
At the age of 0-3 months, mothers have to self-check 5 habits, which hurt the baby's brain and affect intelligence

author:The end of the baby's story

Hello everyone~ I'm Xiaoyu

0-3 months is the golden period of baby development, and it is also the most vulnerable stage.

For many novice mothers, it is also a stage where it is easier to suffer, after all, their inexperience happens to be the most vulnerable stage of the baby, so they should do their homework in advance, otherwise it is easy to suffer.

Xiao Qi is a mother from Guangxi, the baby was two months old when there was a phenomenon of shock, because of Xiao Qi's superstitious practices, resulting in such a situation for the baby.

Shock has an impact on the baby's brain and cranial nerves, and there is a certain probability that it will cause brain damage, cerebral palsy and other risks.

Therefore, at the age of 0-3 months, mothers should enrich their parenting knowledge and protect their babies, especially these 5 habits, which hurt the baby's brain and affect intellectual development.

At the age of 0-3 months, mothers have to self-check 5 habits, which hurt the baby's brain and affect intelligence



In daily feeding, the baby is very taboo to overfeed.

If you give your baby too much food, it will also increase the pressure on the baby's skull, resulting in increased pressure in the baby's skull and delayed brain development.

Therefore, mothers should standardize their feeding habits and do not give their babies too much food.

Especially mothers who like to compare milk volume, they should also change this behavior, after all, each baby's milk volume is different, which should be noted.

At the age of 0-3 months, mothers have to self-check 5 habits, which hurt the baby's brain and affect intelligence


Excessive heat covering

Since the baby is born, the development rate is very fast.

The baby's development is fast, the body's metabolism will be very vigorous, if the baby is dressed too much at this time, it is easy to lead to the baby's heat syndrome.

Therefore, mothers should pay attention to the baby's dressing, do not wear too many clothes for the baby, and avoid covering the baby to cause shock.

Covering the baby is also easy to damage the baby's brain. Resulting in increased intracranial pressure, it will also damage the cranial nerves, and even have the risk of brain damage, so mothers should not be negligent.



Newborn babies can eat and sleep.

However, after the first month, the baby begins to pursue sleep, and at this time, mothers should also escort the baby to sleep.

At the age of two months, mothers should also master the way to sleep, which can better escort the baby's sleep, which is still very important.

If the baby is asleep, excessive crying will also cause cerebral hypoxia and drowsiness, which is not conducive to the baby's brain development and is likely to damage the brain.

At the age of 0-3 months, mothers have to self-check 5 habits, which hurt the baby's brain and affect intelligence


Lack of sleep

Sleep is the key to the development of the baby, not only affects the secretion of growth hormones in the body, but also affects the baby's body metabolism, which should be paid special attention to.

Lack of sleep will also affect the body's metabolism, resulting in stunted growth, which should be paid special attention to.

Lack of sleep also has an impact on the baby's brain development, which may lead to the baby's brain retardation, memory loss, etc., which is not conducive to intellectual development.



Every baby will lose a sense of security after leaving the mother's womb, and the baby's need for a sense of security is very high, and mothers should also cultivate the baby's sense of security.

Having a sense of security is not only helpful for mental health and brain development, but also for mothers.

If there is no sense of security, the baby is easy to cry and fall into panic, which has an impact on the baby's mental health and brain development, which should be noted.

0-3 months is the golden period of baby's brain development. Good brain development is also conducive to better intellectual development. If stunting affects not only intelligence, but also gross motor aspects, mothers need to pay special attention.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]