
The patent war is "lost"! What happened to this major laser semiconductor equipment manufacturer?

author:Yangtze River Delta G60 Laser Alliance


Hanmi Semiconductor was rejected, and the subsequent patent for process packaging equipment was ruled "invalid", which was deemed to be "lacking in advancement".

Recently, Hanmi Semiconductor, a leading manufacturer of wafer laser marking equipment, has suffered a "defeat" in a patent lawsuit with Genesem, a manufacturer of semiconductor post-processing equipment, specifically related to the patent of packaging equipment.

The patent war is "lost"! What happened to this major laser semiconductor equipment manufacturer?

含视觉定位系统的芯片制造设备(图源:Hanmi Semiconductor)


It is reported that as early as January 2021, Hanmi Semiconductor filed a lawsuit with the Seoul Central District Court, claiming that Genesem infringed its patent for a semiconductor packaging processing device with patent number 838365. In the lawsuit, Hanmi Semiconductor not only demanded that Genesem cease the infringement, but also filed a claim of up to 1 billion won.

However, Genesem adopted a proactive response strategy by requesting a review of the validity of the patent by the Intellectual Property Trial and Appeal Board. Eventually, the Board found that the patent was "not innovative" because of similar precedents and declared it invalid. Although Hanmi Semiconductor appealed, the Patent Court upheld the original decision.

Now, as a result of the court invalidating its patent, Hanmi Semiconductor may face greater losses than originally anticipated.

It is reported that Hanmi Semiconductor has no intention of continuing to appeal to the Supreme Court. At the same time, another patent lawsuit involving Samsung Electronics is at risk of being dismissed, and the patent has also been declared invalid. The verdict is expected to be announced this month.

In handling the case, the Seoul Central District Court asked HMI Semiconductor to dismiss the lawsuit and ordered both parties to bear the costs of the lawsuit. Genesem, through its lawyers, said they expected to win the case and rejected the court's offer of settlement, as if they did, Hanmi would have to bear the full legal costs.

Dispute traceability

This is not the first time that a patent infringement dispute has erupted between the two parties. As early as April 2018, Hanmi Semiconductor filed a lawsuit against Genesem for infringing its patent (patent number 0396982) related to its semiconductor packaging loading table machine, and won the lawsuit in both the first and second instances, and received 80 million won in compensation after winning the lawsuit. However, it is worth noting that the patent is currently expired.

Thereafter, in January 2021, Hanmi Semiconductor filed a lawsuit alleging that Genesem infringed its patent on semiconductor packaging processing devices, demanding a cessation of infringement and a claim of 1 billion won. In the 2021 lawsuit, the two parties specifically engaged in a patent battle over the visual positioning system in semiconductor packaging equipment. The vision positioning system is integrated into the process of cleaning, drying, inspecting, screening, and cutting semiconductor packages on the wafer, which is an indispensable piece of equipment in semiconductor production. Since its first launch in 1998, it has been supplied to many global semiconductor companies and is recognized for its technological prowess.

Laser "Gene"

According to the data, Hanmi Semiconductor (Hanmi Semiconductor) was founded in 1980, formerly known as Han-Mi Co., Ltd., headquartered in Incheon, South Korea, and is a packaging manufacturer of semiconductor equipment. Its product business projects are mainly divided into three main segments: semiconductor equipment, laser application technology, photovoltaic and LED. The Semiconductor segment provides equipment such as analog, flip chip adhesives, molding, trimming and forming, marking, inspection, pick and place, joining and separating, and PCB. Laser application processes include equipment such as laser marking, laser ablation, laser cutting and simulation, and roll-to-roll lasers. PV & LED provides equipment including PV brick IR inspection, PV wafer inspection, LED hand mold, etc.

The patent war is "lost"! What happened to this major laser semiconductor equipment manufacturer?
The patent war is "lost"! What happened to this major laser semiconductor equipment manufacturer?
The patent war is "lost"! What happened to this major laser semiconductor equipment manufacturer?

From top to bottom, marking, ablation, and cutting equipment (Source: Hanmi Semiconductor official website)

In 2005, Hanmi Semiconductor was listed on the Korea Stock Exchange (KOSPI). In 2008, the "Laser R&D Center" was established; In 2021, we launched Korea's first micro SAW equipment for package cutting and completed the construction of a related plant. In 2022, Hanmi Semiconductor accelerated the development of wafer dicing equipment, which is monopolized by Japanese companies, in order to shorten the equipment delivery cycle and solve the problems of semiconductor supply and production capacity.

The patent war is "lost"! What happened to this major laser semiconductor equipment manufacturer?

micro SAW设备系列(图源:Hanmi Semiconductor官网)

According to statistics, Hanmi Semiconductor's main customers include TSMC, Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Semiconductor, ASE Korea, PTI Technology and other large manufacturers, whose average export value accounts for more than 77% of sales, and has more than 320 customers worldwide. Since the end of 2022, Hanmi Semiconductor's share price has risen by nearly 1,200%, and it was once known as "Asia's most bullish chip stock"!

In recent years, the application of lasers in the field of semiconductor manufacturing has become more and more extensive and diverse. In the diverse laser equipment market, there are many different equipment suppliers involved in a variety of semiconductor processes for processing many different types of materials. According to market research data, the global wafer laser marking machine market sales will reach 1.24 billion yuan in 2023 and are expected to reach 1.93 billion yuan in 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.7% (2024-2030).

Among them, Hanmi Semiconductor is also one of the core manufacturers of wafer laser marking machines in the world. TechInsights, a global semiconductor research and analysis company, recently ranked the world's top 10 chip fabrication machine makers and was named the best company in the field of chip processing and assembly equipment.

The patent war is "lost"! What happened to this major laser semiconductor equipment manufacturer?
The patent war is "lost"! What happened to this major laser semiconductor equipment manufacturer?


According to public information, Hanmi Semiconductor has applied for 859 intellectual property rights, including 715 patents, and is considered a leading semiconductor equipment company in Korea.

From: ofweek

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