
Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

author:Listen to Guagua's story

"Don't do it! Don't do it! If you have something to say, it's good to say! It's not right for you to do that! ”

The eldest sister, who is over half a hundred years old, cried and shouted to stop her wife and not to conflict with the tall guys in front of her.

"Phew! You cowards! Just know how to bully us rednecks! Lao Tzu, I ...... back then"

Even if he was stopped, the uncle who was so angry was still unforgiving, those scolded boys were at the age of the strong-blooded, and when they were so provoked by the uncle, their fists immediately rushed to the uncle.


Five or six sons pressed the uncle to the ground and beat him, but the uncle struggled several times and still couldn't move.

The uncle's wail looked particularly sad beside the spring-filled fields.

At that moment, a large black bear, which was a little stronger than a man, came out of the woods and roared loudly at the beaters, threatening to slap one of them with one palm.

What exactly is going on, and why did the uncle and this group of people fight? Why did this ferocious black bear run out and hit people?

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

Zhou Xiong picked up a black bear cub in the bushes

"Alas, I don't know if our kid will be able to get a job this time, it's really sad."

One afternoon in the late autumn of the early nineties, in a rural place in the northeast, an eldest sister who was over half a hundred years old sighed again and again.

Zhou Xiong, who is one meter seventy-three tall and has white in his black hair, glanced at his wife Wang Miao, and sighed: "It should be done, that kid has a lot of strength, can't he even build a construction site?" ”

The couple looked at each other and sighed together.

Zhou Xiong is 53 years old this year, has a son and a daughter, the daughter married out two years earlier, and the unconscious son of the family always married a daughter-in-law this summer.

It is said that when a man marries a wife, he will take care of himself and grow up, and Zhou Xiong's son is no exception.

Zhou Xiong has nothing to do at home, he always thinks about it, he is afraid that his son will not find a job, so he simply takes the eldest sister's tools and prepares to go to the back mountain to see what good goods are available and make up for his family.

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

"Huh? Daddy, are you going up the mountain? Stay safe, don't know how to go home when it's dark......"

Wang Miao chattered to his man, Zhou Xiong smiled, took the tool and walked out: "I know, I know, wait for me to beat a big pheasant for you to eat!" ”

Zhou Xiong called his hunting dog, which was said to have wolf blood: "Wangcai! Walk! Take you up the mountain to play! ”

"Wang!" Wangcai screamed, wagged his tail and went out with his master.

Zhou Xiong took Wangcai up the mountain, Wangcai is a good hunter, but in an hour, Zhou Xiong carried two pheasants in his hands.


Zhou Xiong, who was feeling happy in his heart, heard Wangcai suddenly shouting towards a bush.

This cry is not the same as when he found his prey, Zhou Xiong looked at Wangcai's cry, curious.

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

He opened the bushes and saw a black bear cub curled up on the ground, this black bear cub was a small one, dirty and bloody, if it weren't for the chest would still be undulating, Zhou Xiong thought it was dead.

Zhou Xiong, who couldn't bear it, stepped forward and carefully picked up the little black bear, and the little black bear with no weight in his hand must have been here alone for a long time.

"Woohoo!" Wangcai began to yell at the black bear cub in Zhou Xiong's arms again.

Zhou Xiong patted Wangcai's head and sighed: "Why can't you see death and not save it, my name is Zhou Xiong, it is a black bear, I can't care about it." ”

On the way home, Zhou Xiong was also a little apprehensive in his heart, what would happen if this black bear cub didn't survive.

He hurried home, and as soon as he stepped into the yard when he got home, he heard his daughter-in-law talking and laughing with his son and daughter-in-law.

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

Zhou Xiong knew that his uncompetitive son could be regarded as competitive this time.

As soon as he saw Zhou Xiong coming back, Wang Miao immediately greeted him, handed him a glass of water, and took the two pheasants he was carrying in his left hand.

"You're back, I'll tell you good news, our son has found a job, and the foreman said that he just started ......" Wang Miao was talking energetically, but he saw his own masters shouting in their arms, as if they were hiding something.

"What's this? Still hiding in your clothes? Wang Xue laughed and teased, and went to the kitchen with the chicken.

Zhou Xiong followed behind his daughter-in-law and took out the black bear cub from his arms.

"Wife, look at this black bear cub, ninety percent of it has been abandoned, it is going to snow soon, we can't watch it freeze to death."

Wang Miao glanced at the bear cub, there is a happy event at home today, so naturally there is no opinion.

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

After the release, the black bear still returns to "home" every three or five times

Wang Miao was much more careful than Zhou Xiong, and first wiped the bear cub's hair with a hot towel.

Then he sat by the stove with the cub in his arms, and fed the cub warm goat's milk while lighting the fire.

The bear cub sucked milk with a bulging mouth, and the pink tongue would stick out to lick it, and the little bear paw held Wang Miao's hand and made a "mm-huh" sound.

Zhou Xiong's family of four thought it was very cute, and this black bear cub added joy to their family.

Because he liked it so much, Zhou Xiong also named the bear cub Xiong Bao.

Xiong Bao has milk to drink every day, and it grows quickly, and by the time the first snow falls, it has already run back to the ground, and it is very cute.

When Xiong Bao was a little older, Zhou Xiong began to give Xiong Bao fish meat, and he found that the little bear also liked peanuts and apples, and walnuts as well.

Zhou Xiong is like teasing his grandson every day, feeding Xiong Bao a few peanuts from time to time, watching him hum and chirp and grind his teeth to eat peanuts, not to mention how happy it is.

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

When summer came, Xiong Bao's size was already quite large, and Zhou Xiong also knew that this black bear could not be a pet after all, so he began to take Xiong Bao to hunt in the mountains.

Xiong Bao seems to be much more lively in the wild than at home, probably by nature, he is able to hunt and eat raw food on his own without any training.

Seeing that Xiong Bao was able to have a good time in the wild and would go to find food by himself, Zhou Xiong realized that it was time for them to separate.

The day of separation was not as sad as Zhou Xiong imagined, he took Xiong Bao to the deep mountains and patted it on the head: "You belong here, you have to take care of yourself in the future." ”

Zhou Xiong didn't know if Xiong Bao understood, its round eyes looked at him as ignorant as ever.

But Zhou Xiong thought that Xiong Bao should have understood, so he ran away by himself and picked up walnuts under a wild walnut tree to eat.

Zhou Xiong turned back three times in one step, and returned home empty-hearted.

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

There was a black bear missing at home, and Zhou Xiong was very uncomfortable, but he didn't expect that a few days later, Xiong Bao ran home by himself.

Even Zhou Xiong, who thinks he is a tough guy, couldn't help wiping his tears when he saw Xiong Bao coming back with a bunch of wild walnuts.

But this must not work, the next day Zhou Xiong took Xiong Bao to the mountains again, Xiong Bao still had a good time in the mountains.

However, a few days later, Xiong Bao ran back by himself and took a nap in the corner of the yard.

Over and over again, Xiong Bao gradually went home less and less.

When another winter came, Zhou Xiong's little grandson fell to the ground, and Xiong Bao never returned home.

Zhou Xiong was lost for a long time, often looking at the vast snow and sighing, and occasionally sitting next to his old wife and muttering: "I don't know how Xiong Bao is going to spend this winter, alas......"

Wang Miao was also worried in her heart, but she still comforted her husband and said: "The bear is going to hibernate, Xiong Bao must have found a comfortable place and is sleeping, don't worry, it belongs to nature." ”

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

The winter without Xiongbao is extraordinarily long, and when the fields begin to turn green and the spring winds begin to blow throughout the forest.

When everything recovered, Zhou Xiong also began to slowly let go of the cute black bear.

Unexpectedly, in late spring, Xiong Bao ran home by himself.

Xiong Bao is obviously bigger, but when it walked in front of Zhou Xiong, it was still cute and cute, a big fluffy one, very cute, not fierce at all.

Zhou Xiong's youngest grandson looked at Xiong Bao curiously with big eyes, and Xiong Bao also looked at him, as if the two were brothers of the opposite sex.

The little grandson giggled with his little fist, and Xiong Bao lay on the ground and hummed quietly.

Zhou Xiong felt as if he really had two grandchildren, and he was extremely happy, but he was still a little worried and didn't dare to let Xiong Bao get too close to his little grandson.

After all, Xiong Bao is a beast after all, if he really suddenly becomes a beast, then he will suffer.

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

Zhou Xiong was beaten by many people, and the black bear appeared in time

Spring goes to autumn, it is 5 years in a blink of an eye, Xiong Bao will not appear in winter, but when the winter is completely over, it will "run" home every once in a while.

Zhou Xiong's youngest grandson has already started kindergarten, and he makes a lot of noise every day.

On this day, several tall and mighty men with a height of more than one meter eight smashed the door of Zhou Xiong's house.

"Uncle Zhou! Open the door! What are you thinking about? We've told you so many times! ”

Inside the house, Zhou Xiong was furious when he heard the sound, he bounced up from the recliner, rushed to the yard with great momentum, and opened the door with force.

"Fuck off!! Dream on! I'm not going to give that land to you! ”

These people are really too domineering, they say that they want to build a fish pond, and they say that they have found someone to see it, and the land used by Zhou Xiong's family to grow potatoes is the most suitable, so they have to forcibly "buy" it.

Zhou Xiong must be unhappy, his family doesn't have much land in total, and they want him to give it to them at a low price, that's impossible!

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

Those men relied on their own tall horses to push Zhou Xiong, which was obviously trying to intimidate him!

Zhou Xiong is a tough person who is not afraid of things, he scolds when he opens his mouth, no matter how ugly he scolds, he doesn't believe that these people dare to do anything to him in his house!

When Wang Miao heard the news in the village, he had already run home quickly, but as soon as he got home, he saw his man being pushed by several young and strong young men.

And the man in her family was still unconvinced, and his mouth was not forgiving at all.

Wang Miao hurriedly went up and hugged his man: "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!" I'll talk about it when our son comes back next month! ”

Of course, Zhou Xiong gave his mother-in-law face, although he was still very angry, but he didn't provoke those boys again.

Who knew that Wang Miao said that he would talk about it next month, and let them go back first.

But they still didn't give up, saying, "No! It's been dragging on for half a month! The boss said it! There must be a result today, Old Man Zhou, don't you know what to do! ”

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

When they shouted like this, Zhou Xiong was so angry that he almost jumped up and knocked on their heads.

In the case that both sides could not sit down and talk calmly, several young men couldn't hold their breath and pushed Zhou Xiong hard.

Wang Miao was so scared when he saw that they were pushing people, so he hurriedly hugged Zhou Xiong, and then there was the opening scene.

Xiong Bao came to the scene like a hero, and it roared, and the men who beat Zhou Xiongdu were all frightened.

As soon as they turned around, they saw a large black bear taller than a man standing in the yard, staring at them condescendingly.

The black bear was about to slap his paw at the man closest to him.

"No!! Xiong Bao!! You can't shoot people!! ”

"No!! Xiong Bao!! ”

Zhou Xiong and Wang Miao shouted at the same time Xiong Bao's fleshy palm.

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

The man who was almost slapped on the head was stunned, and then several people who were close to him smelled a smell of urine......

The man was obviously frightened, you know, if the big black bear's palm really slapped him on the head, it would be up to him to say whether he would survive or not!

The relatives who rushed to help outside also reacted, and immediately shouted at the door: "You are really lawless!" We've called the police! You wait! ”

"That's it! I've never seen anyone so domineering! People don't sell it to you, and you even come to beat people! It's too much! ”

With the support of the neighbors and relatives in the village, the boys who beat people did not dare to move like quails.

The police soon arrived at the scene and brought back the beaters.

The latter beaters were all locked up for several months, and Zhou Xiong's medical expenses were also compensated, and as for Zhou Xiong's land where potatoes were planted, naturally no one continued to make up his mind.

Uncle Northeast adopted a black bear cub, and 5 years later he was beaten by someone, and the black bear protector scared the beater

However, about the black bear in Zhou Xiong's house, the leaders of the township came to Zhou Xiong's house to understand the situation after hearing about it.

After learning that Zhou Xiong had saved it, it also listened to persuasion, and after not really shooting people, the leader didn't say anything more, only said: "Sometimes, this animal is more than a human to know about it." ”

Yes, both humans and animals live on the same land, and even if humans are more intelligent, it does not mean that animals are without feelings.

Even if it is a black bear that is taller than a person and looks scary to outsiders, it is still extremely gentle with its benefactor.

Both nature and the animals that live in nature must be protected.

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