
Weekly case PR review 6.24-6.30

author:Brother Bird's Notes

There are these things

1. Luckin cooperated with Xu Haiqiao to promote the Yellow Rose Latte

Second, the new name of Heytea's small milk gardenia was accused of rubbing the edges

3. University linkage "Who is in Beijing"

Fourth, the founder of the small pot of tea bowed and apologized at the press conference

Fifth, Mixue's new products are like smelly feet but they were snapped up

6. Students were accused of stealing chopsticks and giving out 10,000 pairs of chopsticks for free at the door of the canteen

1. Luckin cooperated with Xu Haiqiao to promote the Yellow Rose Latte

Event recap

On June 21, Luckin released a new product trailer for cooperation with Liu Yifei starring in the TV series "The Story of Rose". On the day of the product launch on June 24, Luckin's official Weibo released a promotional poster, and the co-actor was Xu Haiqiao, a famous fan brother in Liu Yifei's circle. On the occasion of the hit of "The Story of Rose", Xu Haiqiao was ridiculed by netizens as a "supernumerary male lead" because he frequently expressed his like. In this cooperation, netizens said, "Xu Haiqiao is finally complete!" "This time Luckin is really good at playing, not only let us drink delicious coffee, but also let us see such an interesting linkage!" "Luckin really understands traffic, and the speed of rubbing the heat this time is simply faster than lightning!"

Weekly case PR review 6.24-6.30


1. The outbreak of propagation comes from the accumulation of the effect of previous propagation. Xu Haiqiao's previous confessions of worthlessness and on various platforms have actually completed this accumulation. Brand communication also needs the accumulation of communication, and the process of this accumulation is the normal state of communication.

2. The outbreak of transmission requires the right time, place and people. has the accumulation of Xu Haiqiao's well-known fan brothers, the setting of multiple male protagonists around a female protagonist in "The Story of Rose", the beauty of a fairy, and the feminist tendency in the big public opinion environment. These conditions are indispensable.

3. The interaction between celebrities and celebrities naturally carries the fan resources and entertainment attributes of both parties, and is a good "flammable and explosive" content.

4. It is not difficult for the brand to capture the hot spots, and it is rare how to combine with the brand and land quickly. Luckin grasped the communication point accurately this time, the combination was also good, the implementation was fast, and it strongly met everyone's entertainment needs. As for whether the product is good or not, let's talk about the message after drinking. (Yan ignores)

Second, Heytea's new little milk gardenia was accused of rubbing the edges

Event recap

On the evening of June 25th, the topic of "Heytea's new name Xiao Ni Gardenia was accused of rubbing the edges" rushed to the hot search. The staff of Heytea store said that the name was set by the company, and no consumers have reported this problem. It is reported that "Little Milk Gardenia" is a new milk tea product jointly launched by Heytea and the Finnish national treasure brand Marimekko. Some netizens said: The name of the new product is a bit vulgar, I don't believe that the people who planned this homonym didn't expect that it could be approved and landed layer by layer", but some netizens think that this name should not be too sensitive, and the product name of Heytea "Little Milk Gardenia" is to echo with another white jasmine product "Little Milk Jasmine", and it feels inappropriate. On June 28, Heytea's official ordering applet showed that "Little Milk Gardenia" had been renamed "Little White Gardenia". In this regard, Heytea customer service said: "Little White Gardenia" is the latest name of this product, for the naming of this product, we have always been just to express the natural gardenia fragrance and milk fragrance of the product. According to everyone's feedback, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, "Little White Gardenia" has become the latest name of this product.

Weekly case PR review 6.24-6.30


1. If the brand does not predict that the name will have a negative impact, it can only be said that the level is too poor. The current public opinion environment and tendencies are clear, a bunch of brands have suffered this kind of beating, why are there such moths.

2. If the brand predicts it but tries to get through the heat in the dark, it can only be said that the level is too poor. Heytea has a high degree of attention among many tea brands, and long-term consumers and line media are not dead people, and it is impossible not to follow the topic of delivery.

3. Except for brands in sex-related industries such as Durex, it is not recommended to rub the edges, even if this kind of brand rubs the edges, it is necessary to pay attention to the role position and subordinate status of women, and the public opinion environment is so helpless. (Yan ignores)

3. University linkage "Who is in Beijing"

Event recap

"Then what do you mean by going to Beijing, who is there in Beijing?" It has become a popular Internet meme recently. On June 25, the urban drama "The Story of Rose" announced its end, causing heated discussions. In the play, the quarrel scene of "Fang Xiewen" played by Lin Gengxin shouting "Who is there in Beijing" when questioning "Huang Yimei" was edited and reposted by CCTV, CCTV Cultural Tourism, CCTV Military, Beijing Cultural Tourism and many other licensed media, with the highest number of likes exceeding one million. After that, cultural tourism from all over the country also came to intervene, and Xinjiang, Guizhou, Hainan, Chengdu, Hubei, Shandong and other places started secondary creations, focusing on a hard turn. On the afternoon of the 25th, Tsinghua University also came, and Weibo posted a video of the meme and wrote: "Tsinghua tells you who is in Beijing, code 10003, welcome to apply for Tsinghua University!" In the early morning of the 26th, the Weibo account of Fudan University ran to leave a message: "Who is there in Beijing?" Tsinghua knows! But where are the roses? Fudan knows! Fudan tells you who is in Shanghai, code 10246, welcome to apply. Subsequently, Tsinghua University quickly replied: "Although it is late, it will be here!" Remember to come to Tsinghua to see roses. "The back-and-forth linkage between colleges and universities has once again sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Weekly case PR review 6.24-6.30


1. In the graduation season enrollment season, the participation of central media in communication is a reserved project. Almost every July or September, universities and the media will move, and many of them are fixed.

2. Always brush the sense of existence, often look fresh. With so many cultural tourism and colleges and universities participating in the dissemination, "Wuhan University has no hard turn" can break through from many "no hard turns", which has nothing to do with its daily sense of existence and good popularity among passers-by.

3. Cultural tourism + colleges and universities belong to the combination of top topics + top topics, and the probability of overturning is relatively low, but when everyone can rub it, how to get traffic is a test of the ability to find topic points. (Wang Zipang)

Fourth, the founder of the small pot of tea bowed and apologized at the press conference

Event recap

On June 25, at the 12th anniversary press conference of small pot tea, Du Guoying, the founder of small pot tea, responded to the long-term "masterpiece" controversy, saying that the corporate advertising slogan had caused trouble to everyone, and he had reflected on it for many years, solemnly apologized to everyone, and said that he had been committed to digitizing the master's skills for many years, and announced that his 135 tea-making patents were open source to the society free of charge. As early as 2019, small pots of tea were "handmade by eight tea masters" and "each can is handmade by a master of the Taidou level"...... and other slogans were ridiculed by the public as an "IQ tax". Someone calculated an account for a small pot of tea, "A master fried 250 million tea a year" "Assuming that there is no rest all year round, on average, a master fries 220 catties of net tea every day" "The top tea lady only fries 40 catties a day, is the master of the small pot of tea tired?" At that time, the small pot of tea responded that "masterwork" refers to works that represent the master's skills, not the master's hand-fried tea. However, it is worth noting that while the founder personally apologized, the small pot of tea was still applying for the master handmade trademark.

Weekly case PR review 6.24-6.30


1. The high cost makes it more and more difficult to pay for it at the public level. In the past, it was said that the raw materials were good, the cost was high, and the sales were expensive, and this point of view was paid by consumers. However, as some brands have serious premiums and market consumption tends to be rational, fewer customers are willing to pay, and the controversy over high costs and high prices is also amplifying.

2. Once the label of "marketing" is attached, everything will be like marketing. Du Guoying said that he didn't like to be called a marketing master, but he couldn't get rid of this label, and while apologizing, he was found to be still registering the master trademark, but he made it even more solid that the apology after 12 years was like a show and a marketing method.

3. In terms of communication, numbers are a powerful material that can not only attract attention, but also serve as evidence for communication points. Numbers are good because they stand up to the math and can be confirmed. But in reality, numbers often become a scourge that can be falsified, and in press conferences and marketing materials, there are really more cases of digital overturning. (Wang Zipang)

Fifth, Mixue's new products are like smelly feet but they are snapped up

Event recap

There must be explosive products every summer, but I didn't expect this year's explosive products to fall on glutinous rice. Recently, Mixue Bingcheng has released a new product, called "Glutinous Lemon Tea", which has attracted many old users to buy it because it is combined with the popular lemonade. However, the evaluation of the new product did not go in the direction preset by Mixue Bingcheng. First of all, some people felt that it was unpleasant, and they couldn't accept it, and felt that there was a strange taste. Then some people said it smelled like stinky feet, while others said it smelled like stinky socks. As soon as this point of view emerged, more consumers tried it with a curious mentality. Some netizens posted pictures saying that many stores in Mixue Bingcheng sold short of new products. On the other hand, the two-dimensional "Tomorrow's Ark Foot Stinky Bar" boat players who are interested in the smell of socks are ecstatic. Perhaps because of this way of being able to reverie the taste of demon dreams through actual sensory experience, many like-minded netizens came to taste Mixue's new products, and generally came to a conclusion: foot control must be drunk.

Weekly case PR review 6.24-6.30


1. It is negative to say that the new product is unpleasant, and what is even worse is that it is said to be like foot odor and sock smell. This kind of inducing information will make people who are originally wavering and feel that the average neutral person feels more and more like.

2. What makes Michelle more unacceptable than the smell of socks is being "pampered" by special groups. In fact, you have to say that the sock flavor is still in the category of unpleasant, but once this product is targeted by special people, and this wave of people itself has a negative effect, "unpleasant" has become a carnival of a group of people, and Michelle will also be labeled as an accomplice.

3. The reason why the fault tolerance rate of Mixue Bingcheng is much higher than that of ordinary brands is that its basic plate is to stand with the general public. Once the public's will is violated, the pain value of this consequence is no less than that of the idol who collapsed the house and stepped on it.

4. What did glutinous rice do wrong, why not a lemon pot. (Wang Zipang)

6. Students were accused of stealing chopsticks, and 10,000 pairs were distributed free of charge at the entrance of the cafeteria

Event recap

June 24, Xiamen, Fujian. Previously, according to media reports, a female student at Donghai Vocational and Technical College was angrily accused by the staff of stealing two meals and six pairs of chopsticks in the cafeteria. On the 24th, she distributed 10,000 pairs of disposable chopsticks for free at the entrance of the cafeteria, and in the video, many students came to receive them for free. In the process of distributing chopsticks, it is suspected that there are police officers at the scene to coordinate and maintain order. In the comment area of the related video on the 24th, the female student also took the initiative to admit that she planned and implemented the free distribution of chopsticks, and she also said that the canteen manager had apologized privately after negotiation. On the 25th, the staff of Xiamen Donghai Vocational and Technical College responded that the school was dealing with the matter, and the specific outcome was decided by the school leaders. The staff of the Xiamen Municipal Education Bureau responded that they were guiding the school to properly handle the cyber incident.

Weekly case PR review 6.24-6.30


1. It is the status quo that the whole people will live, and everyone will only get more and more willing, full of tricks and strange things. Even if you don't know how to live, you have a mobile phone, and you can choose the audio and video recordings. Brands must have the awareness that there will be material leakage, and they can only avoid it as much as possible.

2. The canteen will involve the school, and the school will involve the Education Bureau. These authorities pay more attention to public opinion than the grassroots level, and have the authority to manage and punish you.

3. The problems that have erupted are already existing and are very likely to exist for a long time without being solved. The staff may accuse the student of "theft" because the chopsticks have been taken too much and have been pent up for a long time. Angered by accusations of being too insulting, the students engaged in performance art rebellion.