
How to get the Phantom Beast Palu Avatar Coins, and how to get the Avatar Coins

author:Entertainment Kankan Club

Phantom Beast Palu This game can be said to be very popular recently, many players are asking how to obtain Phantom Beast Palu Wangwang coins, I believe players are also very interested in this, let's take a look, I hope it can help everyone.

How to get the Phantom Beast Palu Avatar Coins, and how to get the Avatar Coins

How to get the Phantom Beast Palu Avatar Coins, and how to get the Avatar Coins

Method 1: Capture Wangcai or kill Wangcai to get Wangwang coins, Wangcai is a treasure mimic monster, and it is the new Palu.

How to get the Phantom Beast Palu Avatar Coins, and how to get the Avatar Coins

Method 2: We can find Vow Coins using supplies.

How to get the Phantom Beast Palu Avatar Coins, and how to get the Avatar Coins

The above is how to get Phantom Beast Palu Avatar Coins, follow us for more exciting content.