
She spent money to buy a marriage house, and her mother-in-law lived in and wanted her to serve, but her husband forced her to divorce, and she: No problem

author:Entertainment analysis
She spent money to buy a marriage house, and her mother-in-law lived in and wanted her to serve, but her husband forced her to divorce, and she: No problem


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


"The daughter who marries out, the water that spills out." It's an old proverb, but for Wang Jingwen, the reality is otherwise.

Wang Jingwen, 28 years old, is a senior white-collar worker in a foreign company, and when she married her boyfriend Zhang Zhichao, who had been in love for many years, she took into account the economic situation of the Zhang family.

She did not ask for any bride price, and spent more than 700,000 yuan out of her own pocket to buy a wedding house.

This decision has become the fuse of the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future.

After getting married, Zhang's mother moved into this wedding room, and as a matter of course, she asked Wang Jingwen to serve her daily life.

"Jingwen, you are now the daughter-in-law of our Zhang family, and it is your responsibility to take care of your mother-in-law." Zhang's mother looked straightforward.

Wang Jingwen's eyes widened, looking at the selfish mother-in-law in front of her in disbelief.

"Mom, I have my own job, and it's impossible to quit my job and be a full-time housewife at home. Besides, there is a generation gap between us, and our lifestyles are different, so I can't completely accommodate you. ”

"You kid, why are you so ignorant! Look at Xiaofang next door, how caring she is, and she takes care of her mother-in-law. Zhang's mother pursed her lips, her tone full of dissatisfaction.

Wang Jingwen sighed helplessly, and a hint of foreboding rose in her heart. She realized that this was only the beginning of the contradictions, and that the days ahead might not be peaceful.

She found her husband Zhang Zhichao, hoping that he could play the role of mediator in the conflict between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Zhang Zhichao looked embarrassed: "Jingwen, my mother is old, you can accommodate her more." Besides, it's really inconvenient for her to live alone, so you should be filial piety. ”

Wang Jingwen's heart sank, and she realized that she not only had to face a difficult mother-in-law, but also a mother-in-law husband.

This "marriage turmoil" may not be able to subside for a while.

As time passed, the conflict between Wang Jingwen and her mother-in-law intensified. The mother-in-law constantly found fault with Wang Jingwen's lifestyle, accusing her of not being a qualified daughter-in-law.

"Look at you, you go to work all day, you don't care about housework, you can't cook well, is this like a word?" The mother-in-law counted with a dissatisfied face.

Wang Jingwen tried hard to suppress the anger in her heart and patiently explained: "Mom, I'm very busy with work, and I really don't have time to do housework. ”

"But I can hire a part-time worker to clean and cook the house."

She spent money to buy a marriage house, and her mother-in-law lived in and wanted her to serve, but her husband forced her to divorce, and she: No problem

"Hourly worker, please? What a waste of money! Besides, the daughter-in-law should have done these things, you are shirking your responsibility! The mother-in-law's tone became sharper and sharper.

Wang Jingwen felt powerless and hopeless, and she complained to Zhang Zhichao many times, hoping that he could support her.

"Husband, can you tell your mother so that she doesn't always embarrass me? I'm really tired, I have to deal with both work and family. ”

Zhang Zhichao is always perfunctory: "Don't quarrel with the two of you, wouldn't it be nice to understand each other?" My mom is old, you can tolerate her a little more. ”

Wang Jingwen felt miserable in her heart, she felt like a sandwich biscuit, overwhelmed by her mother-in-law and husband.

She began to doubt her decision and whether the family was really the right fit for her.

With the continuous accumulation of contradictions, Wang Jingwen's body and mind are in a state of extreme exhaustion.

She made frequent mistakes in her work and almost lost an important client.

She realized that if this continued, not only would her family break up, but her career would also be affected.

One night, when Wang Jingwen dragged her tired body home, her mother-in-law began to count her down again:

"What time is it? I don't cook food, I don't clean up my house, and your daughter-in-law is too disagreeable! ”

Wang Jingwen couldn't hold back any longer, she yelled at her mother-in-law: "You are enough! I've done my best, why can't you just be considerate of me? I'm a human being, not a machine! ”

The mother-in-law was taken aback by Wang Jingwen's reaction, and then became angry: "What kind of attitude do you have?" Who am I doing this for? Isn't it just for this family? You white-eyed wolf! ”

At this moment, Zhang Zhichao returned. Seeing the tense mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, he frowned, and had a faint decision in his heart.

Zhang Zhichao looked at the tense mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in front of him, took a deep breath, and made a decision that made Wang Jingwen unbelievable.

"Jingwen, I think you should resign and stay at home and take good care of your mother and me. It's the family that counts. ”

Wang Jingwen's eyes widened, and the anger in her heart was instantly ignited.

"What do you say? You want me to resign? Do you know what my job means to me? I'm not your appendage, I have my own life! ”

She spent money to buy a marriage house, and her mother-in-law lived in and wanted her to serve, but her husband forced her to divorce, and she: No problem

Zhang Zhichao frowned, and his tone became tougher: "You calm down first, we are a family, and you always have to make sacrifices for this family." ”

"Besides, you don't make as much money as me, so it's not a big deal if you don't go to work."

Wang Jingwen felt a burst of despair and sadness, she didn't expect her husband to say such a thing. Her heart felt as if someone had stepped on her so hard that she couldn't breathe.

"How can you say that? My work is my dignity and my self-worth. I can't just give up! Wang Jingwen's voice was full of crying, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

The mother-in-law sneered on the side: "Look at you, you are a mother, your daughter-in-law can't take care of it, and you still expect her to take care of this family?" ”

Zhang Zhichao was stimulated by his mother-in-law's words, he turned to Wang Jingwen, and his tone became more stern: "Did you hear that?" Even my mom can't stand it anymore. ”

"If you continue to be so willful, our marriage will not be able to last!"

"Can't sustain it?" Wang Jingwen smiled bitterly, "Then let's divorce." ”

"What did you say?" Zhang Zhichao looked at Wang Jingwen in disbelief, "You actually want a divorce?" You can figure it out, divorce won't do you any good! ”

Wang Jingwen wiped away her tears and looked at Zhang Zhichao calmly: "I think very clearly. I can't compromise on everything, I can't give up on my life. ”

"If marriage means I'm going to lose myself, I'd rather get divorced."

Zhang Zhichao was so angry that he trembled, he didn't expect Wang Jingwen to be so decisive. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you wait, I'll let you know the price of divorce!" ”

After speaking, he slammed the door and left, leaving Wang Jingwen alone in the room. Wang Jingwen looked at the closed door, and her heart was mixed.

She knew that the marriage had come to an end, but she didn't regret it. She will face the future bravely, even if the future is full of thorns.

Early the next morning, Wang Jingwen received a text message from Zhang Zhichao: "I have hired a lawyer, you'd better find one, and we will complete the divorce procedures as soon as possible." ”

Wang Jingwen stared at the phone screen, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She didn't expect that Zhang Zhichao couldn't wait to get rid of herself.

She spent money to buy a marriage house, and her mother-in-law lived in and wanted her to serve, but her husband forced her to divorce, and she: No problem

She slowly put down her phone, took a deep breath, and dialed her best friend Li Na.

"Nana, I'm getting a divorce." Wang Jingwen's voice was surprisingly calm.

There was silence on the other end of the line, followed by Li Na's sigh: "I knew there would be such a day." ”

"That Zhang Zhichao, one set on the surface and one behind the other, is a typical mother's treasure man. Don't be sad, just say if you need help. ”

Wang Jingwen smiled gratefully: "Thank you, Nana." What I need most now is a good lawyer. ”

Hanging up the phone, Wang Jingwen began to pack her luggage. She carefully folded each garment and put it in the box.

Her movements are slow, as if she is saying goodbye to her past life.

Suddenly, Wang Jingwen's gaze fell on a folder. She picked up the folder and looked through the documents inside.

Gradually, her eyes became firm, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

It turned out that this folder contained all the information when Wang Jingwen bought the wedding house.

Title Certificate, Purchase Contract, Bank Statement...... Each document clearly bears Wang Jingwen's name.

Wang Jingwen suddenly realized that this house was bought by her before marriage, and it was her pre-marital property. Divorced or not, the house should belong to her.

Thinking of this, Wang Jingwen's heart ignited a glimmer of hope. She realizes that she's not without leverage, and she's not completely passive. She has the ability to fight for what she deserves.

Wang Jingwen picked up the phone and sent a message to Zhang Zhichao: "We need to talk about the house." ”

After a while, Zhang Zhichao's reply came: "House? It was our wedding room, and of course it was mine. Don't be delusional. ”

Seeing this reply, Wang Jingwen sneered. She knew that the real war had just begun.

She wants to use facts and laws to defend her dignity and rights.

Wang Jingwen dialed the lawyer's phone: "Hey, Lawyer Li?" I'm Wang Jingwen. I have some new evidence to add about my divorce case......"

With the help of her lawyer, Wang Jingwen submitted all the evidence about the matrimonial room to the court.

She clearly proved that the house was purchased before her marriage and was her personal property.

After the trial, the court finally made a ruling: the marriage house belonged to Wang Jingwen, and Zhang Zhichao and his mother had to move out within a month.

She spent money to buy a marriage house, and her mother-in-law lived in and wanted her to serve, but her husband forced her to divorce, and she: No problem

When Wang Jingwen received the court's verdict, her feelings were indescribable.

She felt a sense of relief and freedom that she had never felt before, as if the boulder that had been pressing on her heart had finally landed.

She picked up the verdict, walked up to Zhang Zhichao, and said calmly: "This is the court's verdict, the house is mine, you must move out." ”

Zhang Zhichao's face turned blue with anger, and he roared angrily: "You woman with no conscience, we have been in a relationship for so many years, and you treat me like this?" ”

Wang Jingwen sneered: "After so many years of marriage, what have you paid for this family?" You only look at your mother, and you never think about my feelings. This marriage is supported by me alone. ”

Zhang Zhichao was speechless, he couldn't refute Wang Jingwen's words. He realized that he had indeed played a very unsuccessful role in this marriage.

Wang Jingwen looked at Zhang Zhichao, and there was a trace of compassion in her eyes. She sighed and said, "Zhang Zhichao, our marriage has come to this point, and we are all responsible. ”

"But I don't regret filing for divorce because I can't go on like this. I hope you will understand in the future that marriage is a matter of two people, and you can't always put your mother first in everything. ”

Zhang Zhichao was silent for a long time, and finally spoke: "Jingwen, I'm sorry. It's me who didn't give you a good marriage. I was too selfish to consider your feelings. ”

Wang Jingwen smiled, the corners of her eyes were a little moist: "I'm very relieved that you can realize this." ”

"Our marriage is over, but I hope you can find someone who is really suitable for you in the future and live a happy life."

In this way, Wang Jingwen and Zhang Zhichao signed a divorce agreement in a peaceful atmosphere. They decided to end the marriage peacefully, no longer dwelling on past grievances.

Wang Jingwen looked at the empty wedding room and had mixed feelings in her heart. It used to carry all the beautiful visions of marriage and family, but now, it has witnessed her awakening and growth.

She understands that there is still a long way to go in life, and divorce is not the end, but a new beginning.

She has to face every day with a more positive and courageous attitude.

She spent money to buy a marriage house, and her mother-in-law lived in and wanted her to serve, but her husband forced her to divorce, and she: No problem

Wang Jingwen took one last look at the home and gently closed the door. She knew that a new life awaited her.

After the divorce, Wang Jingwen was not crushed by life. Instead, she started her life anew with a more positive mindset.

She focused on her work and quickly gained the appreciation of her superiors. She was promoted to Department Manager and led the team to a proven track record.

Wang Jingwen did not give up her personal life. She started learning yoga, attending social events, and making many like-minded friends.

Gradually, Wang Jingwen's life became colorful.

She is no longer the housewife who only clings to her husband and is subject to her mother-in-law, but an independent, confident, and attractive modern woman.

A year later, Wang Jingwen met a man named Li Ming at a gathering of friends.

Li Ming is the founder of a technology company, and his cheerful and humorous personality makes Wang Jingwen feel like each other at first sight.

The two began to date frequently, and gradually developed into a romantic relationship.

Unlike Zhang Zhichao, Li Ming has great respect for Wang Jingwen's work and personal space, and they have an equal and harmonious mode of getting along with each other.

After another year, Wang Jingwen and Li Ming decided to get married.

This time, Wang Jingwen did not rush to have a child, but reached a consensus with Li Ming that she would enjoy the world of the two first, and wait until her career and life were stable before thinking about having children.

After marriage, Wang Jingwen and Li Ming worked hand in hand, with a bumper harvest in career and love, they supported each other, grew together, and became an enviable loving couple.

Recalling her past marriage, Wang Jingwen was full of emotion, she understood that there will inevitably be bumps and setbacks on the road of life, and the key is to have the courage to face it and have the wisdom to deal with it.

Every failure and setback is a valuable lesson that life teaches us.

They teach us to grow, to appreciate the present moment more, to love and be loved.

Wang Jingwen's story is actually a microcosm of thousands of modern women, in this era, women are no longer men's accessories, but independent individuals.

Each of us should be brave enough to pursue our own lives, not to be bound by traditional ideas, and not to be swayed by the expectations of others.

Only by truly loving yourself can you have a happy and fulfilling life.

We must also learn to establish equal and harmonious relationships in marriage and family.

Marriage is not the possession and control of one party over the other, but the union and symbiosis of two independent individuals.

Only by respecting each other, understanding each other, and supporting each other, can we go through the ups and downs of life hand in hand and create a better future together.

Let us learn from Wang Jingwen, face life with a positive and optimistic attitude, deal with difficulties with wisdom and courage, and build a happy family with equality and love.

I believe that everyone has the ability to create their own wonderful life!

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.


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