and retired military Red Star emergency commandos, which always obey the deployment of the Bao'an District Party Committee and the public security organs, unconditionally charge ahead, and cooperate with the expansion of industrial space, the provincial high-quality development conference and the security work of large-scale activities such as marathons and dragon boat races with high quality, so as to effectively maintain the overall safety and stability of the society.

Since 2023, the district security company has been awarded many honors such as the top 100 national bidding and procurement security service providers, and the first golden reputation enterprise in Shenzhen. It has obtained 5 national certificates including the general aviation enterprise business license, successfully "going out" to expand the security business outside Zhongshan, Foshan, Zhuhai and other cities, and enhancing market competitiveness in terms of strengthening services, improving qualifications and shaping reputation.

"By providing warm-hearted services, we attract, organize, and mobilize people to play their role as 'mobile outposts' in urban grassroots governance." The person in charge of the district security company told reporters that in this process, through the "Baobao Tree Cave" to collect everyone's opinions and suggestions, build a bridge between the masses, the community and the street, and promote the grassroots organizations to better serve the masses with this benign interaction. ”

It is reported that in the next step, the district security company will continue to explore the "Security Warm Heart Pavilion +", and carry out joint construction activities of the Party branch with customer units and street communities, so as to realize resource sharing and complementary advantages, so that the Warm Heart Security Pavilion is not only a physical space, but also a window to show the degree of urban civilization and culture.

Bao'an has built 100 "Security Warm Heart Pavilions" to provide 24-hour security protection and services

Bao'an Daily All-Media Reporter Gao Shan Correspondent Liu Ning Yao Fencong/Text Reporter Zhang Cailing/Photo

Edited by Wang Wencheng

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