
Safety precautions for hot work in summer

author:Heze Luxi New District

Scorching summer, scorching heat and heat. There is a group of people who stick to the front line, they sweat like rain and work hard; Under the scorching heat, they are not afraid of the high temperature and stick to their posts. Summer is a period of frequent safety accidents and diseases, and this article reminds everyone to do a good job in summer heat stroke prevention and safety precautions to avoid accidents.

Precautions for hot work in summer

1. For those workers who are not suitable for working outdoors, at high altitude and at high temperatures, they should be appropriately transferred to work, such as those who suffer from persistent hypertension, anemia, emphysema, kidney disease, cardiovascular system and central nervous system diseases, and are generally not suitable for working at high temperature and high places. At the same time, avoid working alone in harsh conditions.

2. Outdoor operations should be reasonably arranged for work and rest time, and the method of "doing two ends and resting in the middle" should be adopted, or the method of rotating operations should be adopted to avoid long-term exposure to the sun, such as choosing a cooler time period in the morning and evening for operation, and avoiding the hot time at noon.

3. Avoid direct sunlight on the body and head during outdoor operations, avoid direct absorption of radiant heat by the skin, try to penetrate light-colored cotton clothes for air and heat dissipation, wear comfortable and breathable safety helmets, and wear various protective equipment according to the needs of the operation.

4. It is strictly forbidden to go to work shirtless and wear slippers during operation, and the inspection of the wearing and use of safety protective equipment should be strengthened at the job site to ensure the real implementation of labor protection measures.

5. The operation site must be equipped with heatstroke prevention and cooling drugs such as Rendan, ten drops of water, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, and wind oil essence, and should take the initiative to understand the operation site and physical condition of front-line employees to prevent fatigue in hot weather, which will lead to heat stroke.

6. Carry out publicity work on heat stroke prevention and cooling knowledge for on-site personnel to ensure that employees understand the symptoms of heat stroke and can actively carry out self-protection and treatment.

7. Open-air and high-temperature workers should replenish water in time, such as drinking tea, mung bean soup and cool drinks with a salt concentration of 0.1~0.3%, etc., to prevent the occurrence of accidents such as acute heat stroke and dehydration shock. But don't overdrink, drink water at any time, don't wait until you're thirsty before drinking, it's best not to exceed 300ml each time. Do not eat more cold drinks to avoid constriction of blood vessels in the gastrointestinal tract and affect digestive function.

8. Operators are strictly required not to work after drinking, and it is clear that they are not allowed to drink frozen beer or other alcoholic cold drinks before and during work hours as personal heatstroke prevention and cooling measures.

9. In high temperature weather, the skin is prone to sweating a lot, especially the hands, which is very prone to slippage during operation, causing the imbalance of the center of gravity of the human body and causing falls, falls, etc., especially high-altitude work, which is easy to lead to high-altitude falling accidents. Therefore, pay attention to the selection of appropriate canvas, gauze gloves and other labor protection supplies, as well as appropriate auxiliary hand tools, and maintain a high degree of concentration.

10. Before using tools or equipment, you should be familiar with the safety operation procedures, and be alert to the risks in the work in a high temperature environment at any time.

11. When you come back from outdoor work, you must not take a cold shower or enter a lower temperature room, which will make the pores of the whole body close quickly, and the heat in the body will be difficult to dissipate, and it will also cause insufficient blood supply to the brain due to the rapid contraction of blood vessels in the brain, making people dizzy.

12. In summer, you should keep enough sleep, have a good rest, and eat more nutritious fruits and vegetables. Avoid undesirable phenomena such as physical fatigue, malaise, decreased reflexes, and impetuousness, so as not to put yourself or others in danger by unsafe behaviors.

Manifestations of heat stroke and emergency measures

Heat stroke is one of the common acute fever diseases in the hot summer, patients will have dizziness, headache, nausea, thirst, sweating, palpitation and flushing, body temperature can rise to more than 38 °C, and even have blood pressure, pulse increase and other prostration manifestations, prevention of heat stroke is the key.

1. Manifestations of heat stroke symptoms

(1) Threatened heat stroke. The symptoms are: after working in a high temperature environment for a period of time, there are symptoms such as heavy sweating, thirst, weakness, inability to concentrate, and uncoordinated movements, and the body temperature is normal or slightly elevated at this time, but it will not exceed 37.5 °C.

(2) Mild heat stroke. The symptoms are: in addition to the symptoms of premonitory heat stroke, dizziness and fatigue, flushing, chest tightness and shortness of breath, burning and dry skin, and body temperature rising to more than 38.5 °C. At this time, if the rescue is not provided in time, heat syncope or heat collapse will occur.

(3) Severe heat stroke. Usually a mild episode of heat stroke (patient) that occurs without prompt and inappropriate treatment, resulting in a severe deterioration of the condition, followed by coma, spasms or convulsions of the hands and feet. At this time, the skin of heat stroke patients is often dry and sweatless, and the body temperature rises to more than 40 °C, if you do not rush to first aid, it is likely to endanger your life.

2. Emergency measures in case of heat stroke

(1) Those with precursors of heat stroke and mild symptoms: immediately leave the high-temperature working environment, go to a cool, quiet, well-ventilated place to rest, loosen clothes, and drink cool drinks (light salt water or strong tea).

(2) Patients with severe or high fever need first aid:

a. Cool down quickly, place the patient in a cool and ventilated place, and untie clothes.

b. Ice packs can be placed on the patient's head, armpits, groin area, etc.

c. Wipe or spray with ice water, cold water, alcohol. Eventually, the body temperature drops to around 38°C and prevents the temperature from rising again.

d. Massage the limbs to prevent blood stagnation, elevate the patient's feet, help venous return, and relieve the state of shock.

(3) People suffering from heat stroke should avoid drinking a large amount of water, and should take a small amount of water and drinking water many times, and it is advisable to drink no more than 300ml each time. Don't binge drink. Because drinking a lot of water will not only dilute the gastric juice, which will affect the digestive function, but also cause reflex hyperperspiration. As a result, a large amount of water and salt are lost in the body, and in severe cases, heat cramps can occur.

(4) In addition to the above treatment, patients with heat cramps should be given a saline drink and a conditional intravenous drip of 500~1000ml of normal saline.

(5) For patients with serious conditions, call 120 immediately and send the patient to the emergency department of the hospital as soon as possible.

Precautions for drinking water in summer

The weather is hot, and people must master the skills of drinking water when working outdoors to avoid "water poisoning".

1. Drink an appropriate amount of light salt water. Drinking some light salt water when working outdoors can replenish the inorganic salts carried away by the body's large amount of sweat. The most convenient way is to add 1g of salt to 500ml of drinking water and drink it at the right time. This not only replenishes the body's needs, but also prevents electrolyte imbalances.

2. Drink more water and less water. Many people are accustomed to deciding whether they need to drink water based on whether they are thirsty or not, but this is actually unscientific. Because thirst is an important signal that the body's water balance has been lost. At work, if you are thirsty, you can't drink it all at once, you should drink it multiple times, and the amount of drink is small, so as to facilitate human absorption. A reasonable way is to drink 100ml to 150ml of water each time, with an interval of half an hour.

3. Try to avoid drinking drinking water that is too cold. In summer outdoor work, the body temperature of the human body is usually high, and drinking a lot of cold drinks is easy to cause digestive diseases. Experts suggest that it is better for outdoor workers not to drink drinks below 5 °C, and it is more scientific to drink light salt water at about 10 °C. Because, this can not only achieve the purpose of cooling and quenching thirst, but also do not hurt the stomach and intestines, and can also replenish the salt needed by the human body in time.

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