
How to match the Jeopardy Zero Aether lineup, and the strongest Aether lineup is recommended

author:Entertainment Kankan Club

The game of Jeopardy Zero can be said to be very popular recently, so there are many characters in this game that can be matched, today I will recommend to you the strongest lineup of the ether system, interested players can take a look.

How to match the Jeopardy Zero Aether lineup, and the strongest Aether lineup is recommended

How to match the Jeopardy Zero Aether lineup, and the strongest Aether lineup is recommended

Crested Kite + Appi + Nicole

Zhu Kite: Zhu Kite is mainly strong in her constellation, her constellation itself is relatively strong, and she also has the ability to strengthen shotguns, which is very powerful in battle.

How to match the Jeopardy Zero Aether lineup, and the strongest Aether lineup is recommended

Appi: Appi's main role is to break, and her breaking ability is very good.

How to match the Jeopardy Zero Aether lineup, and the strongest Aether lineup is recommended

Nicole: The support slot is the support in the team, which can help the whole team increase damage and regenerate.

How to match the Jeopardy Zero Aether lineup, and the strongest Aether lineup is recommended

The above is the recommendation of the Jeopardy Zero Aether lineup, follow us for more exciting content.