
Woman, the more "disobedient" you are, the more men will be obsessed with you

author:Say love
Woman, the more "disobedient" you are, the more men will be obsessed with you

In the world of love, the conventional notion seems to be that women are to be well-behaved and obedient. But you know what? Sometimes, the more disobedient a woman is, the more she can fascinate a man.

Of course, to be clear, the so-called disobedience we have here is not unreasonable, but not to do everything exactly according to the man's words, but to obey his own heart.

Woman, the more "disobedient" you are, the more men will be obsessed with you

1. Unique personality ignites the spark of passion"

When a woman no longer blindly obeys others, but bravely reveals her unique personality, she is like a bright and shining star in the night sky, radiating a charming and unique light.

In the same way, you have your own independent ideas and firm opinions, and you will never go along with them.

In the face of men's various demands or expectations, you can not hesitate to say "no" bravely and resolutely stand your ground.

This distinct uniqueness seems to men to be an unknown and mysterious new continent, which fills them with a desire to challenge and a desire to explore new things.

It's like they can't help but sigh, "I just like your personality!" ”

This uniqueness of yours, like mysterious magic, greatly stimulates the deep desire for conquest and strong curiosity in the heart of men.

They are eager to get to know you better and explore the rich world inside you.

Your steadfastness and uniqueness make them understand that the path to pursuing you is not always easy, but because of this, it makes them more engaged and more attentive.

Because in their eyes, you are not something that can be easily controlled, but a precious treasure that requires their hard work and sincerity to earn.

Woman, the more "disobedient" you are, the more men will be obsessed with you

2. Moderate resistance to increase the fun of getting along

"Don't always follow me, it's interesting to resist a little." The disobedience of a woman is not intentionally against each other, but actually adds a touch of fun to getting along with each other.

It's like when a man enthusiastically proposes to go to the movies, a woman occasionally playfully suggests that she wants to go for a walk in the park.

This seemingly small "resistance" is not a fierce quarrel, but a relaxed and warm interaction. It is like a fresh breeze that blows away the blandness and tedium that may arise in the process of getting along.

This kind of inadvertent "little resistance" made the relationship between the two instantly full of surprises and expectations.

It's like a man will say with joy: "It's funny to be with you and never know what will happen in the next second!" ”

Because of this unknown, every time we get along is like an adventure full of surprises.

One moment you may be discussing the plot of the movie, and the next moment you are already strolling on the paths of the park and feeling the beauty of nature.

This mode of getting along, which is full of variables and surprises, keeps love alive and charming.

It avoids the monotonous repetition day after day, allows each other to constantly discover new beauty in getting along, and constantly deepens the love and dependence on each other.

Woman, the more "disobedient" you are, the more men will be obsessed with you

3. Self-perseverance wins respect and cherishment

"Your persistence in yourself makes me admire you even more." When a woman's disobedience is not willful, but to stick to her principles and bottom line, men tend to have deeper respect for her.

When you can clearly recognize and firmly guard your inner rules, and do not easily compromise and abandon your cherished values in order to cater to men.

You will feel a sense of confidence and certainty from the bottom of your heart, and you will tell yourself firmly: "I know what I want, and I will not change it easily." ”

This kind of self-perseverance from the heart will make the man deeply realize that you are a woman with clear principles and exudes unique charm.

Your perseverance is not stubborn in the eyes of men, but an admirable quality.

They will realize that your firmness and persistence are an important part of your charisma.

Because of this, men will value you more.

They understand that your persistence is not a rejection of them, but a clear understanding and firm defense of your own value.

This kind of cherishing not only comes from the appreciation of you, but also from the awe and respect for your unique charm.

They know that having such a principled and charismatic you is a rare treasure in life.

Woman, the more "disobedient" you are, the more men will be obsessed with you

Sisters, stop being obedient and obedient. Show your personality, resist moderately, stick to yourself, let men be deeply fascinated by you, and harvest your own happy love.