
Wang Xiaofei's family reunited in Japan, Yue'er's face was like a replica of the big S, and the child's cheap clothes caused controversy

author:Entertainment board newspaper king

When the summer vacation comes, Wang Xiaofei also has the opportunity to reunite with the children, and like last year, this time Da S still did not agree to the children to return to Beijing. Wang Xiaofei and Sister Lan had to choose to go to Japan again.

On July 2, Zhang Lan posted a video of the family reuniting in Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er and Jiujiu both appeared, as well as the nanny Aunt Xiao Yang. The interaction of the family sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Wang Xiaofei's family reunited in Japan, Yue'er's face was like a replica of the big S, and the child's cheap clothes caused controversy

In the video, "Erwang" sat at the dining table eating breakfast very well-behaved, Sister Lan looked like her vitiligo had improved a lot, and she was overjoyed when she saw her grandchildren. You must know that there are two opportunities to meet them during the winter and summer vacations every year, and in order to better accompany them, she also took three days off this time and did not bring goods live.

It is said that the next generation is pro-generational, I haven't seen each other for so long, Yue'er and Jiujiu are still very sticky to their grandmothers, and they hold hands when they walk. Sister Lan's left hand and right hand are also very happy.

Wang Xiaofei's family reunited in Japan, Yue'er's face was like a replica of the big S, and the child's cheap clothes caused controversy

It is worth mentioning that Aunt Xiao Yang was also at the table during breakfast. As early as July 1, Aunt Xiao Yang posted a video IP showing it to Japan. As a nanny who takes care of Yue'er growing up, Aunt Xiao Yang has always had a deep relationship with children. After retiring from Da S's family, Xiaofei was very kind to recruit her to bring goods for Ma Liuji. This time the whole family came to Japan for a reunion, and Aunt Xiao Yang still traveled at public expense.

Wang Xiaofei's family reunited in Japan, Yue'er's face was like a replica of the big S, and the child's cheap clothes caused controversy

And Yue'er also accidentally exposed her face in the video, and netizens shouted when they saw it: "She looks exactly like her mother." ”

It is said that girls look like their fathers and boys look like their mothers, but Yue'er does look very similar to her mother, and Xiao Jiujiu looks more like Xiaofei, which is just the opposite.

Wang Xiaofei's family reunited in Japan, Yue'er's face was like a replica of the big S, and the child's cheap clothes caused controversy

Sister Lan also liked Yue'er's comment that she walked exactly the same as her mother.

Wang Xiaofei's family reunited in Japan, Yue'er's face was like a replica of the big S, and the child's cheap clothes caused controversy

The appearance of "Erwang" this time also sparked debate among netizens again. The point of the argument is that the two children are obviously from rich backgrounds, but they have no shadow of wealth at all, they are dressed cheaply, and the girl's walking demeanor is also a little poor. It is a pity to be considered to have been opened up by the second generation of stars like Wang Shiling.

Wang Xiaofei's family reunited in Japan, Yue'er's face was like a replica of the big S, and the child's cheap clothes caused controversy

Previously, Yue'er was accused of not being well taken care of because she had mosquito scars on her legs in the photo with her father, and she did not wear a small vest when she reached the age of development, and Da S was also scolded for being incompetent.

Wang Xiaofei's family reunited in Japan, Yue'er's face was like a replica of the big S, and the child's cheap clothes caused controversy

Although Xiaofei and Sister Lan love children very much, they still have more than enough to take care of their daily life.

And now Ma Xiaomei has also spread the news of her pregnancy. Yue'er and Jiujiu's future is really worrying.

However, sharp-eyed netizens found that Ma Xiaomei was not seen on this family vacation. I didn't see it when I ate breakfast, and the family didn't see Xiaomei when they went to see the sea.

Wang Xiaofei's family reunited in Japan, Yue'er's face was like a replica of the big S, and the child's cheap clothes caused controversy

Previously, it was reported that Ma Xiaomei, the family's Japanese vacation, also came, saying that her trip was also to spend her honeymoon with Wang Xiaofei, because the two did not have a honeymoon when they received the certificate, and they have been busy opening a store. But now that Xiaomei is pregnant, and Sister Lan is also coming to see the child together, it is not good for Ma Xiaomei to be pregnant for three months.

So what do you think? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

This article was originally written by the board newspaper, and the handling must be investigated

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