
The sadness of the Chinese men's basketball team! Serie A giants have no chance to return to China, silently picking up the ball for the old players

author:The sports world says ball people

For athletes, winning or losing a game means a lot to themselves, and even big enough to change their lives, so if every athlete can have the opportunity to play, they will cherish the opportunity, give full play to themselves, and win the game in the best condition. It's not a win, and when he walks off, the world is different. The athlete's heart is lonely, he has worked silently for so long, he is eager to win, eager for everyone to smile at him, eager to be affirmed by everyone, and when he walks off the field, he can not only get the coach's satisfied smile, the congratulations of his teammates, but more importantly, the athlete feels that he has achieved his self-worth, his happiness is beyond words, this is the result of his hard work, so his heart is more accomplished.

The sadness of the Chinese men's basketball team! Serie A giants have no chance to return to China, silently picking up the ball for the old players

The same is true for the Chinese men's basketball team, I believe that everyone in the men's basketball team is eager to have the opportunity to give full play to themselves on the court, hope to win points for the team, and hope to make great contributions to the team, so that they can be recognized by everyone and win more performance opportunities. Second, you can improve your self-confidence, which is more conducive to your performance on the field and become an excellent player. Although playing basketball is very physically demanding, it would be great if you could make it to the Olympics and the World Cup, and maybe the history of the Olympic Games will be written because of you, so that you can pass on it for generations to come. Watching the country's flag rise is such an honor for an athlete. Who wouldn't want to be as good an athlete as Yao Ming Kobe, but not every athlete is so lucky, even if they hit a wall repeatedly, they are still full of fighting spirit to wait for that day.

The sadness of the Chinese men's basketball team! Serie A giants have no chance to return to China, silently picking up the ball for the old players

This is the case with Chen Guohao and Zhao Weilun. In order for the national team to win, they traveled thousands of miles and miles from abroad to support the domestic national team and hope to contribute to the competition. They are not without opportunities, and they have even given up great opportunities to support the national team. For example, Chen Guohao, who rushed back from special training in the United States. And Zhao Weilun In order to let the national team win, he gave up the final of the Serie A team and rushed back to support the national team. For such sincere and excellent athletes, we should give them enough opportunities to train and give them opportunities. But for some reason, it didn't seem to make any sense for them to come back.

The Chinese men's basketball training camp was originally intended to train more young and potential athletes, but I don't know why, after the whole game, these young athletes can only watch the game silently, and even they may feel a little embarrassed, and they don't know what to do, so they simply pick up the ball for those old players who perform averagely. Seeing this scene, we felt very sad. Guo Shiqiang brought these excellent young players back, why not reuse them and let them perform more?

The sadness of the Chinese men's basketball team! Serie A giants have no chance to return to China, silently picking up the ball for the old players

Especially looking at the recent Macau Black Bears game, everyone feels a pity, we had the upper hand in the first warm-up game, and we are already very hopeful of winning the game, but in the latter game it was a shock defeat, in fact, there are relatively big defects in the use of personnel, why not let the young excellent players not use, and let those old players with average performance hold on to the game? If you don't give them a chance, wouldn't it be better to leave more time for them to play in the top leagues abroad, and make them stronger?

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