
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health

author:Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Hospital

July 1st Party Day

The heart of "medicine" is to celebrate July 1st of the party

Love free clinic to deliver health

Warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit the party's fine traditions, thoroughly implement the party's mass line, and further give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, the general party branch of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Hospital organized a party member medical team to hold a large-scale public welfare free clinic activity with the theme of "medical heart to the party" in Longgang Wanda Plaza on the afternoon of June 30.

Free clinic service to send health on July 1st Party Day

July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health

This event not only provided professional medical services for the citizens, but also conveyed the warmth and care of the party. The free clinic activity is composed of party members and medical teams composed of backbones from internal medicine, general surgery, proctology, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology, traditional Chinese medicine, pediatrics, otolaryngology, stomatology and other departments of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Hospital, providing citizens with services such as disease consultation, blood pressure measurement, blood sugar measurement, and interpretation of examination reports.

July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health

At the event site, the experts patiently answered the questions asked by the citizens and gave reasonable suggestions and treatment plans. The atmosphere was warm, and everyone was full of praise for the intimate service of the medical staff.

July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health

An elderly man said with emotion: "These doctors are like our relatives, they care about our health, and we feel very warm. ”

Send warmth to the old party members in the community

July 1st Party Day

July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health

In order to allow the elderly party members in the community to enjoy the intimate service of sending the doctor to the door, the party member medical team of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Hospital also went deep into the families of the elderly party members in the community to do health examinations for the old party members and send care and warmth.

July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health

At the same time, in order to provide more convenient health services for the elderly in the community, the General Party Branch of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Hospital and the Party Committee of Pinghu Community jointly carried out medical and social integration projects, and regularly carried out public welfare activities such as free clinics and health science lectures in the community every month, which were well received by the elderly.

July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health
July 1st Party Day | The heart of the "doctor" is to celebrate July 1st of the party, and the free clinic is dedicated to health

Hu Mingyan, Secretary of the General Party Branch and President of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Hospital, said that Huayi will continue to adhere to the "people's health as the center", continue to promote the deep integration of party building work and medical services, and contribute more to the health and well-being of the people