
Liangzhu 5000+ Art Park is about to open! The Liangzhu Cultural Corridor will add a new cultural landmark

author:Yuhang Times

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the successful application of the Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins on the World Heritage List, another landmark achievement of the Liangzhu Cultural Corridor is about to be unveiled - the Liangzhu 5000+ Art Innovation Park, which integrates cultural creativity and art exhibitions, will open on July 12, and will be fully opened for investment promotion at the same time.

At that time, the park will gather art and cultural exhibitions, creative markets, art co-creation, music scenes, and light and shadow art performances that shock the senses, accompanied by a series of wonderful cultural activities, Liangzhu 5000+ Art Innovation Park, a new landmark of Hangzhou's urban culture, will also be officially completed.

Liangzhu 5000+ Art Park is about to open! The Liangzhu Cultural Corridor will add a new cultural landmark
Liangzhu 5000+ Art Park is about to open! The Liangzhu Cultural Corridor will add a new cultural landmark

(Note: Overall renderings of the Art Park)

Inheriting the ancient charm of Liangzhu, the Art Innovation Park is about to open

The Liangzhu culture dates back to about 5300-4300 years ago, distributed in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China, around the Taihu Lake Basin, famous for its jade design and carving skills, representing the artistic peak of Chinese civilization in the late Neolithic Age. The soon-to-be-opened Liangzhu 5000+ Art Park is located in the core area of Liangzhu culture, adjacent to the ancient city of Liangzhu with a rich history on the west side, and complementing the Liangzhu Museum and the Hangzhou National Version Museum on the east side. The Art Park not only carries the cultural identity of Liangzhu for 5,000 years, but also integrates the light of the world's cultural heritage; Moreover, it is timeless, linking Liangzhu aesthetics with a modern context, truly realizing the continuation of 5,000 years of civilization and activating endless sources of creativity.

Liangzhu 5000+ Art Park is about to open! The Liangzhu Cultural Corridor will add a new cultural landmark

Inherit the artistic heritage and enjoy the artistic feast

According to the park plan, Liangzhu 5000+ Art Park will take 5,000 years of culture as the cornerstone to create a diversified art and cultural complex. It brings together art, culture, exhibitions and creativity, while integrating modern trends and traditional culture to show its unique cultural charm.

When people stroll through the Liangzhu 5000+ Art Park, they feel like they are at the intersection of art and history. You can not only appreciate the charm of world-renowned art treasures, but also enjoy a visual feast of light and shadow. You can also stroll through the creative market to experience the joy of life where the past and the present blend the present, and create unique artworks with your own hands, and even experience the distinctive artistic creations of different artists. Of course, you can also spend a leisurely time with your family and friends at the music scene, eating food and wine.

To this end, Liangzhu 5000+ Art Innovation Park has launched a comprehensive investment promotion, seeking "culture +" enterprises and talents that grow together, and providing a variety of high-quality services and settlement policies for partners stationed in the park.

Liangzhu 5000+ Art Park is about to open! The Liangzhu Cultural Corridor will add a new cultural landmark
Liangzhu 5000+ Art Park is about to open! The Liangzhu Cultural Corridor will add a new cultural landmark

(Note: Partial renderings of the Art Park)

Culture empowers the economy and creates new urban IP

As a strong and colorful part of Hangzhou's new blueprint for urban culture, Liangzhu 5000+ Art Innovation Park is one of the "Top Ten Projects" of the first phase of the Liangzhu Cultural Corridor, which plays a strategic role in forming a chain of beads, revitalizing cultural and tourism resources with Liangzhu culture as the core, and creating new IP in the city. With cultural industry innovation as the engine, the Art Innovation Park is committed to transforming profound cultural resources into economic momentum, driving regional economic development, and boosting the re-upgrading of the cultural industry in the Grand Corridor.

With 5,000 years of ancient charm moving towards the new, Liangzhu 5000+ Art Park is about to open, and we look forward to walking with all those who love art and cherish life, and witness this moment of intertwined history and future.

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