
Do you understand the "green fear" behind the "orange" warning? "Taiwan independence" wants to kidnap all Taiwanese

author:Straits Herald

On June 27, the Mainland Affairs Council of the Taiwan authorities announced that the travel alert to the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao will be upgraded to "orange" with immediate effect, and people are advised to avoid non-essential travel to the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao. The implication of this readjustment is very clear, that is, to reduce as much as possible the number and frequency of Taiwan compatriots coming to the mainland (including Hong Kong and Macao).

Of course, the strongest backlash against this is the tourism industry on the island. In recent years, affected by the epidemic, the life of the tourism industry is generally not as good as before. At present, tourists on the island have a strong desire to travel, and many people in Taiwan want to visit the famous mountains and rivers on the mainland, and they are also catching up with the peak summer tourist season. However, the Lai authorities have turned a deaf ear to the call for opening up and expanding cross-strait tourism exchanges, and instead poured "a basin of cold water." How can the operators not be angry?

Do you understand the "green fear" behind the "orange" warning? "Taiwan independence" wants to kidnap all Taiwanese

Many media inside and outside the island have criticized the MAC and the DPP authorities for sabotaging cross-strait exchanges and ignoring people's livelihood and well-being from the angle of the "orange" warning for the serious impact on the tourism industry. However, the heavy blow to the tourism industry caused by this adjustment is only "collateral damage," and the real purpose of the Lai authorities is to kidnap as many Taiwanese as possible so that everyone can be "Taiwan independence."

In issuing the warning, the MAC mentioned two reasons: First, it falsely claimed that there have been many cases of people going to the mainland being "illegally detained, detained, and interrogated"; The second refers to the "Opinions on Punishing 'Taiwan Independence' Diehards for Separatism and Inciting Separatism in Accordance with Law" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions") recently promulgated by the mainland.

The logic of the Lai authorities contains vicious hints, that is, slandering the mainland for not respecting the rule of law and procedures, and slandering that the purpose of the mainland's issuance of the "Opinions" is to sanction every Taiwan citizen, declaring that all Taiwan people who go to the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao may be "illegally detained, detained, and interrogated."

Not only did the MAC and other DPP authorities say this, but the flanks of the Green Battalion, the Internet Army, and celebrities also slandered the "Opinions" from this angle as a "wanted warrant" for all Taiwan people after the "Opinions" were issued. Lai Ching-te, on the other hand, put the "underlying logic" of the operation more bluntly, claiming that more than 90 percent of the people in Taiwan are likely to be affected by the Opinions.

Do you understand what Lai Qingde is talking about? He unilaterally declared that 90 percent of the people in the Taiwan region are "Taiwan independence," and that they are all "Taiwan independence" like him and those on the list of "Taiwan independence" diehards.

What is particularly ironic is that among these 90 percent, Ma Ying-jeou, who has been scolded by the DPP for more than 10 years for "being pro-China and selling Taiwan". Lai Qingde also openly stressed to foreign media reporters that his cross-strait exposition is the same as that of Ma Ying-jeou. Former "legislator" Guo Zhengliang bitterly criticized Lai Qingde for being shameless, and even dragged Ma Ying-jeou over to "block the gun" and "pull down the whole of Taiwan as a backing when something happened." He bluntly said that Lai Qingde was "scared" and "cowardly"!

Do you understand the "green fear" behind the "orange" warning? "Taiwan independence" wants to kidnap all Taiwanese

If we figure out these ways, we will find that the "orange" warning is aimed at the adjustment of the tourism industry, and it is clear that "Taiwan independence" politicians are trying to use policy tools to impose "house arrest" on the 23 million Taiwanese people, restricting Taiwanese people from knowing, understanding, and loving the mainland.

This is because the more enthusiastic and intimate the people on both sides of the strait become, the more "Taiwan independence" politicians and "Taiwan independence" political parties will fall into unprecedented isolation. They can no longer hold on to the fact that no one is like them.

The reaction of the Lai authorities to the "Opinions," including the issuance of the "orange" warning, has fully exposed the "green fear" of the "Taiwan independence" elements, and has also given rise to a series of self-slapping operations.

For example, in the past, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) had to "smear the Chinese Kuomintang" or the People's Party, either criticizing it as a "common passerby of the Chinese Communist Party" or "a sympathizer of the Chinese Communist Party." However, after the release of the "Opinions," the DPP unified its argument and sang "we are all the same" and desperately "smeared" the opposition parties and the people of Taiwan.

Regarding the attitude of the Lai authorities of "the outside and cowardice on the inside", netizens on the island really laughed angrily. Some netizens said, "Lai Qingde's face is so big, the whole people's 'Taiwan independence' will come when they open their mouths", and some netizens sarcastically, "It turns out that I am 'Taiwan independence', why don't I know?" ”

Lai's tactic is called "muddying the waters" so that the mainland can punish the "rat trap"; Taiwan's society's countermeasure is to "draw a clear line" and "make a clear distinction" from the "Taiwan independence" elements.

Li Shengfeng, vice chairman of the New Party, said: "Taiwan and 'Taiwan independence' are clearly distinguished, and there is no equal sign in between. Want to pull Taiwanese people to 'sacrifice' for 'Taiwan independence'? Taiwanese don't do it". Chen Fengxin, a commentator on current affairs in Taiwan, criticized Lai, "'Taiwan independence' is your own goal, and we are different from you." Scholar Lai Yueqian bluntly said, "Lai Qingde should not tie us to your 'Taiwan independence' chariot, you do not represent Taiwan."

As a matter of fact, at the time of the issuance of the "Opinions" and after their promulgation, the mainland side has repeatedly explained the main points to the Taiwan compatriots. The "Opinions" on punishing "independence" are not aimed at or involve the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots, but are aimed at a very small number of "Taiwan independence" diehards who have vile words and deeds related to "independence" and who are rampant in their activities of seeking "independence," as well as their crimes of separatism and inciting separatism.

Do you understand the "green fear" behind the "orange" warning? "Taiwan independence" wants to kidnap all Taiwanese

At present, there are only 10 "Taiwan independence" diehards announced by the mainland. We have to ask Lai Qingde, among the 23 million Taiwanese people, how can these 10 people account for 90%?

As early as 20 May, when Lai Qingde delivered his speech on "Taiwan independence," the mainland side clearly pointed out that we will never tolerate or tolerate any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist acts. Lai Qingde and his ilk know better than anyone why the judicial documents were formulated, why they were issued, and who they were aimed at, and the vast number of Chinese people, including the Taiwan compatriots, also have a scale in their hearts.

The mainland side punishes "independence" in accordance with the law, blends leniency with severity, and punishes them as their crimes. Only by severely punishing those on the list can we maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and fundamentally safeguard the vital interests and well-being of the vast number of Taiwan compatriots.

The Lai authorities' attempt to "bring all Taiwanese to Taiwan independence" will only provoke a stronger backlash. Whether it is an "orange" alert or a "red" alert, leave it to the DPP itself!

Source: Voice of the Straits

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