
Realizing that Biden was not his opponent, Trump changed his tune: China is not the real enemy

author:Dr. Hu Qimu

After defeating Biden in the opening debate, Trump began to take advantage of the victory and constantly attacked Biden's "soft underbelly". At the same time, Trump also suddenly changed his tone in his attitude towards China, bluntly saying that China is not actually the "real enemy" of the United States.

Realizing that Biden was not his opponent, Trump changed his tune: China is not the real enemy

Biden and Trump participate in a televised debate

Recently, Biden and Trump held the first televised debate between candidates in the U.S. presidential election. This is also the first time in 4 years that the two have taken the stage to face each other head-to-head. Today, Biden and Trump have not yet received formal nominations from their respective parties. Therefore, this debate is also the first in the history of the United States that two presidential nominees from their respective parties have been held in a presidential debate.

During the debate, the two sides discussed the Russia-Ukraine conflict, economic policy, immigration issues, health care and other topics. However, in the first half hour of the debate, Biden, as the Democratic candidate, frequently made slips of the tongue, stuck, and continued to be silent. The problems he had always wanted to hide were completely exposed to the public.

Naturally, Trump will not give up this kind of opportunity easily. He directly launched a personal attack on Biden, saying that "I have never heard so much nonsense in my life"; also bluntly said that Biden is well-deserved as "the worst president of the United States".

According to CNN statistics, Trump's speech time was about 40 minutes and 12 seconds, while Biden's was 35 minutes and 41 seconds. However, some Democrats attacked that although Trump spoke for a long time, many issues were "not answered" and mixed with a series of misinformation. But it is undeniable that in this debate, Biden's shortcomings have been revealed, and more and more people are beginning to suspect that he does have Alzheimer's disease.

During the debate, a poll showed that 67 percent of people believed that Trump had won the debate, while only 33 percent believed that Biden had won. This is obviously far from the "evenly matched" that the US media has been propagating before.

Realizing that Biden was not his opponent, Trump changed his tune: China is not the real enemy


In this regard, the media under the Democratic Party also claimed that Biden was out of play because of a cold that day. It is worth noting that this televised debate was covered and moderated by CNN, with a very biased position in favor of Biden. Therefore, when Biden stumbled as soon as he started, the host of CNN also helped to play the round.

In addition, the debate specifically requested that no one should be allowed to interject while the opponent was speaking. After all, during the presidential debate four years ago, Biden was repeatedly interrupted by Trump. Biden, who has learned his lesson this time, will naturally not let the scene at that time be repeated.

In addition, no spectators are allowed at the debate. And in the setting of the debate topic, it is also very unfavorable to Trump. In this case, Biden still lost a mess, which naturally shocked all walks of life.

On this occasion, some US media published an article saying that Biden should suspend his presidential election activities and let a new Democratic candidate take his place. McGregor, a retired U.S. military colonel and former U.S. Defense Department adviser, also said that Biden's shocking cognitive decline has proven him unfit for the presidency. Some Democrats have even begun to consider changing candidates.

However, Biden and his team are clearly not willing to give up easily. At a fundraiser after the debate, Biden also said that "he can confidently handle the job of the president of the United States, and Trump is the real threat to the country." But after seeing his performance during the debate, it is difficult for the American people to believe his remarks.

Realizing that Biden was not his opponent, Trump changed his tune: China is not the real enemy


On this occasion, Trump, who has a better chance of winning, has not given up continuing to fight a "war of words" with Biden. It's just that this time, Trump changed his "style of play" and began to change his attitude towards China. At a supporters' convention in Virginia, Trump said that if the United States is led by a "sane president," then China, Russia and North Korea will not be "enemies" of the United States.

Trump claimed that during his presidency, the United States was "widely respected" by a large number of countries and that "there were no problems." Therefore, he believes that the biggest "enemy" of the United States is not outside, but inside the country. Immediately afterwards, he evaluated Biden's performance in the debate, directly pointing out that Biden's problem is not that he is "old", but that he is "extremely incompetent".

On the surface, Trump's remarks seem to be a goodwill to China and other countries, but in fact, in combination with the current background, Trump's words are more like a "victory pursuit" for Biden. After all, during Biden's tenure, Sino-US and US-Russian relations have indeed repeatedly fallen to the bottom.

From the perspective of Sino-US relations, since Biden took office, he has carried out fierce "encirclement, pursuit, and interception" against China in various fields. For example, the Biden administration has tightened its tech blockade of China, especially in the semiconductor sector. Under Biden's leadership, the US has not only publicly imposed sanctions on Chinese companies, but also pressured its allies to "strictly guard against China" in the field of exports.

This approach has not only exacerbated the technological cold war between China and the United States, but also led to a further deterioration of relations between the two countries. In addition, on geopolitical issues such as the Taiwan issue and the situation in the South China Sea, the United States has also frequently rushed to the front line of "confronting China".

For U.S.-Russia relations, the Biden administration is also "indispensable". Trump pointed out that the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out during Biden's tenure. The two countries have now reached the point of "needle-to-needle".

Realizing that Biden was not his opponent, Trump changed his tune: China is not the real enemy

Trump meets with Putin

For Trump, these have become his bargaining chips in attacking Biden. In his view, although Sino-US relations have had twists and turns during his tenure, they have not reached the point of-for-tat confrontation today. Still, we need to be wary of Trump.

After all, the real outbreak of the "trade war" between China and the United States actually appeared during Trump's tenure. Earlier, he also said that once officially elected, he would impose tariffs of 60% or more on Chinese imports. Therefore, if Trump does win over Biden, it may be difficult to improve Sino-US relations.

After the first debate ended, the second debate between the two sides was scheduled for September. Judging by the current situation, Trump's chances of winning may be greater. However, whether it is Biden or Trump, in the final analysis, the interests of the United States are the basic norm. In this case, despite Trump's rhetoric of being relaxed about China, we cannot take it lightly. Where Sino-US relations will go depends on what the United States will do next.

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