
Li Jinyu made an official comeback in the summer window! The new owner is about to officially announce that he has joined, and his ability has been recognized

author:The forefront of Chinese Super League sports

A few days ago, according to domestic media reports, Li Jinyu, who has been idle at home during this time, has decided to make an official comeback. Li Jinyu received an invitation from Liaoning Iron Man Club, a Chinese league team, and will lead the team to play in the league. Liaoning Iron Man has always claimed to revitalize Liaozu, and the team invited Fan Zhiyi to serve as the head of the coaching staff some time ago. It's just that Fan Zhiyi said that his head of the coaching staff is on a temporary basis, and he does not participate in the actual management of the team.

Li Jinyu made an official comeback in the summer window! The new owner is about to officially announce that he has joined, and his ability has been recognized

Therefore, the head coach of Liaoning Ironman is the local coach Sun Wei. It's just that after Sun Wei became the head coach of Liaoning Ironman, his overall performance did not meet expectations. In the last round, Liaoning Ironman suffered a heavy defeat to the Yunnan Yukun team, which made the club's senior management determined to replace Sun Wei. It happened that Li Jinyu was at home, and the club sent him an invitation. Li Jinyu is a recognized meritorious scorer of Liao Football and once led Liao Xiaohu to the league runner-up.

Li Jinyu made an official comeback in the summer window! The new owner is about to officially announce that he has joined, and his ability has been recognized

Later, when Li Jinyu was transformed into a coach, he led the Shenyang Zhongze team to play in the Chinese League. Coach Li Jinyu's highlight moment was to serve as the head coach of Wuhan Zall firefighting. At that time, Wuhan Zall head coach Li Xiaopeng was promoted by the national football team, and assistant coach Li Jinyu was corrected. After Li Jinyu became the head coach of Wuhan Zall, he led the team to get good results and successfully completed the relegation task.

Li Jinyu made an official comeback in the summer window! The new owner is about to officially announce that he has joined, and his ability has been recognized

Li Jinyu coached the Yunnan Yukun team in the past two seasons, and the overall record was good, making the team a favorite to surpass. It's just that I don't know why Li Jinyu suddenly resigned and left in the Yunnan Yukun team. Li Jinyu was at home for this reason, and some time ago it was rumored that he was going to Qingdao West Coast to coach, but soon there was no follow-up, and Qingdao West Coast still chose to trust the Japanese coach.

Li Jinyu made an official comeback in the summer window! The new owner is about to officially announce that he has joined, and his ability has been recognized

So in this case, Liaoning Iron Man saw an opportunity. For being able to continue to exert his residual heat for the new Liaozu, Li Jinyu is naturally very much looking forward to it. Liaoning Ironman's important goal this season is to relegate, and then next season under the leadership of Li Jinyu to complete the task of surpassing. I believe that as long as Liaoning Iron Man has personnel and funds in place, Li Jinyu will be able to smoothly lead the team back to the Chinese Super League.