
Extremely serious! Xu Shuhua said that the "anti-infiltration law" should be repealed, and the Supreme Procuratorate has not been able to solve the case


Text: Zhang Youhua

On June 30, Zhu Lilun went to the countryside to Nantou County to explain the support of the people present in response to the "Five Bills" recall and anti-recall "Beam Guarding Action". Later, Xu Shuhua, the "superwoman" Nantou County Magistrate, said something different from Zhu Lilun, and she still repeatedly called for attention to the "anti-osmosis law". Two officials of the Nantou County Government have been subject to judicial investigation because of the "anti-infiltration law," and she believes that the "anti-infiltration law" has cast an uncertain cause for cross-strait exchanges and the future development of cross-strait relations.

Extremely serious! Xu Shuhua said that the "anti-infiltration law" should be repealed, and the Supreme Procuratorate has not been able to solve the case

After Hsu Shuhua finished speaking, Taiwan's Supreme Procuratorate had just completed its reorganization, and suddenly issued a message on the "anti-infiltration law," saying that it had only investigated 85 cases. And of these 85 cases, 425 were actually included in the investigation. He said they had only done 85 cases, but not a single one since Tsai Ing-wen took office for the second time four years ago.

The Supreme People's Procuratorate actually does not need to use information to investigate how many cases there are, many people have watched Lai Qingde's video, as long as someone reports it on the Internet, or forwards it on other online platforms such as FB, all of them will be sent to justice. Someone once came from Pingtung to Taipei for inquiry, from Tainan to Taipei for inquiry, and even some people spread photos and news comments of Zhao Tianlin and the woman, which were also investigated. Zhao Tianlin himself admitted it, but he still used false information to deal with him. The incident of Zheng Wencan's visit to Macao is also a fact, but as a result, they still used the "anti-infiltration law" to handle it, but they couldn't do it because they had to find out who relayed the film.

Extremely serious! Xu Shuhua said that the "anti-infiltration law" should be repealed, and the Supreme Procuratorate has not been able to solve the case

They have always said that there are only 85 cases, but these are cases that have been completed by prosecutors, and there are many more that have not been convicted. After the president of the Kaohsiung City Friendship Association went to the mainland, he came back with a very bad experience. And the president of the sorority is still non-party, but he also forwarded the photo when someone forwarded it. Xu Shuhua's Nantou County Government has two cases: one is that the confidential secretary once went to the mainland with Xu Shuhua, and the other is that the secretary is Zhushan and the people. These two similar evidence, as soon as they returned from going to the mainland, they were investigated, and besides, it was an investigation without evidence. An investigation without evidence means that they can look it up just by relaying one or two photos from someone else, and they never ask who that person is.

Now the "reverse osmosis law" is really going to be enforced. However, there are many people who go to Wuyi Mountain or other tourist attractions in the mainland to do live broadcasts, and it is better for them to only do live broadcasts, and not put photos of meals or other types of photos on FaceBook or others, and the prosecutor can rely on this thing to explain.

Xu Shuhua is right, this evil law must be repaired. But now it is because the "five bills" are "anti-strike actions" that he will not mention them during this session. But since Xu Shuhua has already talked about the seriousness of this problem, the blue and white camp should think carefully about whether there is a need for this bill. Because this "law" is according to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, he said that they deal with 85 cases. In fact, did the prosecutor gather all the evidence when he went to prosecute someone on behalf of the government, or did he follow the instructions from above?

Extremely serious! Xu Shuhua said that the "anti-infiltration law" should be repealed, and the Supreme Procuratorate has not been able to solve the case

At present, one of the most terrifying things in the Taiwan region is the "Five Laws of Security" and the other is the "Anti-Infiltration Law." If the Taiwan authorities want to do something, he can find a reason at any time. This is why Xu Shuhua said that this kind of "law" was forcibly adopted by the DPP and brutalized the people in the Taiwan region. The freedom of movement and travel in Taiwan is equivalent to taking off two layers of skin when he accidentally violates the "law" or when he uses this thing to contain it. In other words, the DPP's purpose is not to sentence people, but to rectify people.

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