
Education Working Committee of Longhua District Party Committee: Party building leads brand empowerment to promote the high-quality development of education

author:Bao'an Daily

Education is the great plan of the country and the party, and strengthening the party's overall leadership over education work is the fundamental guarantee for running education well.

For a long time, under the leadership of the Longhua District Party Committee, the Education Working Committee of the Longhua District Party Committee has adhered to and strengthened the overall leadership of the party, implemented the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, kept the integrity and innovation, and planned systematically, taking brand creation, deepening reform, and party-mass co-construction as an important starting point, and continued to promote the standardization and standardization of party building work, temper the hard skills and good style of the cadre team, organically combine the "red factor" with the actual work, ignite the "red engine", and present the "one school, one product" party building brand, and the first secretary of the private school and other highlight projects. With high-quality party building, we will lead the education that satisfies the people and write a new chapter.

Education Working Committee of Longhua District Party Committee: Party building leads brand empowerment to promote the high-quality development of education

Longwai Education Group Buyi Literature Club "Reading with Cultural People" theme.

Take brand creation as the starting point

Continue to promote the standardization and normalization of party building work

In May 2023, the Education Working Committee of the Longhua District Party Committee will fully launch a special action for the creation of party building brands to promote the overall improvement of party building work.

Select a demonstration school for party building work, strengthen leadership and consolidate the foundation. Establish and improve the selection mechanism for provincial and municipal three-level basic education party building demonstration schools, promote Longhua District Foreign Chinese School Education Group to be awarded the "Guangdong Province Basic Education Party Building Work Demonstration School", Longhua District Xinhua Middle School Education Group and Longhua District Sanlian Eternal School were awarded the first batch of Shenzhen basic education party building work demonstration schools, there are only 10 in the city, and Longhua Education accounts for 2 seats. Actively publicize and promote the typical experience and practices of demonstration schools for party building in basic education, give full play to the role of leading radiation, and improve the level of standardization and standardization of grassroots party building.

Build a party building brand of "one school, one product", dig out the connotation and highlight the characteristics. Guide the party organizations of grass-roots schools to integrate characteristics into standardization, promote branding with standardization, promote the deep integration of party building brand creation and teacher and student growth, service management, education and teaching, and scientific research and innovation, so as to realize a school to create a brand that reflects the cultural concepts and achievements of party building. The whole system has created 96 "one school, one product" party building brand projects, and selected 10 "excellent party building brands" and 10 "top ten party building brands", forming a good situation with their own characteristics and a hundred flowers blooming.

Build a brand school for the work of the first secretary, improve quality and promote development. In August 2023, the creation and selection activity of "First Secretary Work Brand School" will be launched to select a number of private schools that have achieved remarkable results in the standardization and standardization of party organizations, have outstanding performance in promoting the development of education and teaching in the stationed schools, and can play a leading role. All private schools focus on consolidating the foundation of party building, improving the quality of running schools, identifying difficulties, pain points, and force points, promoting the transformation and quality of school development, and promoting the high-quality and balanced development of education. It lasted one year, and a total of 4 brand schools for the first secretary were selected.

Driven by the creation of the party building brand, the foundation of the party building work in the education system has been effectively consolidated, and the standardization and standardization of the party building work have been continuously improved.

Education Working Committee of Longhua District Party Committee: Party building leads brand empowerment to promote the high-quality development of education

Longhua teachers and students participated in the volunteer service of "Warm North Station".

Take deepening reform as the starting point

Continue to temper the hard skills and good style of the cadre team

The Education Working Committee of Longhua District Party Committee took the opportunity of implementing the principal responsibility system led by the party organization of primary and secondary schools to innovate and promote the implementation of a number of brand work, and gradually built an all-round, three-dimensional and professional echelon of party building cadres.

Promote the implementation of reforms with high efficiency. Thoroughly implement the reform of the principal responsibility system led by the party organization of primary and secondary schools, smoothly assign party organization secretaries and full-time deputy secretaries to 69 schools that meet the conditions for reform, complete the adjustment of 107 party organization team members, and supervise and guide all public schools to formulate and improve decision-making systems, rules of procedure and other mechanisms. Carry out special research on the implementation of reforms, systematically summarize the effectiveness and shortcomings of reforms, clarify optimization measures, and provide strong support for continuing to write the "second half of the article".

Take multiple measures to strengthen the team of party building cadres. Deepen the implementation of the "foundation improvement project", select and appoint middle-level cadres with high political quality and strong professional ability to be responsible for the party building work of the school, and at the same time, each school is equipped with one or more party members and cadres to serve as party affairs officers to assist in the party building work, and through the training path, and gradually establish a professional and stable echelon of party building cadres. In conjunction with the Party School of the District Party Committee, the "Red Pilot" Party Spirit Cultivation Improvement Backbone Seminar has been tailored to improve the political literacy, professional level and work ability of the cadre team, and so far, a total of 9 sessions of nearly 600 people have been trained.

Explore the path of training work in an all-round way. Continue to polish the "first secretary" brand, a total of 5 batches of 92 first secretaries sent to private schools, more than five years, from the stone to the full coverage, from the initial results to the steady and far-reaching, with the first secretary as the carrier, Longhua education has built a new paradigm of party building work in private schools, a new path for the balanced development of education quality, and the dual platform role of the first secretary work of "strengthening party building and training excellent cadres" has also been effectively played. Innovate the implementation of the "tamping foundation and sword casting project", promote the full-time deputy secretary of the grass-roots party organization and other school-level leaders to serve as discipline inspection members, and innovate the formation of the city's first district education system internal audit "escort plan" 30-person team, strengthen the linkage between the party cadre team and the discipline inspection and internal audit cadre team. Implement the "Moral Cultivation Plan" to improve the top-level design of teacher ethics and teacher style; We will take the lead in promoting the "Clean Air Plan" and gradually establish a sound and effective supervision system. Innovatively carry out clean government home visits to build a strong line of defense against corruption.

With deepening reform as the starting point, adhering to integrity, innovation, and problem-orientation, a strong team of party building cadres has gradually taken shape, which has played a key role in promoting the high-quality development of party building work.

Education Working Committee of Longhua District Party Committee: Party building leads brand empowerment to promote the high-quality development of education

The work of the first secretary is displayed.

Take the joint construction of the party and the masses as the starting point

Continue to enhance the centripetal force and cohesion of mass organizations

The Education Working Committee of the Longhua District Party Committee innovatively launched the "Cohesion Action" to explore effective measures for party building and group building, integrate party and mass resources, and gather and develop joint forces.

The "Pioneer Service" brand is powerful and orderly. In April 2023, the pioneer service team of the Education Working Committee of the Longhua District Party Committee will be established to build and strengthen the 144 teams with more than 2,500 members of the Education Working Committee of the District Committee and the pioneer service team of the subordinate grassroots party organizations. It continues to play a pioneering role in activities such as ideological and political education, teaching and research demonstration, home-school co-education guidance, campus stability maintenance, community mutual assistance and assistance, and urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks. During the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival and other holidays in 2024, a total of more than 2,300 people will be mobilized to participate in the volunteer service activities of "Warm North Station", which has been widely praised by all sectors of society.

The brand of "Ningzhi Lianxin" has gone deeper and more practical. In October 2023, the city's first non-party intellectuals association in the district education system will be established to create a work brand of "Concentration and Connection", gradually form a "1+5+N" work activity model, and set up 7 liaison stations in the mode of "1 team member + several directors" in the district as a unit to solidly promote the orderly development of various tasks.

Actively cultivate advanced models, dig deep into good experience and good practices, build a "1+2+3+N" publicity system with Longhua Education official account and video account as the carrier, and form a number of publicity brands such as "pioneer" and "teacher", which have been promoted for more than 230 issues.

In addition, we continued to polish the brand of the "July Praise" activity, innovatively carried out the "Education Questioning" speech activity, the "Power of Role Model" model worker lecture hall, the "Group Wedding", and the "Fanghua Appointment" Outstanding Women Promotion Series Activities, etc., and carried out 7 theme activities such as "Chaoyang Reading" for three consecutive years, and continuously deepened the work of caring for the next generation.

The Education Working Committee of the Longhua District Party Committee has gradually built a brand matrix by consolidating the work of party building, promoting the full play of the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and leading the high-quality development of education.

In the past year, 12 education groups have been established, 17 kindergartens have been newly renovated and expanded, 1,340 new nursery places have been added, 31,020 compulsory education places have been added, and 4,500 ordinary high school places have been added. Recruit 2,583 outstanding graduates, fully start the implementation of the "Future Educator Project 2.0", and build an educational talent development system with Longhua characteristics. Take the lead in releasing the implementation plan for artificial intelligence education in primary and secondary schools, and build a "two-wing, multi-core" pattern and "1+4+N" model for regional artificial intelligence education; Linking up with institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions, we will further strengthen the construction of incubation carriers for the Future Education Research Institute, integrate multiple platforms such as academicians entering the campus, the "Youth Strong Foundation" action, the brain science project, and the integration of Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao education, so as to build a local high-tech talent training mechanism. Explore the digitalization of education, and cooperate with iFLYTEK, Tencent, etc., to build an integrated digital base and other platforms to reduce the burden of education and improve quality. It took the lead in piloting the development and launch of the "AI Supervision Service Platform for Off-campus Training Institutions" to achieve full-coverage management, full-process monitoring, and full-time monitoring. The city took the lead in launching a three-year action plan for improving students' physical health, and took the lead in implementing a physical education class every day in compulsory education schools. Three schools were rated as "Shenzhen Educational Evaluation Reform Demonstration Schools", ranking first in the city, and four education and teaching reforms were awarded the National Teaching Achievement Award for Basic Education by the Ministry of Education, ranking second in the city.

Next, the Education Working Committee of Longhua District Party Committee will take more pragmatic work measures to create more work brands with Longhua education characteristics, effectively transform the "soft power" of grassroots organization construction into "hard support" to promote high-quality development, and contribute Longhua's wisdom and strength to accelerate the construction of an educational power!

Longhua News All-Media Reporter Zhang Yu Correspondent Tao Lujiang Text/Picture

Edited by Wang Wencheng

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