
The southern woman posted her husband's dinner, because there were only 2 dishes, netizens: It's really happy to marry the right person

author:Enjoy the green dry tone of the mountain

In this fast-paced era, the warmth of home is often hidden in those seemingly ordinary but loving everyday moments. Recently, a Hunan woman posted on the media that her husband carefully prepared dinner, although there were only two dishes, but it attracted the envy and praise of countless netizens: "It's so happy to marry the right person!" "This is not only because of the color, flavor and flavor of the dishes, but also because of the deep affection hidden in every spoon and chopstick.

Dinner on Monday was chicken with sesame oil and stir-fried pork with dried leeks

The southern woman posted her husband's dinner, because there were only 2 dishes, netizens: It's really happy to marry the right person

Sesame oil chicken is selected from the tender local chicken, after careful marinating, and then simmered over low heat until the meat is crispy and soft, and finally poured with special sesame oil, the color is golden and attractive, the aroma is tangy, the deliciousness of the chicken and the mellow of the sesame oil are perfectly integrated, making people have endless aftertaste; Stir-fried pork with dried leeks as an artifact for rice, fragrant dried not only retains the original flavor of the ingredients, but also adds a layered taste, intertwined with the fragrance of leeks, and then matched with the deliciousness of pork, which is very good for rice.

Dinner on Tuesday is wasabi prawns and steamed eggs

The southern woman posted her husband's dinner, because there were only 2 dishes, netizens: It's really happy to marry the right person

The prawns are large and plump, and after the open back treatment, they are added with flavor, and mustard is added, which not only retains the freshness of the shrimp meat, but also adds a hint of fresh and exciting mustard flavor, this dish is brightly colored, which makes people both surprised and satisfied when tasting it; As a classic home-cooked dish, steamed eggs are known for their delicate and tender taste, the surface of the egg custard is smooth as a mirror, gently scoop a spoonful, melt in the mouth, and the faint salty fragrance slowly spreads in the mouth, warming the stomach and heart.

Dinner on Wednesdays is teriyaki chicken thighs and eggplant roasted beans

The southern woman posted her husband's dinner, because there were only 2 dishes, netizens: It's really happy to marry the right person

Today's dinner looked appetizing. After the chicken thighs are marinated, the skin is brushed with a special teriyaki sauce and grilled at high temperatures to give the chicken thighs a golden brown and crispy surface and a juicy inside. The sweetness of the teriyaki sauce is salty, and it complements the deliciousness of the chicken thighs; Eggplant roasted beans may seem simple, but in fact they are very particular, and when paired together, they are not only bright in color and nutritionally balanced, but also have excellent taste and make people appetize.

Dinner on Thursday was chopped pepper sea bass and minced pork tofu

The southern woman posted her husband's dinner, because there were only 2 dishes, netizens: It's really happy to marry the right person

The meat of the sea bass is delicate, with bright red chopped pepper and minced garlic, after steaming, the spicy chili pepper and the freshness of the fish are perfectly integrated, forming a unique taste experience, this dish is full of color and aroma, spicy but not dry; Minced pork and tofu are loved for their simplicity and deliciousness. The tofu melts in your mouth when it is full of gravy, and the deliciousness of the minced meat and the delicacy of the tofu complement each other, making it a great meal.

Dinner on Friday was chicken with soy sauce and scrambled eggs with tomatoes

The southern woman posted her husband's dinner, because there were only 2 dishes, netizens: It's really happy to marry the right person

Today, as the last dinner before the weekend, the soy sauce chicken is marinated with the whole chicken, with soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine and other seasonings, and then simmered until the chicken is cooked through, the color is red and bright, the aroma is overflowing, the salty aroma of soy sauce and the deliciousness of the chicken penetrate each other, and the taste is full; As a national-level home-cooked dish, scrambled eggs with tomato are attractively colored, sweet and sour, carrying the taste and warmth of home.

The southern woman posted her husband's dinner, because there were only 2 dishes, netizens: It's really happy to marry the right person

Five days, a different dinner every day, each dish contains my husband's love and intentions for the family. These seemingly simple dishes not only satisfy the taste buds of the family, but also make the atmosphere of home more warm and harmonious. The reason why netizens are envious is not only because of the deliciousness of these dishes, but also because of the strong love and happy life shown behind them.