
State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation

author:Guangzhou Radio and Television Station

Extend opening hours appropriately

It's even easier to visit museums this summer!

On July 1, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Opening Service of Museums in the Summer of 2024" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The "Notice" makes it clear that key venues and popular venues can meet the needs of visitors to a greater extent by appropriately extending opening hours, planning cloud exhibitions, cloud live broadcasts, cloud education and mobile exhibitions according to the actual situation.

The "Notice" proposes to improve the level of facilitation.

  • After evaluation, venues that do not need to achieve diversion and peak staggering through the reservation mechanism should cancel the reservation; If it is really necessary to make an appointment, the appointment mechanism should be optimized in light of the actual situation, refined management should be strengthened, the appointment procedure should be simplified as much as possible, and appointment services should be provided for primary and secondary school students, the elderly, the disabled, and those with difficulties in using smart devices by retaining manual windows and telephone appointments.
  • All museums should optimize the security check and verification process, shorten the waiting time of the audience, increase the number of heatstroke prevention equipment and necessary heatstroke prevention drugs and drinks, and do a good job of preventing heatstroke and reducing heatstroke for audiences and front-line staff.
  • It is necessary to include the valid certificates held by foreign nationals in the scope of identity documents that are recognized for use in appointments, improve the payment methods for foreign nationals, develop multilingual reservation channels and guide services, and improve the level of facilitation for foreign nationals to visit.

The "Notice" makes it clear that it is necessary to strengthen overall planning.

  • Local museums should combine the characteristics of summer vacation to plan and carry out special exhibitions and educational activities suitable for young people to participate; Take the initiative to publish reservation rules, visiting instructions, civilized visit initiatives, etc., and guide the audience to book tickets and participate in research activities through formal channels.
  • All localities should strengthen the maintenance of order and the strength of management personnel in museums, stop and correct uncivilized behaviors in a timely manner, and hand over behaviors that endanger the safety of persons and cultural relics to the public security and other departments for handling in accordance with the law. Relevant departments should intensify the crackdown on "scalpers" hoarding and scalping.

The "Notice" makes it clear that safety management should be strengthened.

  • Combined with the local reality and the characteristics of summer student travel, museums around the country should reasonably predict the flow of visitors, and do a good job in the maintenance and daily maintenance of facilities and equipment in advance; Formulate emergency plans, regularly carry out education and training, emergency drills, and do a good job in disaster prevention and on-site handling of emergencies.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the safety management of exhibits, and ensure the safety of cultural relics by strengthening inspections and setting up warning signs; Do a good job of diversion and drainage to avoid audiences gathering in a few venues for a long time, which will affect the visiting experience and increase safety pressure.

This summer vacation

What exhibitions are not to be missed in Guangzhou?

The super complete strategy is here

Guangdong Provincial Museum

State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation
State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation
State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation
State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation

Guangdong Museum of Art

State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation

Nanyue King Museum

State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation

Guangzhou Museum

State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation

Generalissimo Sun Yat-sen's Mansion Memorial Hall

State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation

The Second Tombs Museum of the Southern Han Dynasty

State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation
State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation

Guangzhou Maritime Museum

State Administration of Cultural Heritage: Popular museums can appropriately extend their opening hours during the summer vacation

summer vacation

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Source: CCTV News, Wenbo Southern AMSC

Editor-in-charge: Tian Dechu

Editor: Anne Xu

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