
It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li of Southern Medical University has resigned!

author:Emergency doctor Da Liu

The incident of Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University has set off a lot of waves on the Internet, but it is the protagonist who should speak out the most - Dr. Yu Li and the patient's family. But it was surprisingly quiet.

Rumors swirl that Dr. Yu Li had submitted her resignation letter.

There is no official exact report on the reason for the resignation of Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University.

However, according to relevant online information, Dr. Yu Li's resignation may be related to the previous school punishment she received for being late for class to save her child.

It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li of Southern Medical University has resigned!

Previously, on May 10, before the "Pediatrics" class, Ms. Yu Li found that the child in her department was in critical condition and suspected of cerebral hemorrhage, so she stayed for emergency treatment, resulting in 29 minutes late for class.

The school determined that she "made mistakes in teaching such as not being punctual in class", and deducted her bonus, circulated criticism to the whole school, and canceled her qualification for the annual evaluation.

This punishment has attracted widespread attention and discussion, and many people believe that Ms. Yu Li's behavior is out of the instinct of a doctor to save lives and help the wounded, and should be understood and tolerated, and the school's handling of it is somewhat inappropriate.

It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li of Southern Medical University has resigned!

Such an incident has triggered people's thinking about the balance between system and human feelings, and between the duties of doctors and teaching discipline in medical education.

Dr. Yu may have resigned because of her frustration with the school's handling and the stress and impact of the incident.

It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li of Southern Medical University has resigned!

These online information are only speculations, and the specific reasons are subject to the explanation of Dr. Yu Li herself or relevant official channels.

Such incidents also serve as a reminder of the plight faced by practitioners in the healthcare industry, and how to find a better balance between institutions and human favors to encourage and protect the professionalism of doctors.

Source: New Congxin