
In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

author:Big-headed hunting

The folk are known as "June amaranth, when eggs; July amaranth, gold does not change", you can imagine how rich its nutrition is. Amaranth has a sweet and cool taste, rich in calcium, does not contain oxalic acid, and compared with spinach, the iron content in amaranth is higher, and most importantly, it also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and dissipating stasis, and improving human immunity, so it also has the title of "longevity dissipation".

So this July, you must eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people 3 times a week, calcium and bones, clear liver fire, it is a pity not to eat, let's see how I do it.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

1. Rice vegetables

Recommended recipe: Amaranth in soup

Main ingredients: amaranth, preserved eggs, green onions, ginger and garlic

Here's how:

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

1. Prepare a handful of fresh amaranth, remove the old part, put it in a large bowl, add an appropriate amount of water, wash it 2-3 times, and after washing, control the water and remove it for later use.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

2. Next, prepare 2 preserved eggs, put them on the board, cut them directly into 4 halves, and then cut them into a knife from the middle, and after all of them are cut, put them aside for later use.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

3. Start cutting the ingredients, first take out a few shallots, cut it into green onions, then prepare a few cloves of garlic, cut it into minced garlic, cut the ginger into shredded ginger, cut all the pieces, and put them aside for later use.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

4. Boil the water in the pot in advance, add some salt and cooking oil, after the water boils, pour in the washed amaranth, and after the water boils again, blanch for about 1 minute, then remove and put it in the casserole.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

5. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, pour in the cut preserved eggs first, stir-fry them quickly until the surface of the preserved eggs is white, then pour in the green onions, ginger and garlic, and quickly fry it to make it fragrant.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

6. Then, pour an appropriate amount of boiling water into the pot, and then add an appropriate amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, and pepper according to each person's taste, stir evenly, and pour it directly on the blanched amaranth.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

7. The amaranth soup that comes out of this way, the soup is fragrant and beautiful, the freshness of the amaranth and the mellow of the preserved eggs, the perfect fusion, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried amaranth with shrimp

Main ingredients: amaranth, shrimp, onion and garlic, egg white

Here's how:

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

1. Prepare a handful of fresh amaranth, remove the old stems at the bottom, as long as the leaves on it, then put it in clean water, wash it 2 more times, and then put it under the flowing water, rinse it several times, drain the water and set aside.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

2. The next step is the most critical step, add a spoonful of edible salt to the amaranth, and grab it until the amaranth is wilted, which can make the amaranth more flavorful and more tender, and let it marinate for 5 minutes.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

3. Prepare an appropriate amount of shrimp, put it on the cutting board, cut it into small cubes, then put it in a bowl, pour in the green onion and ginger water prepared in advance, a little edible salt, an appropriate amount of pepper, grab it with your hands and mix it a few times, grab and mix until the shrimp is a little sticky, and put it aside for later use.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

4. Next, add a little egg white to it, mix it evenly with your hands, add a little starch to it, continue to grasp and mix evenly, the shrimp will be particularly fresh and tender, melt in your mouth, put it in the refrigerator, and marinate for 10 minutes.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

5. Prepare a handful of garlic, pat it flat with a knife, then chop it into minced garlic, prepare a few green onions, cut it into small pieces, cut it into small pieces, and put it aside for later use.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

6. At this time, the amaranth is also pickled, pick it up with your hands, squeeze out all the water inside, squeeze out the water, and put it aside for later use.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

7. Boil the water in the pot in advance, then pour the shrimp in, blanch it, pour it in and don't rush to turn it first, wait until it is cooked, gently push it with a colander, if you turn it too early, the shrimp will be easy to depulp, and the taste is not tender enough, cook for about 30 seconds, the shrimp will change color, control the water and take it out for later use.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

8. Get up again, pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil, after the oil is hot, pour in 3/1 of minced garlic and green onion, fry over low heat to make it fragrant, then pour in the amaranth, stir-fry quickly for 30 seconds, let the amaranth evenly stained with a layer of cooking oil, and then pour in a little edible salt, monosodium glutamate, and an appropriate amount of sugar to enhance freshness.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

9. Immediately afterwards, pour in the blanched shrimp, quickly stir it evenly, then pour the remaining 1/3 of the minced garlic into it, and then pour an appropriate amount of high liquor along the edge of the pot, which can not only remove the fishy, but also increase the flavor.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

10. The amaranth fried in this way tastes tender and delicious, and the nutrition is doubled, adults and children are particularly fond of eating, and there is no soup left on the table, if you also like it, you might as well try this method.

In July, eat this dish hard, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended to eat 3 times a week to replenish calcium and strengthen bones, clear the liver and fire

Conclusion: Eat this dish hard in July, known as "gold does not change", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat 3 times a week, supplement calcium and strengthen bones, clear liver fire, it is a pity not to eat.

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