
India's airport buildings collapsed and bridges collapsed, why did India's infrastructure become tofu scum?

author:Lu Ping said

In India, a terminal building at New Delhi Airport has partially collapsed due to heavy rainfall, killing at least one person and injuring eight others.

India's airport buildings collapsed and bridges collapsed, why did India's infrastructure become tofu scum?

It can be seen from the video posted by Indian netizens that before the collapse of the terminal, there was a serious rain leak, and Indian netizens compared it with Singapore's Changi Airport, but Changi Airport is a landscape waterfall, while New Delhi Airport is a rain leak.

India's airport buildings collapsed and bridges collapsed, why did India's infrastructure become tofu scum?

The collapsed buildings at the airport hit some cars, and the casualties were mainly hit by these, which was really dangerous, and some cars were smashed beyond recognition, and if there were people inside, it would be dangerous.

India's airport buildings collapsed and bridges collapsed, why did India's infrastructure become tofu scum?

It is undeniable that the main reason for the collapse of the airport is extreme rainfall, according to the statistics of the Indian Meteorological Department, the rainfall in the airport area of New Delhi reached 228.1 mm in 24 hours, exceeding the average rainfall for the entire month of June, but it is not only New Delhi that suffers from extreme weather, New Delhi is not only this building, other buildings are fine.

India's airport buildings collapsed and bridges collapsed, why did India's infrastructure become tofu scum?

And then there's India, you just collapsed a terminal, you look at how much has happened to you in the past few years.

In Bihar, a bridge costing 10.44 million yuan collapsed with a bang. Check again, good guys, this is not an accident, this one state alone, from 2023 to the present, has collapsed 7 bridges.

Ram Temple, just completed on January 22, 2024, this temple is amazing, Modi personally presided over the groundbreaking ceremony, the incense is very prosperous, and guess what, oh, after the first heavy rain, the roof leaks, and then I found out that there is no drainage system in the temple, ah, a world-class temple, you did this?

India's airport buildings collapsed and bridges collapsed, why did India's infrastructure become tofu scum?

India spent a huge amount of 2.4 billion rupees, equivalent to 200 million yuan, to build the Ayodhiyadam railway station, but as a result, the first and second floors are full of water, and it is difficult to drain it.

And, because India's infrastructure is so famous that Indians risk their lives when they go out, an Indian blogger said that in India, if you are on a bridge, it can collapse; If you're at an airport, the roof may collapse; If you're on a train, it can derail; If you are in a temple, it will leak rain; If you walk on the road, billboards may fall on you and take your life; In this country, human life is so cheap.

India's airport buildings collapsed and bridges collapsed, why did India's infrastructure become tofu scum?

Why is this so?

There are many reasons for this, but I have summarized three of the more critical ones.

1: India's infrastructure projects are rife with corruption. The collapsed airport building was built in 2009, and at that time in India, things were rigorous and reliable, and whoever gave more kickbacks could get the contract; As for the quality of the project, hey, why are the requirements so high, you can rest assured that we are not Indians.

The same is true of the Modi government, which has a big businessman behind him, Adani. At that time, Adani was not well-known, but after Modi served as the chief minister of Gujarat, many of Modi's infrastructure policies were implemented by Adani, and after Modi became president, he praised Adani as the richest man in India, Adani Group, basically did what he wanted to do to get the project, so there was a lot of corruption inside, and the American Hindenburg Company even shorted the Adani Group, pointing out the Adani Group scandal, but it was suppressed by Modi.

Like the Adani Group, there is still a lot of collusion between government and business, which has led to many projects cutting corners and becoming tofu scum projects. What was originally an infrastructure for the benefit of mankind ended up being a talisman.

2: Not in the manufacturing industry.

Although Modi vigorously promotes infrastructure, the level of India's manufacturing industry is relatively low, talents and important materials cannot keep up, and those with a little technical content cannot be produced domestically and can only rely on imports.

3: Lack of money

Infrastructure needs to be maintained, but India, with limited funds, has prioritized funds for new projects, such as building India's high-speed railway, building the world's tallest railway bridge, and the western dedicated freight corridor. This kind of iconic big project is easier to produce political achievements and attract voter support.

Those aging railways, broken bridges, no one cares, so the accident rate is very high, so high that you must have this thing in India, you think it's normal, it's actually abnormal.


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