
Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

author:The Gate of History

This girl may be the worst college entrance examination champion in history, obviously the highest score in liberal arts in Jiangsu Province in 2020, but in the end, not only was she rejected by Qingbei, but even her own top spot in the college entrance examination was occupied by another candidate who was one point behind, and instead became the darling of Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

So what's going on here? Obviously, the national college entrance examination relies on scores, why did Bai Xiangling, who ranked first in the overall score, fall into such a bleak situation? And what kind of bizarre story happened to her?

In the 2020 college entrance examination, Bai Xiangling from Jiangsu unexpectedly scored 430 points, and instantly ascended to the throne of the top student in the Jiangsu college entrance examination that year, which was envied by everyone.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

Of course, for such a high-profile high-scoring student, everyone at that time thought that Bai Xiangling must have been caught by Qingbei, but they didn't think that with the official release of the college entrance examination results, the champion of liberal arts who was announced was not Bai Xiangling, but another classmate who was one point behind in total score, not to mention Tsinghua University and Peking University.

And not only that, with the shouting of these two universities in Qingbei, Bai Xiangling, who has obviously achieved the highest score, even the rest of the C9 alliance universities also avoid it, for fear that something will go wrong if they are not careful.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

For a while, everyone began to stand up for Bai Xiangling, and even threatened to uncover the shady behind them, but before everyone could make a move, the official refutation of the rumors was released in time, it turned out that there was a reason why they did not recruit Bai Xiangling.

And as the truth came out, everyone was in an uproar in an instant, it turned out that although Bai Xiangling had the first overall score, if she really ranked according to the college entrance examination mechanism in Jiangsu that year, she was really a proper "pseudo-academic bully", so what kind of cat is there?

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

I thought that things would develop to this point, and Bai Xiangling would be casually admitted to a second-rate university in the future, but he didn't think that Bai Xiangling at that time not only received an exceptional admission from Beijing Normal University, but even the University of Hong Kong, which is known as the Asian Ivy League, also threw an olive branch to him.

even did not hesitate to say cruel words in front of Bai Xiangling, as long as Bai Xiangling chooses the University of Hong Kong, then their school will provide him with a full scholarship of more than 1 million yuan for four years, and all majors are still at his disposal.

So on the one hand, there are ordinary 985 universities in China, and on the other hand, Hong Kong University, which raises its status to a high level, how will Bai Xiangling choose in the end?

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

She is known as the worst college entrance examination champion in history, and she is also the first unlucky person who missed Qingbei because of her elective course results, so where should Bai Xiangling go in the end?

In fact, according to Bai Xiangling's college entrance examination score of 430 points that year, he is indeed a well-deserved champion in liberal arts, but it is a coincidence.

At that time, Jiangsu adopted a three-plus-two college entrance examination mechanism, only three subjects of language, mathematics and English, with a total score of 480 points, 160 points for Chinese and mathematics, and 120 points for English, in addition to 40 points of additional questions, the other two are based on the results of elective courses on weekdays, and the overall level must reach A+!

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

Therefore, for the Jiangsu candidates of that year, only relying on the results of cultural courses to win the championship will not have any good results after all, and it is precisely because of this that although Bai Xiangling, who got the first place in the final total score, only because the elective courses did not meet the standard, he could only miss out on Qingbei.

As a result, the high-scoring students who were the pride of the sky in the last second became the object of avoidance of all C9 alliance colleges and universities in the next second.

So for her more than ten years of hard work, but in the end she got such a miserable situation, Bai Xiangling felt that the future was bleak, and even her parents felt helpless for what happened to their daughter.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

You must know that Bai Xiangling on weekdays is very hard working and hard in her studies, not only entered the school's Wenqiang class during the high school entrance examination, but also sang all the way, becoming a beautiful student in the eyes of all teachers and classmates, and a good seedling in Qingbei.

But who knows, in the college entrance examination in 2020, a sudden epidemic completely changed everything, so that Jiangsu that year inexplicably adopted the three-plus-two college entrance examination model, and all the candidates were caught off guard.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

Fortunately, Bai Xiangling, who is talented and intelligent, still has a good ability to accept, and only in the last month before preparing for the college entrance examination, he decisively changed his previous preparation ideas, and was determined to face this unique life test with his greatest efforts.

I have to say that Bai Xiangling is really a good hand at the exam, even if Jiangsu's college entrance examination model was only the first time to adopt three plus two, but in the end, Bai Xiangling still scored 430 points, and won the crown of the liberal arts college entrance examination in one fell swoop.

But for such a university bully who can achieve such excellent results in the face of the college entrance examination reform for the first time, no one would have thought that Bai Xiangling would miss Tsinghua University and Peking University because of the failure of the elective courses.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

fell off the altar overnight, so where will Bai Xiangling's final way out?

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion in history, scored 430 points in the college entrance examination but was rejected by Qingbei, but in the end, he was happy to be retained by the University of Hong Kong with a million scholarships, why is this?

In the 2020 college entrance examination, Jiangsu candidate Bai Xiangling unexpectedly scored 430 points and ascended to the throne of the province's liberal arts champion in one fell swoop.

However, it didn't come to pass, just when everyone thought that this lucky girl would soon be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, an unexpected news came out.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

Not only did Bai Xiangling's title of the top student in the college entrance examination no longer exist, but even Qingbei released cruel words that she would no longer be admitted, and even other 985 colleges and universities in China avoided it, and began to compete with each other for the second classmate who was one point behind Bai Xiangling, just because the scores of the two elective courses were A+, and Bai Xiangling's history was only B+.

Suddenly, this top student in the college entrance examination, who was still envied by everyone just now, fell off the altar in an instant, and it was even very likely to face the dilemma of being able to learn martial arts.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

But at this time, an admission notice from Beijing Normal University was sent to Bai Xiangling.

Immediately afterwards, another University of Hong Kong, known as the Asian Ivy League, also threw an olive branch to Bai Xiangling, threatening that as long as she went to study at HKU, she would choose all majors at will, and she could also get a full scholarship of more than 1 million yuan for four years.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

In the face of such a disparity in strength, it is not surprising that Bai Xiangling decisively chose the latter and decided to study finance, because Bai Xiangling had already heard of finance at HKU at that time, but it was at the top of the world.

But soon some unfriendly voices came out, so that Bai Xiangling was pushed to the forefront of public opinion again in an instant, so what is going on?

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

It turned out that the University of Hong Kong had always used all-English teaching, and Bai Xiangling, who grew up in the mainland, only studied English to prepare for exams, so he began to worry about whether he would be able to adapt to the environment of the University of Hong Kong.

After all, in 2013, there was a top student named Liu Dingning in the college entrance examination, and one month after being admitted to HKU, he had no choice but to drop out because he could not adapt to the all-English teaching.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

Therefore, everyone is very worried about whether Bai Xiangling will follow Liu Dingning's old path.

However, Bai Xiangling, who is quite high-spirited, of course does not allow such a thing to happen, in order to better adapt to the University of Hong Kong, Bai Xiangling is either desperately practicing speaking, or watching English movies day and night, and even going to the street to talk to foreigners.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

Therefore, after the start of the semester, Bai Xiangling, whether it is English speaking or listening level, has made a qualitative leap, so that it will not take long to be able to communicate with the teachers and classmates of HKU without obstacles.

Bai Xiangling, the worst college entrance examination champion: 460 points were rejected by Qingbei, but HKU offered millions of scholarships to keep people

Today, Bai Xiangling is still fully committed to the research and study of finance at HKU, and for such a Maxima who was almost buried, I also wish her to be successful in her studies and serve the country in the future!

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