
The woman suddenly pulled out a knife on the hospital bed and wanted to kill herself, and at the critical moment, everyone joined forces to grab the knife, and the male nurse who grabbed the knife: his arm was scratched, and there was no major problem

author:Gale News

"I didn't think much of it at the time, I just thought about taking the knife down." On July 2, a video of "a male nurse snatching a knife to save people at a critical moment in an emergency" attracted attention on the Internet. On the morning of the same day, a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News learned from the male nurse who grabbed the knife that his knife wound was fine, but further blood tests were needed.

Critical Moments:

The female patient in the emergency room was armed with a knife and wanted to kill herself, and everyone joined forces to snatch the knife to save people

On the evening of July 1, a netizen in Liaoning Province posted a video on the Internet entitled "At the critical moment of the emergency, the male nurse grabbed the knife to save people". The video was filmed in the emergency room of a hospital at 2:28 p.m. on July 1, 2024.

At the beginning of the video, a female patient wearing a yellow T-shirt and a bandage on her right leg sits on a hospital bed, holding a dagger in her right hand and trying to kill herself. At the critical moment, the medical staff next to him hurriedly stepped forward to stop it. After a few seconds of stalemate, the female patient adjusted the position of the dagger and wanted to commit suicide again, but a male nurse stepped forward to grab the knife.

The woman suddenly pulled out a knife on the hospital bed and wanted to kill herself, and at the critical moment, everyone joined forces to grab the knife, and the male nurse who grabbed the knife: his arm was scratched, and there was no major problem

The female patient committed suicide with a dagger

The woman suddenly pulled out a knife on the hospital bed and wanted to kill herself, and at the critical moment, everyone joined forces to grab the knife, and the male nurse who grabbed the knife: his arm was scratched, and there was no major problem
The woman suddenly pulled out a knife on the hospital bed and wanted to kill herself, and at the critical moment, everyone joined forces to grab the knife, and the male nurse who grabbed the knife: his arm was scratched, and there was no major problem

The male nurse stepped forward to grab the knife

Just when the two were at a stalemate, several medical staff and patients rushed forward and worked together to snatch the dagger from the female patient's hand. At the end of the video, a male nurse has a scratched arm and is covered in blood.

In the video comment area, many netizens said: The young man is awesome and brave! The others in the back are also very brave! Kudos to the medical staff, the male nurse who grabbed the knife should be promoted and raised. Some netizens reminded the injured male nurse: If you want to tetanus, you must give a blood test to the woman with a knife, and do a good job of protection! You belong to professional exposure (thumbs up), it's dangerous, give you a big thumbs up (thumbs up), good job!

The netizen who posted the video said that he was the male nurse who was injured when he grabbed the knife. The female patient suffered hemorrhagic shock in a car accident, and her family members could not come from out of town, so the hospital did not pay a penny to save people first. The blood bag was very cold when he was first taken out, and during the blood transfusion, he covered the blood bag with his hand to warm it, and he was also the one who was injured by the knife.

For the reminder of enthusiastic netizens, the injured male nurse said that he had reported to the hospital according to the occupational exposure process, and the tetanus approved by the hospital was finished.

In response to some netizens' questions about "where did the knife come from in the hospital emergency room", the netizen who posted the video replied: The knife was brought by the female patient herself.

The male nurse who snatched the knife said:

"I didn't think much about it at the time, I just thought about taking the knife down"

What was the situation at the time of the incident? How is the injured male nurse doing?

On the morning of July 2, a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News contacted Mr. Wu, a male nurse who was injured by a knife.

"My injury is not serious, just wait for the blood test results to come out, and I will be relieved that she (the female patient) is not sick." According to Mr. Wu, the incident occurred on the afternoon of July 1 in the emergency room of Tieling Central Hospital in Liaoning.

"After the incident, the hospital asked me to rest, I felt fine, and I continued to work on July 2." Mr. Wu said that after the incident, the hospital did a blood test for the female patient, and he had to wait for the results of the other party to come back to see if he needed to take a blood test.

Mr. Wu said that it was inconvenient for him to say too much for the time being, and that he would contact Director Li of the hospital's publicity department for the interview. On the morning of the same day, Director Li of the Publicity Department of Tieling Central Hospital said that the hospital was verifying some details of the incident and thanked the media for their attention. In order to protect the privacy of patients, the hospital needs to further investigate and understand, and will release relevant information through local media.

The reporter of Huashang Daily Gale News noticed that in an earlier interview, Mr. Wu gave a more detailed introduction to the matter:

"I was at work at the time, and the female patient broke one of her legs, and I don't know exactly how it was broken. When she first arrived at the hospital, she had no family members, and it was very difficult for the medical staff to communicate with her, and she felt not very conscious. ”

Mr. Wu said: In the emergency room, the hospital gave free examinations to female patients and invited doctors to consult. A doctor told the female patient that her injuries were serious and that she needed to be transferred to a higher-level hospital for treatment. It is estimated that as soon as she hears that she is going to transfer her away, no one may care about her, and her mentality suddenly collapses. During this period, she has been struggling: she has no family, no money......

He said that after the doctor finished speaking, the female patient rummaged through the bag to find something, and everyone thought she was looking for a mobile phone, but she suddenly took out a dagger, and the doctor shouted not to do stupid things.

"I didn't pay much attention to her at first because there were other patients on the scene. Hearing the doctor shouting, I glanced at the female patient. She was blocked, and I didn't pay attention to what she was holding. But I was very surprised when I looked at the doctor's expression, and I felt that she must have taken something threatening.

At this time, my colleague stepped forward and grabbed her and grabbed the knife from her hand. As soon as I saw it, I rushed up to help my colleague grab the knife. A patient who came to the hospital saw this scene and also came up to help us grab the knife together.

During this time, the female patient's knife stabbed and slashed me in the left arm. Another patient who grabbed the knife had four fingers on both hands cut by the knife, and the wound was quite deep and bleeding. I later learned that the other party was a veteran. ”

Mr. Wu said he called the police after they snatched the knife from the female patient. "The police asked me and the veterans if we wanted to hold the female patient accountable, and we both said that we didn't need to do it, because she was already injured and hospitalized, so forget it."

"When a female patient wants to commit suicide, the tip of the knife is aimed at her heart, which is very dangerous." Mr. Wu said that he didn't think too much about the knife when he grabbed it, and only thought that he had to take the knife down.

Huashang Daily Gale News reporter Chen Youmou editor Dong Lin

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