
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level Party Branch of China Oriental Performing Arts Group Vocal Music Center: Keep in mind the mission of the national team of literature and art and sing the main theme of the new era

author:Cultural Tourism China Headlines

From the national song and dance drama "On the Road to Poverty Alleviation", which pays tribute to poverty alleviation cadres, to the musical "Bloom", which shows the demeanor of Communist Party members in the new era, the Party Branch of the Vocal Music Center of China Oriental Performing Arts Group was established in April 2021. This young team, composed of 21 party members and 1 probationary party member, integrates party building and business innovation, tempers political and professional abilities through colorful performances and practical activities, and transmits the party's voice to the hearts of the masses. This integration model not only boosts the professional level of party members, but also enhances the unity and strength of the party organization. In September 2023, the Party Branch of the Vocal Music Center of China Oriental Performing Arts Group was awarded the "Top Four" Party Branch of the Central Committee and State Organs.

Take the model as a mirror to absorb spiritual nutrients

"Behind this honor, it is inseparable from the hard work and unremitting efforts of every party member." Zhang Lei, deputy general manager of China Oriental Performing Arts Group and secretary of the Party branch of the vocal music center, said that as a literary and artistic worker, he should not only focus on creation and performance, but also shoulder the mission of inheriting the core values of socialism. The party branch has always closely integrated the party building work with the business work, conveyed the party's voice through activities, let party members feel the warmth and strength of the party in artistic creation, and jointly wrote a literary and artistic chapter in the new era.

Zhang Lei introduced that in terms of the combination of party building and business, the party branch of the vocal music center has always adhered to the principle of "the branch is built on the connection". Whether it is a major performance activity or a daily rehearsal and training, the party building work will be integrated into it to ensure that party members play a vanguard and exemplary role in business work. At the same time, it also pays attention to the close integration of party building work with business work, and enhances the cohesion and combat effectiveness of party members through diversified activities. In the field of creation, the members of the party branch uphold the people-centered orientation, actively create works that closely follow the pulse of the times and reflect the voice of the people, convey the voice of the party with the power of art, and highlight the mission and responsibility of party members.

In recent years, the Party Branch of the Vocal Music Center has actively participated in a series of outstanding literary and artistic works created and performed by China Oriental Performing Arts Group. These works not only affectionately show the noble spirit of Communist Party members, but also ignite strong patriotic feelings in the hearts of the audience. In the process of creation, the members of the party branch went deep into the grassroots, listened to the voices of the people, and deeply grasped the people's living needs and the pulse of the times through field investigation and research.

Bringing tradition to the details

The Party Branch of the Vocal Music Center also improves the political literacy and professional ability of Party members through various forms of learning and practical activities. For example, a temporary party branch will be set up during the performance to focus on learning and exchange; Visit the revolutionary historical sites and red bases to enhance the sense of historical responsibility and mission.

In April 2023, members of the Party Branch of the Vocal Music Center came to the History Museum of the Central Soviet District (Western Fujian) during the performance to experience the difficult and unswerving spirit of the early Communists. In a corner of the museum, they stumbled upon the score of the "Army Military Academy School Song" and were deeply moved. As vocal music inheritors, they felt a great responsibility, so under the leadership of Wang Juanai, deputy director of the vocal music center, everyone immediately learned and sang live. "During the singing, we deeply experienced the fighting spirit of the Communist Party of China in the past years, and made it clearer about our responsibilities and responsibilities as party members." Wang Juanai said.

As early as 2022, Wang Juanai was deeply influenced by red culture. When I was studying in Fujian, a leader of the local cultural and tourism department was good at red folk songs, and when he visited the red base, he used his singing voice to bring everyone back to the era of burning passion. With the ups and downs of the melody, the members of the party branch seemed to have traveled through time, and you sang one by one. This trip not only allowed Wang Juanai to appreciate the charm of red folk songs, but also deeply understood the weight of history. Since then, everywhere they went, they used red songs as a medium, integrated into the local history, and expressed their deep respect and love for the party.

During this trip, the two young party members of the party branch not only learned the songs, but also poured what they saw and felt into their pens and expressed their deep feelings for the party in words. "I was deeply shocked by this spontaneous and in-depth thinking and expression. In my opinion, this is exactly what the party building work is pursuing, not only to let party members understand the history and spirit of the party, but also to stimulate their deep love and admiration. Wang Juanai said that in the party branch of the vocal music center, whenever a song about the party is sung, whether it is an old party member or a new party member, he will be engrossed and full of passion. The loud and sonorous singing not only shows the artistic level of the actors, but also reflects their loyalty and love for the party, especially the old party members with their rigorous style and deep feelings to infect the new party members, and enhance the team cohesion and centripetal force.

Grow up in learning, thinking, and practice

In the musical "Bloom", Yu Yueyue, a young actor of China Oriental Performing Arts Group, performed the artistic image of Zhang Guimei, the winner of the "July 1st Medal", which is of great significance to her. In the process of going deeper into the role, Yu Yue was deeply touched by the "Guimei Spirit" of sticking to his beliefs and selfless dedication. After the performance, she did not hesitate to submit an application to join the party. "In the process of creating the character, I deeply realized the influence of the party spirit on my work, life and artistic creation." Yu Yue said.

During the tour, Yu Yue met many young audiences, including high school students with dreams, students who have just entered the university campus, and young people who are about to enter the workplace. In her communication with them, she deeply felt the power of "Bloom". Many viewers said frankly that this musical has strengthened their determination to devote themselves to the cause of education, and they are eager to become teachers, illuminate the way forward for more children with the light of knowledge, and dedicate their youth and enthusiasm to the cause of education.

"Looking back on the road of acting, I have grown from a young man who loves art to an actor with faith and pursuit, and finally became a member of the Communist Party, all of which are inseparable from the cultivation and care of the party." Yu Yueyue said that I will cherish this honor and responsibility even more, influence more young actors with my work attitude and artistic pursuit, firmly pursue beliefs and ideals, and contribute to the cause of literature and art.

Zhang Lei said that looking forward to the future, the Party Branch of the Vocal Music Center will implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply to the artists of China Oriental Performing Arts Group, always keep in mind the mission and responsibility of the "National Team of Literature and Art", continue to uphold the creative orientation of "people-centered" and the working principle of "branch building on the connection", constantly innovate the ways and means of party building and business integration, and promote the literary and artistic cause and party building work to a new level.

Editor-in-charge: Wu Yue

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