
Phlegm and dampness do not remove all kinds of diseases, these 4 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, dry and damp phlegm, help you eliminate phlegm and dampness, phlegm to people

author:Kamiki Garden

While the modern living standard is constantly improving and nutrients are constantly enriched, it has also brought a series of problems to people, such as excessive intake of fat and sweet taste and the accumulation of phlegm and dampness. As the saying goes, "all diseases are due to phlegm", and the accumulation of phlegm and dampness has also brought a series of effects to our normal life, especially physical discomfort, such as edema, diarrhea, diarrhea and other diseases, which will seriously endanger our health.

For slight phlegm and dampness, it can actually be regulated by daily diet or lifestyle changes, but for some patients who have been suffering from the disease for a long time and the disease is more stubborn, they need to resort to some prescriptions.

Phlegm and dampness do not remove all kinds of diseases, these 4 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, dry and damp phlegm, help you eliminate phlegm and dampness, phlegm to people

1. Winter melon peel

When it comes to winter melon, I believe many people have eaten it, but in fact, winter melon skin is also a medicinal herb with a "magical" effect. This medicine is sweet and cool, returns to the spleen meridian and small intestine meridian, and has two main effects, one is to reduce swelling with water, and the other is to clear heat and relieve heat. In the "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" mentioned the efficacy of this medicine, "cough, phlegm, urination", the medicinal properties of winter melon peel are relatively peaceful, good at diluting water and reducing swelling, often used to treat edema, this medicine and Wujiapi, ginger peel combined, edema can play a good role in relieving edema.

Of course, winter melon skin can not only be used medicinally, but also edible, and is a good product with the same origin as food and medicine. As a common vegetable and fruit in life, in fact, many people will also make winter melon skin into medicinal food, for example, in the "Zhejiang Medicinal Plants", there is a record of winter melon skin, red adzuki beans and an appropriate amount of brown sugar, after boiling, eating beans and serving soup.

Phlegm and dampness do not remove all kinds of diseases, these 4 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, dry and damp phlegm, help you eliminate phlegm and dampness, phlegm to people

2. Citrus aurantium

Although the most common application of Citrus aurantium is to conduct qi conduction and stagnation, in fact, it also has a certain effect on phlegm and expectoration, especially for chest paralysis and chest tightness caused by phlegm turbidity block, and this drug can play a good role in improving it. The taste of this medicine is sour, but there is a slight aroma, and there are some "magical" characteristics of Citrus aurantium, that is, its plants do not lose their leaves in winter, which contains wood gas is very vigorous.

Acid into the liver, incense into the spleen and stomach, is the first recommended drug to relieve spleen and stomach stagnation, Zhang Zhongjing's many classic prescriptions have used this traditional Chinese medicine, such as the citrus aurantium shallot white cinnamon branch soup in the "Jin Kui Yaolu", the medicine is combined with shallot white, cinnamon branches, melon, to relieve chest impotence, phlegm obstruction chest paralysis caused by chest fullness, pain and other diseases.

Phlegm and dampness do not remove all kinds of diseases, these 4 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, dry and damp phlegm, help you eliminate phlegm and dampness, phlegm to people

3. Poria cocos

Because Poria cocos is ambushed in the ground to grow, so it has the name of Poria cocos, it is often accompanied by pine roots, not only the growth mode is unique, the medicinal value of the drug is not ordinary, as "the medicine of water swelling", this medicine can treat edema caused by various diseases, it can be regarded as the "master" of water dehumidification.

Poria cocos has peaceful medicinal properties, can not only dispel evil, but also can be corrected, about the application of Poria cocos classic prescriptions, is also countless, such as Zhang Zhongjing included in the "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" in the Wuling San, Zhenwu Soup, Zhu Ling Soup, etc., all have this medicine, sweet can be supplemented, light can seep, is the best choice for water infiltration.

Phlegm and dampness do not remove all kinds of diseases, these 4 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, dry and damp phlegm, help you eliminate phlegm and dampness, phlegm to people

4. Magnolia

This medicine dries and damps phlegm, and calms asthma. If the phlegm drink is filled with internal sputum and the lung qi in the body is not reduced, you can use Suzi, tangerine peel, Banxia and other medicines together to alleviate the symptoms, such as Suzi Qi Reduction Tang in "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Formula".

At the same time, I feel phlegm in the throat, chest tightness and shortness of breath, which is mainly caused by cold drinking and heat, and most of them will be accompanied by irritability.

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