
One should not be too diligent, but should be moderate in everything

author:Want to go to the Arctic
One should not be too diligent, but should be moderate in everything
One should not be too diligent, but should be moderate in everything
One should not be too diligent, but should be moderate in everything

In life, we are often instilled with the idea that hard work is the cornerstone of success, and it is true that relentless effort and continuous dedication are essential to achieving our goals. However, as the old saying goes, "too much work", excessive diligence and neglect of balance can not only lead to physical and mental exhaustion, but can also be counterproductive and affect long-term development. Therefore, grasping the degree of diligence and learning to find a balance between effort and rest is the key to success and happiness.

The dangers of excessive diligence

First of all, the body is the capital of the revolution. Long-term high-intensity work or study will seriously consume body resources, lead to a decrease in immunity, and easily cause various health problems, such as insomnia, anxiety, and even chronic fatigue syndrome. Without the support of a healthy body, no matter how ambitious the goal is, it can only be a castle in the air.

Secondly, the excessive tension on the mental level should not be ignored either. If you are in a high-pressure state for a long time, your brain will not get enough rest, your creativity and problem-solving skills will gradually weaken, your thinking will become rigid, and your work efficiency and quality will decline. In addition, excessive pursuit of perfection and constant self-motivation can also lead to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Furthermore, relationships can also be damaged by being overly diligent. When you devote all your time and energy to work or study, you tend to neglect to communicate and get along with your family and friends, and over time, the estrangement of family and friendship will make life lose color and reduce your sense of happiness.

The art of finding balance

So, how do you find that "just right" balance between diligence and rest?

1. Set reasonable goals: When setting goals, consider both their challenges and their feasibility. Break down your long-term goals into a series of short-term achievable tasks, and reward yourself for each step you complete, so you can stay motivated and avoid the stress of aiming too high.

2. Manage your time efficiently: Use time management tools or methods (such as the Pomodoro technique) to plan your work and rest time wisely. After a period of productive work, scheduling short breaks to allow the brain and body to recover is more beneficial than working inefficiently for long periods of time in a row.

3. Develop hobbies: Having one or two hobbies outside of work and study can not only enrich your life, but also provide a mental buffer to help you temporarily withdraw from daily stress and achieve a relaxing effect.

4. Pay attention to physical and mental health: Engage in regular physical exercise, maintain good eating habits, and ensure adequate sleep. These are the basis for maintaining a productive working state, and at the same time, they are also an investment in self-worth.

5. Learn to say "no": Recognize your limits and have the courage to say no to requests or tasks that are beyond your reach. Learn to prioritize what's most important rather than trying to meet everyone's expectations.

6. Cultivate mindfulness and self-reflection: Through meditation, journaling, etc., cultivate mindfulness and engage in regular self-reflection to understand your true feelings and needs. This helps to adjust the mindset and detect and correct the tendency to be overly diligent in time.


Moderate diligence is necessary in the pursuit of success, but remember not to sacrifice health and happiness. Life is a marathon, not a sprint, so keep a lasting and steady pace and adjust your breathing in time to enjoy the scenery along the way and finally reach the finish line. Learning to find a balance between diligence and rest is not only for achieving higher achievements, but also for a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
