
Zhongxing Famous Minister, nicknamed upright, Zeng Guofan called it a hero of the world!

author:Feng Ming reads

Book: Qing Dynasty Official - Peng Yulin, a famous minister in the late Qing Dynasty

Author: Lin Jiapin

Publication: Guangdong People's Publishing House

Zhongxing Famous Minister, nicknamed upright, Zeng Guofan called it a hero of the world!

Peng Yulin is a legendary figure in the late Qing Dynasty, nicknamed "Rigid", and is known as the "Three Heroes" along with Zeng Guofan and Zuo Zongtang; and Zeng, Zuo, and Hu Linyi are known as the "Four Famous Ministers of Zhongxing". Zeng Guofan once commented: If you talk about the heroes of the world, Peng Yulin and Li Hongzhang should be counted. However, Li Hongzhang's name was later associated with those events of losing power and humiliating the country, which was criticized by future generations; At that time, there was such a saying among the people: "Li Hongzhang desperately wants to be an official, Peng Yulin desperately wants to resign", which shows the difference between the two.

Peng Yulin, the word Xueqin, so he is also known as "Xue Shuai", one of the founders of China's modern navy, his life is quite legendary, and he can be regarded as a maverick in the late Qing Dynasty.

Zhongxing Famous Minister, nicknamed upright, Zeng Guofan called it a hero of the world!

The book "The Great Qing Official" has more than 800 pages, more than 700,000 words, and two volumes, not only Peng Yulin's life achievements, but also narrates specific events, commenting on "justice and freedom in the hearts of the people", and the reader has a judgment.

Who are his comrades-in-arms, Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, Hu Linyi, Feng Zicai....

Who are his opponents, Shi Dakai, Chen Yucheng, and Li Xiucheng

His battlefield is in the Yangtze River, and there are "folk" in Zhennanguan

Half for the state and half for the people

Zhongxing Famous Minister, nicknamed upright, Zeng Guofan called it a hero of the world!

Look at the overall situation of the country

Internally, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

met Zeng Guofan and changed the fate of Peng Yulin's life. And he also brought great changes to Zeng Guofan and the Hunan army, Zeng Guofan also said, "The most unforgettable thing in his life, that is, when he was trapped in Jiangxi, Peng Yulin was shirtless and barefoot.... Thousands of miles to see, relative to the scene of crying. The old opponent Shi Dakai also said: "Zeng Guofan is not known for being good at fighting, but can recognize and promote virtuous generals." ”

Zhongxing Famous Minister, nicknamed upright, Zeng Guofan called it a hero of the world!

Shi Dakai film and television image

Together with Zeng Guofan, he founded the Hunan Army Naval Division in Hengzhou, procured foreign artillery, and built shipbuilding regulations, and played an important role in many battles against the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. After repeated military exploits, he became the commander of the Hunan Army's naval division, invincible, and smashed Tianjing!

The details of the specific battles in the book are described in detail, and the viewer is as if they were there

Externally, fight against France

Peng Yulin resigned as a high-ranking official six times in his life and resigned as a minor official more than a dozen times, but once, he actually took the initiative to "ask for an official".

It was during the Sino-French War, Peng Yulin took the initiative to "ask" for the title of secretary of the Ministry of War, Caolou transferred troops, pointed to Wuyang City with a whip, and recommended the veteran Feng Zicai to trust Liu Yongfu of the Black Flag Army. In the end, there was a great victory in Zhennanguan, but the final result was "victory without victory, defeat without defeat", but it made him look up to the sky and sigh.

Zhongxing Famous Minister, nicknamed upright, Zeng Guofan called it a hero of the world!

From the perspective of the common people, Peng Yulin has an iron-faced selflessness like Bao Qingtian, and a clear understanding of cases like Di Renjie, but he is "Peng Da Tie" in the eyes of officials

He told the officials that "if the officials regard the people as fish and meat and themselves as swordsmen, they should be killed", and once discovered, they will be severely punished and punished without favoritism, "using thunderbolt means to show the heart of the Bodhisattva." Among them, there are many cases, whether it is his own nephew who delayed the fighter plane, or the meritorious general who once followed him, and the powerful ministers like Li Hongzhang's nephew, they are all executed. "As soon as Peng Gong came out, the rivers and lakes were solemn."

Therefore, the nickname "uprightness" is also the best interpretation of his life's actions.

Zhongxing Famous Minister, nicknamed upright, Zeng Guofan called it a hero of the world!

Peng Yulin's plum blossoms

With deep affection

Although Peng Yulin in the book is decisive, he has a rare love for children. That's because of Aunt Mei, who died young.

"You have one more thing to promise."

"You say."

"When you go back, you'll have to paint another plum blossom for me."

"I'll paint for you every day from now on."

This sentence, if it is said from the mouth of other teenagers, it will be said, it will never be serious, the young Yulin said this sentence, but it is a real promise, in his later decades of life, he has been practicing this promise: painting plum, painting plum, painting for Aunt Mei, painting for the plum girl, painting all his life, is plum blossoms.

When Yulin said, "Draw for you every day", Aunt Mei's smile in Yulin's arms was like a plum blossom blooming.

People commented on the plum blossoms he painted: dry like iron, branches like steel, flowers like tears

Gu Hongming, a celebrity in the Republic of China, also called Peng Yulin "the first strange man in the world throughout the ages".

And Peng Yulin's repeated words on his deathbed were "border passes, sailors, coastal defense.... Aunt Mei ....."

Zhongxing Famous Minister, nicknamed upright, Zeng Guofan called it a hero of the world!

When I closed the book, I found that the design of the book contained a strong color in it, which was a complement with a crane pattern, just like the details on Peng Yulin's portrait, under the legend and historical facts, I felt that it was worth collecting.
