
Zou Bin, Director of the Undergraduate Admissions Office of Central South University, answers questions from candidates

author:Hunan Education Release

Please introduce Central South University in a few simple sentences.

Central South University is a university directly under the Ministry of Education, a university under the construction of 985 and 211 projects, and the first batch of leading universities in the "2011 Plan", and was selected as a world-class university in 2017 and in the second round of "double first-class" construction in 2022. The school is located in Changsha, Hunan Province, a famous historical and cultural city in China, covering an area of 3.17 million square meters. On the banks of the Xiangjiang River and at the foot of Yuelu Mountain, the environment is elegant and the scenery is pleasant, which is an ideal place for seeking knowledge and learning. The university has 31 secondary colleges, including Xiangya Hospital, Xiangya Second Hospital, and Xiangya Third Hospital, which enjoy the reputation of "South Xiangya", and Xiangya Stomatological Hospital.

Central South University was established in April 2000 by the merger of the former Hunan Medical University, Changsha Railway Institute and Central South University of Technology. The predecessor of the former Central South University of Technology was founded in 1952 as the Central South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (known as the Huangpu of China Mining at home and abroad), and the predecessor of the former Changsha Railway Institute was founded in 1953 as the Central South Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture (the reputation of China's civil engineering troika), and the main disciplines of the two schools can be traced back to the mining and road departments of the Hunan Higher Industrial School founded in 1903. The predecessor of the former Hunan Medical University was Xiangya Medical College, which was founded in 1914 and was one of the earliest Western medical colleges and universities in mainland China (South Xiangya, North Xiehe).

After 100 years of accumulation of running a school, Central South University conforms to the general trend of China's higher education system reform, carries forward the university spirit with "unity of knowledge and action, and application to the world" as the core, and strives to practice the school spirit of "goodness, truth-seeking, aesthetics, and tolerance", adheres to its own school-running characteristics, serves the major needs of the country and society, forges ahead in unity, reforms and innovations, pursues excellence, and greatly improves its comprehensive strength and overall level.

The construction and development of the school has been cordially cared for and fully affirmed by the leaders of the party and the state. In recent years, more than 50 party and state leaders have visited the school and spoke highly of the school's reform and innovation, talent training, scientific research, social services and other work.

Today's Central South University is shouldering the historical responsibility of building a national high-level university, based in Hunan, facing the whole country and looking at the world, vigorously promoting the high-quality connotative development of the university, striving to build a world-class university with distinctive characteristics, and making greater contributions to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

What is the school's new admissions policy for this year?

Central South University's undergraduate admissions policy in 2024 has 7 major benefits for candidates. The first is to expand the enrollment scale, as a national key university, the school responds to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the voice of various regions, and actively assumes social responsibility, in order to further improve the admission rate of candidates around the country and provide more opportunities for candidates to go to university, this year our school overcame difficulties and expanded the total undergraduate enrollment to 8765 students. The second is to optimize the enrollment of majors, with 89 majors to be enrolled in 2024, and new art and technology majors for art and design candidates. The third is to adjust the enrollment categories, and the adjusted enrollment plan is more conducive to undergraduate training and candidates to fill in the volunteers. The fourth is to update the elective subjects, and the school has adjusted the elective subjects for the enrollment majors in the provinces of the college entrance examination reform according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education, which are mainly divided into three types: unlimited, physics + chemistry, and physics + chemistry + biology. Fifth, we will further implement the Strong Foundation Plan, expand the enrollment scale of the Strong Foundation Plan, and add new majors in materials science and engineering. Sixth, when the school raises files and arranges majors, it recognizes the national policy bonus points. Seventh, improve the sorting rules for the same score when admitting. Under the same conditions for advanced candidates, science and engineering, physics and provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) that have implemented the "3+3" comprehensive reform will give priority to those with higher scores in mathematics, Chinese and foreign languages. Literature and history will be given priority to those with higher scores in Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages.

What are the advantageous disciplines or characteristic majors of Central South University?

Central South University has a complete range of disciplines, including non-ferrous metals, medicine, rail transit and other disciplines, covering 11 university disciplines, radiating military science. The university has 19 disciplines ranked in the top 1% of ESI in the world, including materials science, engineering, clinical medicine, computer science, chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology in the top 1,000 in the world.

Central South University has five disciplines included in the list of "Double First-Class" construction disciplines, namely Mathematics, Materials Science and Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering and Transportation Engineering. There are 72 national first-class undergraduate majors, accounting for 81% of the undergraduate enrollment majors.

On the whole, Central South University has three dominant discipline groups.

First, it has the world's most complete non-ferrous metal discipline system chain of "land, mining, selection, smelting, materials, processing and manufacturing", leading and supporting the development of the national non-ferrous metal industry: there is the "depression theory" of academician Chen Guoda, who is as famous as Mr. Li Siguang's "plate theory"; There are materials disciplines that have made outstanding contributions to the aerospace industry of major national scientific research needs such as the mainland's first artificial satellite and the first intercontinental missile; In the field of powder metallurgy materials, the research group led by Academician Huang Boyun has successfully developed high-performance carbon/carbon aviation brake materials, breaking the technological monopoly of European and American countries in this field, making the mainland the fourth country after the United States, Britain and France to be able to apply independent intellectual property rights to produce aircraft brake pads, and high-performance carbon/carbon aviation brake materials have been applied to domestic large aircraft C919. In the field of new energy, Central South University is known as the "Whampoa Military Academy" in China's new energy battery industry. The featured majors involved include materials science and engineering, powder materials science and engineering, metallurgical engineering, surveying and mapping engineering, mineral processing engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, new energy materials and devices, new energy science and engineering, etc.

Second, it has a rail transit discipline system that supports China's high-speed rail to lead the world, and makes important contributions to the development of high-speed railway, Qinghai-Tibet railway, and urban rail transit. Central South University has developed and built the world's largest and only domestic "train aerodynamic performance simulation dynamic model test device", which has formed distinctive characteristics in the research of "train aerodynamics" and "train multi-body coupling impact dynamics". At the construction site of the Tianlu-Qinghai-Tibet Railway, 70% of the technical backbones graduated from Central South University. The main specialties are civil engineering, railway engineering, transportation, etc.

The third is the earliest cluster of western medical system in China, which has a century-old accumulation, and has three large-scale tertiary first-class general hospitals, Xiangya Hospital, Xiangya Second Hospital, and Xiangya Third Hospital, which enjoy the reputation of "South Xiangya", as well as Xiangya Dental Hospital. Xiangya's eight-year clinical medicine program, five-year clinical medicine program, five-year clinical medicine integration, basic medicine, nursing and other advantageous majors have attracted much attention.

Candidates and parents can have a more detailed understanding through the official website of "Central South University Admissions Online", the WeChat mini-program "Central South University Undergraduate Admissions", and the WeChat official account "Central South University Undergraduate Admissions Office".

In addition to the undergraduate general batch, what other enrollment methods are there at Central South University?

In addition to the general batch of undergraduates, there are more than 10 enrollment methods, such as strong foundation plan, comprehensive evaluation admission, guaranteed students, art majors, sports training majors, national special projects, college special programs, preparatory classes for ethnic minorities, Xinjiang and Tibet classes in the mainland, Sino-foreign cooperative schools, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese.

Central South University provides opportunities for students with different characteristics, different needs, and different types of students to enter the school to study. Every outstanding student who pays attention to Central South University and aspires to Central South University has the opportunity to integrate into Central South University and realize their life ideals.

Dundee International College adheres to the student-centered philosophy of running a school and integrates the advantages of the two schools.

Dundee International College, jointly organized by Central South University and the University of Dundee in the United Kingdom, enrolls students in the undergraduate general batch. The characteristics of running a school can be summarized in 12 words: "double registration, double faculty, 4+0, double degree": first, double registration, students register at Central South University and University of Dundee at the same time, and enjoy the teaching resources of both sides; Second, the two sides of Central South University and the University of Dundee select excellent teachers to teach undergraduates, teaching in English; The third is "4+0", the college adopts the "4+0" training model, and all the four-year undergraduate studies are completed in Central South University; Fourth, double degree, students complete their studies as required, and those who meet the school's graduation requirements will receive a bachelor's degree certificate from Central South University; Those who meet the conditions for degree awarding will be awarded a bachelor's degree certificate of Central South University and a bachelor's degree certificate of the University of Dundee, which means that three certificates can be obtained upon graduation.

Apart from Dundee International College, are there any other co-operating programmes?

The university has signed cooperation and exchange agreements with 280 overseas high-level universities and scientific research institutions in 54 countries and regions, initiated or participated in 16 international university alliances, and more than 2,200 international students from 113 countries and regions are receiving academic education at the university. The university has two Confucius Institutes, the Confucius Institute at the Foreign Affairs Institute of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the Confucius Institute at the University of Orléans in France, as well as 12 national bases for innovation and introduction of disciplines. The school adopts the "2+2", "3+1+N" and other modes, as well as overseas internships, summer programs, short-term study abroad and other forms to increase the proportion of students going abroad for study and exchange, expand students' international vision and cross-cultural communication ability, and improve students' international competitiveness.

Candidates can directly apply for the Sino-foreign cooperative education of Central South University in the voluntary application stage, including 1 institution and 2 programs.

In addition to Dundee International College, the two programs refer to the undergraduate education programs of materials science and engineering and civil engineering jointly implemented by Central South University and Monash University in Australia, which are admitted to the undergraduate general batch and comprehensive evaluation, and are divided into two training modes: "2+2" and "4+0". "2+2" training model, the first 2 years of study in Central South University, complete the relevant training program, excellent grades and meet the requirements of studying abroad, the next 2 years can enter Monash University to study, students complete their studies as required, and meet the school's graduation requirements will receive a bachelor's degree certificate of Central South University; Those who meet the requirements for degree conferring will be awarded a bachelor's degree certificate of Central South University and a bachelor's degree certificate of Monash University. The "4+0" training model is that all the four years of undergraduate study are carried out in Central South University, and one-third of the core courses in the training program are taught by Monash University teachers.

Please briefly introduce the comprehensive evaluation admission policy of Central South University.

In 2005, the country was the first to start exploring, in 2007 the first batch of pilots in Hunan, in 2011 rolled out to Yunnan, has been 17 years. The comprehensive evaluation admission of Central South University is characterized by no written test, only interview, and we emphasize scientific literacy and humanistic literacy. In general, it is in accordance with the spirit of classified consideration, comprehensive evaluation and multiple admissions of the Ministry of Education. In 2024, in accordance with the spirit of the latest document of the Ministry of Education, combined with the school's advantageous and characteristic background and the application situation over the years, we have adjusted and optimized the selected subjects and enrollment professional groups. Take Hunan as an example, there are now a total of 11 professional groups (8 in physics and 3 in history). The elective subjects of physics "Physics + Unlimited" are oriented to information management and information system majors, and the elective subjects of medicine-related professional groups are physicochemical biology; The other 6 categories are all "Physics + Chemistry". In the history professional group, there are 2 subjects selected as "history + unlimited"; There is one subject of "History + Politics", that is, the major of ideological and political education. It is worth mentioning that the number of indicators for Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools has increased by 12.

Candidates and parents are requested to pay attention to the online website of Central South University, and the final policy will be released soon.

The university has established a perfect eight-in-one undergraduate financial aid policy system of "awards, grants, attendance, loans, supplements, reductions, exemptions, and repayments" to actively help students' growth and development.

In terms of financial support and education services, the school adheres to the concept of "all for students, for all students", and in order to ensure that "no student from a financially disadvantaged family will drop out of school", it has established an eight-in-one subsidy policy system of "awards, grants, attendance, loans, supplements, reductions, exemptions and reimbursements", and distributes more than 50,000 student financial aid funds and more than 120 million yuan per year.

What are the guarantees of the university in terms of scientific research and employment?

In terms of scientific research, the university insists on deepening the integration of science and education, forming a benign interaction between teaching and scientific research, and improving the level of scientific research and education. First, high-level professors insist on the front line of undergraduate teaching, pay attention to integrating scientific research results into teaching materials, teaching content, and graduation thesis (design), and constantly transform high-level scientific research achievements into high-quality teaching resources; The second is to motivate professors to guide students' innovation and practice activities (100% participate in innovation and entrepreneurship) with organized scientific research as the traction, which effectively drives undergraduates to follow projects, join teams, and do scientific research, and strengthen the cultivation of college students' scientific research literacy; The third is to improve the educational effectiveness of scientific research platforms, realize that 31 national platforms and on-campus scientific research platforms are open to undergraduates, select high-level teachers and experimental technicians to teach undergraduates, and strengthen scientific research practice guidance.

What advice or channels are available for students who want to change majors after entering the university?

Central South University offers a variety of pathways for students who want to change majors. The first is the diversion of major categories. The school implements large-category enrollment, and students can choose their favorite majors in the major categories when the major categories are divided. The second is the selection of special classes. The school has more than 10 outstanding top-notch talent training program experimental classes, base classes and other special classes, and students can participate in the assessment of corresponding majors according to their own strengths and interests. The third is to change majors for outstanding students. If the weighted average grade of the major meets the application requirements, you can apply to your college for inter-college or intra-college transfer of majors. Fourth, students with discipline specialties change majors. Students who have outstanding strengths in a certain discipline (such as winning the national first prize or above in the competition of the professional discipline to be transferred) can give full play to their strengths when changing majors, and students can apply to transfer to majors related to their subject specialties. Fifth, after enlistment, retirement, and return to school, students can apply for changing majors in accordance with relevant policies.

What is the employment situation of graduates of Central South University and what are the advantages?

More than half of the school's 2023 undergraduate graduates chose to pursue further studies, and 3,433 of them went on to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and "double first-class" universities in China, accounting for more than 95%; Among them, more than 26% are directly guaranteed by research. The school is one of the first batch of universities with typical employment experience in China, the employability improvement training base of the Ministry of Education's "Hongzhi Navigation Program", and the youth talent training project base of international organizations of the Ministry of Education, etc., and is one of the 10 most popular universities among China's top 100 enterprises.

Relying on non-ferrous metals, rail transit, medical and health care, radiation electronic information, new energy, new materials, biomedicine, intelligent manufacturing and other industries, the school has built the country's largest "3+X" campus recruitment market, established employment cooperation relations with 32 provinces (cities/districts), and built 232 employment internship practice training bases.

The university has built the largest campus recruitment market in the country, with more than 30,000 units settled in the employment platform, more than 120 million annual website visits, more than 5,000 annual recruitment activities, more than 7,000 recruitment units on campus, and more than 200,000 jobs provided every year.

In recent years, it has continued to send talents to large central enterprises, Fortune 500 enterprises and tertiary hospitals such as China Railway Group, China Railway, China Railway Construction, China Nonferrous Metals, Minmetals Group, ZTE, Huawei, etc., accounting for more than 60% of the total employment, and has formed a stable basic employment service area.

The school is the only university in Hunan Province (the only one in Hunan) that is targeted by the central ministries and commissions, and there are 31 provinces (cities/districts) in the country that select and transfer graduates from our school, and in the past three years, 1,143 people have entered the position of directional selection and transfer. A number of advanced models have emerged, such as the most beautiful grassroots graduates in the country and the winners of the National Grassroots Employment Excellence Award.

In 2023, 29.29% of graduates will join the backbone central enterprises directly under the SASAC, 42.85% will join the world's top 500 companies, and 55.12% will join China's top 500 enterprises. More than 90% of the graduates who went to medical and health units to work in tertiary hospitals were hired.

What problems do Hunan candidates need to pay attention to when filling in the volunteer this year?

My point is that don't worry about the concept of wasting 1 point, it doesn't mean that the score should not be wasted. Rather, in my opinion, it's not the best consideration. It must be to choose the best platform, the most suitable major for your own development, not only looking at the present, but also looking at the long-term planning. Life is a long road. This college entrance examination, major selection, and current employment considerations are only a small part of a person's growth and running. Future achievements depend more on the platform and the background advantages of the chosen major. Therefore, it is recommended to consider the development from a long-term perspective.

First of all, candidates need to pay attention to the special requirements in different types of admissions. For example, the nursing major only recruits candidates who have the intention of the major, and they are not allowed to transfer to other majors after entering the school; Students majoring in athletic training are not allowed to adjust to other majors after entering the school; Art majors are not allowed to transfer to non-art majors; Students majoring in Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools cannot transfer to non-Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run programs. Different majors also have detailed differences in the physical conditions of candidates, such as music performance and dance performance majors have different height requirements for male and female students.

Secondly, candidates in Hunan must pay attention to the correspondence of the selected subjects when filling in the volunteers. In the new college entrance examination, different majors (categories) of different colleges and universities have put forward corresponding requirements for the first choice subjects and re-selected subjects, and candidates should carefully correspond to the requirements of the selected subjects of the intended colleges and universities and the intended majors (categories). Hunan is a province that adopts the "college professional group" to submit the file, and it must be combined with its own selection of subjects to understand the setting of the professional group of colleges and universities. When filling in the 45 colleges and universities professional group volunteers, please pay attention to the majority of candidates, to put the most favorite universities or professional groups in front, the provincial examination institutes will search and file according to your volunteer order. In addition, when filling in the volunteers, in order to avoid slippage, it is recommended that candidates fill in the adjustment adjustment. Here, I also remind the majority of candidates and their parents to be vigilant, not to believe the false propaganda and promises of some social profit-making organizations, and to apply for the exam rationally.

Please leave the official admissions contact information of Central South University and send blessings to this year's candidates.

Candidates and parents can obtain admissions consultation through the official website of "Central South University Admissions Online", the WeChat mini-program "Central South University Undergraduate Admissions", the WeChat official account "Central South University Undergraduate Admissions Office", etc., and can also consult through the hotline 0731-88830995 or email on the website.

Central South University is a university with rich heritage, distinctive characteristics, pragmatic and responsible, and low-key excellence. Living in Zhongnan, learning in Zhongnan, growing up in Zhongnan, and achieving in Zhongnan. Central South University is willing to set sail for you and open up infinite longing and curiosity in life. Candidates are welcome to apply for Central South University.

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