
The Indian space station will be online in 2028 and completed in 2035

author:Tender little leeks

The Indian space station will be online in 2028 and completed in 2035

The Indian space station will be online in 2028 and completed in 2035

India's space station will complete the first phase of construction in 2028 and be completed in 2035, according to the head of India's space research. At the moment they have completed the budget report.

The Indian space station will be online in 2028 and completed in 2035

I know that many people will say "don't underestimate India" as the first thing they say. And then the next thing is to say that India is very developed in IT, India is very good in medicine, and India is free in medical care. What I want to say is that since India is so good, why don't you immigrate to India?

The Indian space station will be online in 2028 and completed in 2035

It is also impossible for India to start building a space station in 2028 and to postpone it to 2038. Why? You know, it's much more difficult to build a space station than an aircraft carrier and a fighter jet. It takes decades for India to build a fighter jet, and in the end it is still made by all countries. There is no possibility that the space station will be in space in 4 years.

The Indian space station will be online in 2028 and completed in 2035

Of course, some people will say that European and American countries will vigorously support India, and European and American countries have indeed supported India in recent years, but the premise of support is that European and American countries have relevant technologies. Now that the International Space Station operated by the United States itself cannot be operated, what technology can they provide to India?

Aerospace requires solid technology and needs to be made step by step. India, a country that can't even handle manned spaceflight, even wants to build a space station. Sometimes I have to admire the braggart ability of the Indian third brother, if there is no India in the world, we will have a lot less fun!

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