
"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

author:Ask Beijing


"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

Recently, a parent of a citizen reported that her child has been taking dance lessons at the Timei Graceful Ballet Training Institute located in CapitaLand Boutique Shopping Mall in Haidian District, Beijing, and many parents have just renewed the course fee in order to welcome the upcoming summer vacation. But what everyone didn't expect was that the institution that was still holding classes normally on the first day suddenly closed its store and ran away the next day, and parents complained that there was no way to defend their rights, what happened?

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"
"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

Institutions suddenly closed their stores and ran away

Recently, Ms. Li, a parent, reported to "Ask Beijing" (Beijing News and Broadcasting News Hotline 65159063) that her child had been taking ballet classes at the Timeiyou Training Institution on the third floor of CapitaLand Crystal Shopping Center in the West Third Ring Road of Haidian District, Beijing. She originally wanted to take her children to more classes during the summer, but she didn't expect that the institution that had been holding classes normally before would suddenly close down.

Ms. Li: On June 11th, the class was still in class, and then on June 12th, in the morning, the teacher first got a notice, that is, the campus notified them to suspend classes, and the teacher notified our parents, because the child had a class on June 12th, our parents went to CapitaLand, and the institution at the door of CapitaLand Crystal posted a notice, (written) that is, what is not well managed or messy, at this time we have not been able to contact any teaching affairs and sales on the campus, and all personnel cannot be contacted.

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

Location of Timeiyo Training Institution CapitaLand Crystal Shopping Center / Baidu Map

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"
"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

Parents' payment records at the institution/Respondents' contributions

The agency said it was not doing well and suddenly closed the store

Ms. Li said that although the notice emphasized that the reason for the closure was due to poor management, parents were puzzled by the fact that just before the closure of the store, the institution was still selling courses at low prices, and had just held a large-scale theatrical performance in a large theater with a capacity of more than 700 seats, and there was no indication that there was a problem with the store's operation:

Ms. Li: I was still in class the day before, and the early stage was to last for this period of time, and I kept sending this lesson bag, and then I also sent activity notices, we all have that record, his activities were sent to June 20th, and they also organized a large-scale report performance in Song Qingling (Activity Center) in May, if it is really not well managed, I think there should not be so many activities, there should be signs.

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

Timmieu Training Institution Activity Plan/Respondent Provided

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

Institutions sell low-cost lesson chat transcripts to parents/interviewees

Ms. Li told the "Ask Beijing" reporter that as far as she knows, "Timeiyou" has three stores in Beijing, all of which are closed on the same day. At present, there are more than 300 parents involved in the rights protection of CapitaLand Crystal Store, and the amount involved has been roughly estimated to be millions of yuan.

Ms. Li: There is one in Fangyuanli, then there is one in Shunyi Xiangyun Town, and there is one in CapitaLand Crystal, and the store is closed at the same time. There are 200 or 300 students in our CapitaLand store alone, and each parent is basically in the form of prepayment, and each person has a 10,000 or 20,000 yuan.

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

Dance activities at the Timiyo Training Institution in July/Respondent Courtesy

Mall property: No signs of running away have been found before

In order to verify the situation, on June 23, the reporter of "Ask Beijing" visited the Timiyo training institution located in CapitaLand Crystal Shopping Center. On the third floor of the mall, the reporter saw that the arched door of the institution's pink appearance had been closed, and through the closed transparent roller shutter door, it could be seen that the interior was pitch black, and after careful observation, he could vaguely see that there were some teaching aids and ballet dresses placed in the store. There was a small table at the entrance of the store, and a property staff member of the mall was helping to register the information of parents, and he told reporters:

Property: It was still open the night before yesterday, and the door was locked the next morning, and then it was found when I inspected it, or I didn't know, it was too sudden, and I still owed more than 400,000 rents to our mall.

Reporter: Are there more parents coming now?

Property: Now there are 185 people, and there is another person who came to register just now, and the amount of his (payment) is still more than 30,000.

The closed doors of the Timiyu training institute / Photo taken in March

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

The closed doors of the Timiyu training institute / Photo taken in March

Property: Supervision will be strengthened in the future

Subsequently, the "Ask Beijing" reporter came to the property management office of CapitaLand Crystal Shopping Center, where the institution is located, to inquire about the situation. The staff at the front desk said that the mall did not notice any signs that the agency was about to run away.

Property management: Because he has these sales are normal, and then he pays some fees normally, such as rent and utility bills, and then he does not owe wages to their own employees, and there is no indication that they have the risk of wanting to run away.

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

CapitaLand Crystal Mall Property Office/Photo taken in March

At the same time, the staff member also said that there have been several sudden closures of institutions in the mall, and they will strengthen supervision in the future:

Property management: Because there are too many people running away now, in this case, the mall can only increase the supervision force, and may also strengthen the business license (review), and then increase the collection of security deposits. For example, if I charge you 100,000 yuan, then I may charge you 5 times in the future to prevent you from running away.

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

The closed doors of the Timiyu training institute / Photo taken in March

Territorial market office: can cooperate with other parents to report to the police

So how can consumers protect their rights and interests when they can't contact the agency at this time? The "Ask Beijing" reporter first contacted the Haidian District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, to which the Timei beautiful ballet training institution belongs, and the staff said:

Market Supervision and Administration Bureau: If you want to complain about this company, you can call our Haidian Market Supervision and Complaint Hotline, and you can give feedback there. If you want the company to get a refund, it's regulated by the market.

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

Image source network

So, the "Ask Beijing" reporter reflected the problem to the Wanshou Road Street Market in Haidian District, where the "Timeiyou" CapitaLand Crystal Center store belongs, but the staff said:

If you appeal for a refund, it is recommended that you ask for help from its competent authority, the Bureau of Culture and Tourism (for help), and the second is to unite multiple parents to call the police, which can only be like this.

Police Station: The case is under investigation

Subsequently, the "Ask Beijing" reporter called the Wanshou Road Police Station in the territory, and the staff said that they are still collecting information from parents to report the case, and have reported the relevant information to the Economic Crime Investigation Detachment of the Haidian Public Security Bureau, and will feedback to the parents after the results are available.

Wanshou Road Police Station: Because there are more people involved in this case, this case is more complicated, and the Haidian Branch Economic Investigation Detachment is investigating and collecting evidence, and there should be a notice when there are results in the follow-up.

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

The organization posted a notice of closure of business/Photo taken in March

District Bureau of Culture and Tourism: will supervise the implementation of the transfer plan

The "Ask Beijing" reporter also reflected the problem to the industry-competent department of the agency, the Haidian District Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and the staff on duty said:

Staff: I've registered the situation here, and then we will give feedback to the department about your situation, and then the department will take the initiative to contact you when the results are available. Generally, we will send you a notice within 15 days and a reply within 60 days.

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

The closed doors of the Timiyu training institute / Photo taken in March

On June 28, the Law Enforcement Brigade of the Haidian District Bureau of Culture and Tourism gave feedback to the "Ask Beijing" reporter after verifying the relevant information, saying that the agency currently has a new team responsible for handling the transfer of students who have not sold their classes, and is currently communicating with surrounding institutions to accept the unsold students of the "Timeiyou" CapitaLand Crystal Shopping Center store, and if the legitimate rights and interests of parents are damaged, they can protect their rights through complaints or judicial channels. The reporter also conveyed the relevant situation to Ms. Li, who reflected the problem, she said that she did not approve of the handling of the transfer, and hoped that the relevant departments could speed up the investigation of the institution.

Ms. Li: (The new team) said that then I will transfer (class) down for you, this is not considered as my running away, this is obviously exploiting loopholes, I am now listening to your transfer class, what should I do if people run away after the transfer? You don't have any guarantees with this thing.

"It was still open the night before yesterday and the door was locked the next morning......"

Institutions publish transfer-related news/interviewees for the sake of

Regarding the follow-up progress of this matter, "Ask Beijing" will also continue to pay attention.

Xiao Q said

The agency is suspected of running away with money

It is difficult for parents to "be trapped" to protect their rights

It is hoped that the supervision of such institutions will be strengthened

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Reporter丨March Editor丨March Ruoxuan

Editor-in-Chief on duty丨Tang Yan

Q Wonderful

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