
Jeopardy Zero Character Display What are the Jeopardy Zero characters to choose from

author:PC host evaluation little genius

Jeopardy Zero Character Display What are the Jeopardy Zero characters to choose from

As a highly anticipated game, Jeopardy Zero has attracted the attention of many players with its unique setting and rich and diverse characters. The characters in the game not only have a unique appearance and backstory, but are also divided into five attributes: electrical, physical, ice, fire, and wind, each with its own unique fighting style and effects. Below, let's take a closer look at the eye-catching characters in Jeopardy Zero.

Jeopardy Zero Character Display What are the Jeopardy Zero characters to choose from

To play a new server game, a smooth network is the key! Don't worry, use Qiyou Accelerator to help you get it done. Open Qiyou, simply search for "Jeopardy Zero International Service", and with one click, the network acceleration will be done. The acceleration page also intimately attaches a link to the official website, so you can go directly to it with one click and not get lost.

Jeopardy Zero Character Display What are the Jeopardy Zero characters to choose from
Jeopardy Zero Character Display What are the Jeopardy Zero characters to choose from

Electrically Attribute Roles

Ambi Demara

● Background: A little Assassin girl who never talks about her story, as if she had no past, is an enigmatic girl.

● Features: With the output damage of the electric attribute, he is a member of the cunning rabbit house under Nicole.

Jeopardy Zero Character Display What are the Jeopardy Zero characters to choose from

Anton Ivanov

● Background: A powerful high-level figure in the Shirami Heavy Industries Group.

● Features: Able to use a piercing style rich in electric shock attributes, arrogant and domineering, and domineering and exposed.

Physical Attributes: Roles

Nicole DeMara

● Background: The manager of the Cunning Rabbit House Office, young and promising, with a lively and cunning personality.

● Features: Physical striking style, which makes her excellent in battle, and the firm is profitable all year round.

Jeopardy Zero Character Display What are the Jeopardy Zero characters to choose from

Billy Kidd

● Background: A robot character known as the Knight of the Star Emblem, and the protagonist and his party mingle in the Cunning Rabbit House office.

● Features: Tons of physical damage can be dealt with piercing-style attacks, cool and chic.

Jeopardy Zero Character Display What are the Jeopardy Zero characters to choose from

Mana Neko

● Background: A rare subhuman in the game, a cute girl with cat ears, who likes to eat fish.

● Features: Physical slashing style, perverse and cute personality, occasionally a little naughty.

Ben Bigg

● Background: The most important cadre under Keleida in the White Tsui Heavy Industries Group, who looks like a bear.

● Features: Use a huge broadsword for physical attacks, domineering on the outside but gentle on the inside.

Ice character

Von Lekahn

● Background: The thug of the mysterious group, the role of the deacon of the big wolf dog.

● Features: Melee strike system, skills can deal ice attribute damage, calm and brave.

Jeopardy Zero Character Display What are the Jeopardy Zero characters to choose from


● Background: A non-human being with an ice slash style.

● Features: Looks like a Smurf, outgoing and lively, and does not drag his feet when fighting.

Fire character

No. 11

● Background: The backpack appears to be a fire-type character for the weapon.

● Characteristics: Unique personality, does not care about the whereabouts of others, but obsessed with the execution of orders.

Coreda Beloberg

● Background: The president of the White Tsuki Heavy Industries Group, his personality and appearance are very hot.

● Features: The character with the strongest fire attribute monomer explosion, likes to take the lead in battle.

Wind character

Colin Wicks

● Background: An employee of a housekeeping company with a gentle and elegant personality.

● Features: Wind attribute slash physical style, maid dress, outstanding ability.

Hoshimi Ya

● Background: One of the most popular characters in the Sixth Section of the Hollow Special Operations Division.

● Features: Wind attribute character, officially restricted from use due to high appearance rate during the closed beta.

The characters in Jeopardy Zero have their own characteristics, whether you like a cold assassin, a bubbly cute girl, or a domineering robot, you can find a perfect character in the game.